Lessons From A Quitter Podcast

Get insight, inspiration, tools, and resources to help you quit
what you hate and figure out what it is that you love

It is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or money you’ve spent chasing degrees and jobs to get to your current position, if ultimately you’re unhappy, then it is time to quit. Each week, Goli Kalkhoran, a fellow quitter, will interview inspiring guests who have quit lucrative careers to forge their own path and create a life they love.

Thoughts on How to Deal With the Coronavirus Crisis

We’re all feeling scared and uncertain about the future.   I don’t have the answers. But I’m hoping my perspective might quiet those fears a bit.   My advice basically falls into a couple DOs and DONTs.   DON’T:   DON’T…

Book Review: Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck

This week on the pod, I’m reviewing Martha Beck’s Finding Your Own North Star.   If you’ve ever wondered how you should find your calling or passion, this book is for you. It is a guide to uncovering what has always been there.   In this…

Book Review: The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

This week on the podcast, we’re kicking off our book club for 2020. One of the biggest tools to achieving the life you want is changing your mindset. Books and podcasts have been pivotal in my own journey and the journey of so many others who…

Tackling Your Financial Plan So You Can Quit With Rob Bertman

Are you staying in a job you hate because of money?   The #1 reason I hear from people when they tell me they can’t quit is finances.   Whether it is too much debt, not being able to replace their salary, or not being able to cut back, money…

How to Reinvent Yourself with Marc Allen

This week I had the opportunity to chat with Marc Allen, a strategy consultant to social impact and development funders worldwide, advising them on how to create greater human impact with their investments. We talk all about why skills are valuable….

How to Properly Set Goals to Actually Achieve your Dreams

If you’re serious about achieving the many dreams you have for your life, you need to start getting serious about goal-setting. I know goal-setting, especially around New Year’s, gets a bad rap. But I always find it laughable that people look down…

Dr. Maria Phalime: The Doctor Who Walked Away

 We’re obsessed with trying to find the “right” answer because we think that will give us some semblance of “control” over our future.⁠ “How do I know which direction is the right one for me?”⁠ Everyone who wants to quit their job asks some…

Modeling Greatness In Everything You Do with Shunta Grant

In 75 episodes, I think the recurring lesson that comes up in almost every single episode is that you can’t think your way to the end goal. It just doesn’t work that way.⁠ ⁠ There will be detours. Set-backs. New connections. And a whole lot of…

How being a people-pleaser keeps you stuck

Hi, my name is Goli and I’m a life-long people-pleaser.⁠ ⁠ I have a feeling a lot of you are too. Because we’re trained from childhood to just do what we’re told and not make waves.⁠ And while I used to understand that this tendency made me…