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One of the biggest benefits that come from pivoting a career is that it shows you the freedom you truly have to reinvent yourself. The fear of starting over lessens with each jump and that’s why so many #quitters go on to have multiple career changes. That freedom is such a blessing because you’ll quickly learn that there is a lot of trial and error in finding your next career step. It is precisely through those many failures that you are led to where you need to be. This week I spoke with Julian Mather about his own process through many career pivots. After failing out of high school, he took that failure and decided that his education was in his own hands and chose to become a life long learner. After leaving high school, Julian joined the army and became a sniper for a number of years. He then started a 25-year career as a photojournalist/tv-camera man, globetrotting and documenting people doing incredible stories of people doing incredible things. What’s amazing about his story is that he was at the top of his career and loved his job, and yet, he felt a calling to do something more. He walked away from his career at the age of 48. (Something a lot of people never muster up the courage to do!). He wanted to teach children valuable lessons about philanthropy and helping others. When his first foray into entrepreneurship failed, Julian went on to fulfill his passion by becoming a successful children’s entertainer and magician for a number of years. He started a YouTube channel that garnered over 130,000 subscribers and 30 million views. That channel led him to creating a business out of showing people how to be in the kids’ entertainment space. He has since sold that business and is now re-inventing himself once again. He is teaching businesses how to use video to leverage their sales and marketing. I loved Julian’s story so much because of his insight on reinvention and starting over. Here is what we chat about in this episode: Why it’s important to adopt a learning mindset. Why you are 100% responsible for your life. How change is a process and not an event. And so much more! Where to find Julian:   Website: http://www.julianmather.com/ Email: julian@julianmather.com Follow along for more: www.lessonsfromaquitter.com https://www.facebook.com/lessonsfromaquitter https://www.instagram.com/lessonsfromaquitter/ https://twitter.com/quitterpodcast

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