Setting Yourself Up for Career Success
Ep. 282
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Setting yourself up for career success

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In this episode of Lessons from a Quitter, I dive deep into the systems for setting yourself up for success. Listen to explore the intricate balance between strengths and weaknesses and how to leverage them for success. The three-step process I swear by involves eliminating tasks that don’t serve you, delegating when possible, and understanding what you truly need to excel. I share personal anecdotes, highlighting the power of strategic planning and self-awareness from my own entrepreneurial journey. Tune in to discover how anticipating obstacles and strategically addressing them can pave the way for achieving your goals and crafting a life you love.

Show Transcript
Hey! Welcome to Lessons from a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you've spent getting to where you are. If ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.
Hello my friends and welcome to another episode. I'm so excited you are here because I want to help more of you become successful in your life, whatever that means in your career, whether that's setting up a business, whether that's climbing that corporate ladder, whether that's getting a new job, start going into a new industry, it doesn't matter. And I just want you to be successful in whatever it is you do, even if it's not in your career. Even if you take these principles that we talk about today and you think about how you can apply it, and I'll talk about how I apply it in other areas of my career. But one way that I wanna help you is if you do wanna set up a business.
So I am doing a program starting in January. It's a limited time offer that I'm not sure if I'll offer. Again, it's a three month small group coaching program for people who want to have their business, whether that's a coaching business, consulting business, some kind of teaching guiding business online. They wanna have it up and running in the first three months. Or maybe you have had a business and you just haven't gotten the traction or the growth that you want. You don't make a consistent income. You're kind of confused about what you sell, how you sell it, how you should be selling it. I want to help with the knowledge that I've gained over the last five years of building my consistent multiple six figure business and all of the business programs I've done and all of the masterminds and all of the knowledge I've gained about how to properly establish an online business, how to create offers that are irresistible, how to actually, grow your income in a sustainable way.
And I know a lot of you have asked me to teach you this, and so we're gonna jump in and we're gonna take a lot of action. These three months will not be passive. You'll have to be able to come to the calls. You have to be able to do the work. So if you're interested, if this is something like you don't want 20, 24 to go by and you still kind of, sort of half-assing it, one foot in and one foot out, you wanna go all in, you wanna build this, you wanna spend the rest of 2024 after the first three months really pouring gasoline on what you have done in the first quarter, then I want you to join me. You can go to and you can come get all of the support that you need to actually create a business that you love. All right?
So part of that, as I was thinking about why I am doing this program, why I wanna do this program is why I wanted to do this episode and it's something that's been interesting. I've been thinking about myself. What's fascinating is I look back now on my life and I see things that I did that I didn't realize I was doing or there was things that I think back and I'm really thankful to my past self for doing. Even though I was really confused, or even though I didn't know it was mindset work or I didn't know what I was, you know, doing at the time would set me up. I really hooked myself up. My past self really kind of got some things right and she got a lot of things wrong, but we like to focus on the things that she did right.

I've been really thinking about how I approach my goals, how I approach new things. And I look back and I think, you know, I have managed to accomplish a good amount in my life. I was always kind of an overachiever and I knew working hard, like I had that part down, but there's a lot of people that work hard. And so I constantly think about like what made it different that allowed me to get into the schools that I wanted to get into and get really good grades in those schools and get really good jobs and do well at those jobs. And then leave a career and start over and start a business. You know, my photo booth business, I started a business in something I have no background in and I learned how to create hardware and software and market and sell and create that business.
And then when I did coaching, like I have put myself in these situations where I have to learn a lot, where I have to do a lot. And as you know, when I talk about it on this podcast, I talk very openly about how lazy I am and about how I don't like doing anything. And those are all true too. And I talk a lot about how disorganized I can be and how I'm not really a go-getter in that sense. Like I can procrast I procrastinate all the time. And so I've been really like trying to figure out how do I balance these parts of me, right? How is it that I can be somebody that really, you know, likes to rest and procrastinates and waits the last minute, but also accomplishes the things that she sets out to. And like if I have a goal I am extremely persistent and I will figure out a way to get it accomplished.
And I realized that is sort of my secret sauce, my secret recipe is that I am undeterred if I don't hit it at first or if I can't figure it out, I just find other ways to figure it out. And so I wanna talk to you though about how I figure it out because I think that has been my resourcefulness in figuring out ways to accomplish things that I want in different arenas has been the single biggest thing that has helped me stay the course even when things aren't going the way that I want 'em.

So here's what I mean by what I do and what I want you to do when you're, when I say I want you to set yourself up for success, what happens for so many of us, if we just start off by understanding that we all like intellectually get that none of us are perfect, all of us are 50 50.
We are an amalgamation of strengths and weaknesses. Everybody has certain things that they are come naturally to them that their brain is wired to do. That doesn't seem like a big deal to them. That it, you know, might be things that are hard for other people but just are easy for you. And the flip side of that coin is that there's a lot of things that are harder for you, right? I tend to look at, when I started noticing that any strength I had, the opposite of that was the weakness, really. So if you're someone that's like really big picture and you can dream really big and you can access those dreams and you can have a vision and maybe you can lead people into that vision and you have a really like keen sense of being able to see what's gonna be, you know, possible later, like that's a gift.
You likely are not really good with details. You likely aren't someone that likes to be in the nitty gritty, right? Like it's just the opposite side of that coin. So like you can focus on the fact that you're not a detail oriented person, or you can look at the fact that you have these strengths of really being maybe a visionary. So I say that as an example to say we all are like this. We all have a certain set of skills that are our strengths and a certain set of skills that are our weaknesses. Now, what typically tends to happen, what I've noticed from people is that they take whatever strengths they have and they usually discount them or they don't think they're that big of a deal or they don't think they're, they're that good of strengths, right? They're not the ones you would've maybe picture yourself.
She's like, yeah, that's not that big of a deal. I can, you know, I'm outgoing or I'm, I could talk in front of people or whatever. Let's say like, that doesn't come in handy. I wish I was more organized or I wish I was more focused or whatnot. So most of us discount what we can do well or we don't think it's as, as, unique of a, a strength or we don't think it's as valuable. And then we focus a hundred percent on our weaknesses and how terrible we are and how we have to change and how everything, you know, we could never get what we want because we have these weaknesses. And what happens is, instead of even learning about our weakness and maybe like figuring out how to work with it or what to do about it or to change it, we just spend all of ourselves our time beating ourselves up, right?
It's not even that like, okay, well this is the way I am. What do I do with it? It's, I shouldn't be this way. Why can't I just blank? Why can't I just focus, there's something wrong with me. Everybody else can do it. Why can't I? And so then we create an immense amount of shame and guilt and self-loathing and that inner critic becomes so loud that we think that there's something fundamentally wrong with us because we have a weakness where like, again, intellectually we understand that everyone has weaknesses, but we've just made it that like, it's unacceptable that I have this weakness, I shouldn't have this, right? And again, you can see how ridiculous that is when you think about it intellectually. Like of course you're, you're gonna have weaknesses and yet none of us accept it, right? And none of us ever just like, okay, well yeah, this is the way that I am.
I'm just a disorganized person, let's say. Or I'm just, you know, this is how I normally operate. What do I wanna do with it? And so one of the things that I think that I have done fairly well in my life is figuring out what my weaknesses are and then figuring out how to set myself up for success despite those weaknesses. And I'm gonna explain what I mean. But I think for so many of you, if you just stop beating yourself up long enough to kind of figure out how you work first to even like acknowledge what those weaknesses are like for so many of us, there's so much shame in even admitting what something that something is a weakness. And even acknowledging that like, yeah, I'm not good at doing this. Or, you know, it doesn't come naturally to me or I don't like doing it.
And I think the, like you really truly first have to understand how you operate. You have to first acknowledge like, this is my strengths and these are my weaknesses, and that's okay and that's human and that's human and we're all like that. And that there's nothing wrong with you and there's nothing, you know, like I think we think it makes us like uniquely terrible or something. So the first step is simply dropping all of the shame and guilt and self-loathing about your weaknesses and just actually seeing them for what they are, right? Just actually noticing them like, oh, this is how I operate. And I've talked about this before, by the way, about how powerful this can be, especially when you think about how your brain maybe naturally is wired. I talked about this on an episode where, where I discuss like, you know, thinking that I now might have a DHD, which I think a lot of people are coming to this realization, a lot of women because of TikTok and social media.
And in that episode I was talking about how the validation of that felt so good. Like the reason so many people are now self diagnosing is because for so long we thought there's something wrong with me. Why can't I pay attention? Why do I forget so quickly? Why do I, you know, stop something in the middle of doing it and then never finish? Why can't I listen when someone is talking to me or whatever the thing is? And we would feel so much guilt about it, like, why can't I just be quote unquote normal? Why can't I just be like everybody else? And when you start realizing like, oh my gosh, maybe my brain is just wired this way. Maybe there's this answer for why I am the way that I am, the reason it was so validating, the reason that it felt good was because there was this like exhale like, ugh, maybe it's not my fault, right?
Because I think for so many of us, we've just blamed ourselves for so long, we've blamed ourselves for how we are, for how we're wired, for how we maybe just operate. And it was this almost like feeling seen, right? Having someone say like, Hey, there's nothing wrong with you. Your brain is just wired in this way that maybe you don't take in information like that, right? And I talked about that in that episode that like, what if we didn't need a diagnosis for that, right? Like I think for me, when I was really finding out these things about ADHD, it's great to get some tips, but like I, I don't think my executive functioning skills were to the point where I would need medication. Maybe I would, but I wasn't gonna go after it. I didn't really need the diagnosis, but I realized it was more of like I just needed my permission to just accept that like my brain works this way and so why couldn't I just give myself that permission?
And why can't all of us, like whether there's still so much unknown about the brain, there's so much unknown about how we operate. And so what if you were just able to accept however it is that you operate as something that is normal because it's human? Because some humans take in information like that. Some humans forget things a lot, some humans don't pay attention when someone's selling them a long story. You know, whatever it might be. Like, can I just accept that, that even if I don't have an understanding of why I do it or I don't have someone else that's telling me it's okay, can I say that to myself? Right? And so I say this again as like, step one of this process is truly just like, can I just accept how I operate? Can I just accept that my brain works in this way?
This is what I'm good at, this is not what I'm good at. Okay? That has to be the first step because you can't then set yourself up but for success if you're not willing to look at what you're not good at or what you're not doing well. And if you can't do that, if you're spending all of your time beating yourself up, okay? But the more important step that I wanna talk about today is step two is like once I figure that out, then I have to figure out how to quote unquote fix it. I don't mean fix it in the sense of like, you have to change yourself. There are some things that you can probably change, right? You can maybe work towards sticking to your calendar more or you, there's likely things you can do to increase your memory or there's likely things you can do to be more organized, for sure you can try it.
I'm sort of talking about things that where, you know, we're not working constantly on trying to make ourselves a robot. We're always gonna have some weaknesses. So how do we deal with them? And I've realized like I've done this in three ways and I think that there's three ways that you can deal with something. The first thing I always try to do is see if I can get rid of it. what I mean by that? Not get rid of the weakness, get rid of the thing I have to do. So I talk about this a lot about how to do less. One of the things I've realized is like our brain and our society loves to tell us that everything is important and everything is not important. So one of the first questions I ask myself is, do I actually have to do this?
Right? So I'll give you an example. Like in my business you know, you get a lot of noise about all of the things you should do in your business. And there are some things that I'm naturally better at in my business and other things that I'm not. And so I just ask myself like this thing that I'm not good at, maybe it's creating certain systems, maybe it's certain metrics, maybe it's being on all the different social media platforms, whatever it is. If there's something that is gonna be really difficult for me to do because it's not in my wheelhouse 'cause I'm not good at creating those things, like maybe it's creating like a really intricate funnel whatever it might be, I just don't do it. If there's stuff that I'm like, do I, is this integral into my business, right? Do I have to have this or is it just gonna make things more complicated?
Do I have to create some kind of very intricate CRM system that keeps track of all of my customers? I don't think I need that. I'm not that at that level of business. So there's a lot of people that might be pushing it. There's a lot of people that might be selling me on it. There's a lot of people that might use it in their business and it's great for them and that's fantastic. But do I need it for my business right now? And is it something that I can even handle? Well, can my brain do it right now? And if I don't, I swear half of what has saved me is just getting rid of things. I mean like, nope, don't need to do that. Not gonna waste my time with that. Cannot take that on right now. So it's looks like we're not gonna do that, right?
I always start there because I think like you, there's always so much more you could do. We could all do all the things for our careers, we could all do all the things for our businesses, and yet there's a really finite amount of time and energy that we all have in our day. And so I'm very mindful of that and I'm very mindful when I say like, I'm somebody that's lazy, I take that into consideration. Like it's like, could I have tons of offers and try to scale this business and have 2101 clients? Yeah, I could, but do I want to do that? Is that like something that I want for this business? And if it's not, maybe I just get rid of it so that I can be mindful of the way that my, like how many hours my brain can actually focus.
What are the things I wanna work on? Do I wanna spend all my energy trying to organize something that isn't that important to me to have like a system? So step one is like getting rid of it, right? Step two is delegating it. If I can't do it right, if I'm not good at systems and metrics and organization, do I wanna hire someone else to do it for me in my business, right? For you in your career, it might be like if I have to do part of this job, let's say I have to do sales and I'm great as a salesperson and I'm great at talking to customers and I'm great at like creating that pipeline and nurturing and stuff, but I'm not great at tracking it. Okay? Is there someone else in the company that can do that part? Can I team up with people?
Do I have support staff? Can I spend the time delegating it if I know I'm not good at this part? If I know like I'm really great at the meeting and actually being, you know, but I know that part of this is the documentation and I know part of this is getting it in the system and I know I'm gonna procrastinate with that all the time. Like, is there somebody else that I can talk to? Can I talk to my boss about hiring a VA to help me? You know, like how can I set myself up for success here? This is the question I ask myself all the time. If I wanna succeed at this portion, either I can get rid of it. If I can't get rid of it, how can I delegate? Can I ask someone else to do it? And if I can't do that, or if it's not a viable thing to delegate, which is, you know, there's gonna be a lot of things that you are the one that's gonna have to handle.
Okay? So like once we go through those first two filters, you get to number three. And this is where like the biggest figuring out like how to set yourself up for success comes in is figuring out what you need to be, what you need to be able to do that thing. And this is where it comes in, where you have to be really not only honest, but really understanding and how your own brain works because you are the one that's gonna figure out like what what you need in order to be successful is gonna be different than what someone else needs. Okay? And I'm gonna give you an example. The reason this all came about, and I was thinking about it and I was realizing how often I do something like this was this recently happened in my business. So I wanted to create an evergreen funnel.
What that means for people that aren't in the online space is that if for my business, I have a membership called the Quitter Club, it could be open at any time, like people could, could join. But what I wanted to create is this thing called an evergreen funnel. A funnel like if you think about it, is just like the way that a funnel looks, right? It's big at the top and then it becomes smaller as you go further down. And what that means in terms of marketing is like you try to get a lot of people at the top of the funnel. Like you get a lot of people that see your ads or you talk to a lot of people on social media and then as you move them through the journey of like getting to know you, maybe signing up for a free, free class, getting on your email list, you, you know, get less and less people until you get kind to the bottom, which is the people that are gonna buy for you from you, right?
Which is where you get to the sale. And so an evergreen funnel is something that is always running. It's not like I've talked a lot about how do a launch model that's like doors are open during these times, they're closed and then they don't open up again for another couple of months. And evergreen is the opposite of that. It's like whenever someone finds me, there is a, I create a funnel where like they get to take a free training and then that free training leads them into a sequence of emails that then sells them into my membership. So this works when I'm not working. Like if I'm sleeping, if I'm on vacation, if someone stumbles across my TikTok or my Instagram and they find, you know, a link to my training, then they can kind of be moved through this funnel without me doing anything. And it can be set up to be evergreen, right? It's just always running and it gets, it's another way to get customers into your business, which is like a fantastic way of doing it.
Now I'm at the place in my business where I'm like, I should set this up. Some people have it set up the first year they're doing a business great. Like I was a person that was like, I can't deal, I don't know how to do this yet. So we're gonna have to get rid of it until I get to a place where I'm established enough to be able to set this up.
So I'm at that place now. I have this membership, I would like to create this funnel, but I also know my own weaknesses, right? And I know that things like this though, they seem simple, have a lot of moving parts and I know that I will spin for, I love to stay confused. I love to like live in confusion when it comes to decisions about some of the decisions about my business.
And so I know that I will kind of obsess over like, is this the right training and did I do this right? And are these emails good enough? And is this sales page good and will that convert and am I driving the right traffic to it? And all of those questions. I also know that I love to procrastinate when there's no hard and fast deadline. And unfortunately with entrepreneurship there is, I mean fortunately I guess 'cause you're working for yourself, there is no hard and fast deadline. So I will find reasons to put it off. I'll find reasons to work on other things or to like not work on things and take more time off. And so I know that about myself. I know that's how my brain works.
I know my brain would rather do nothing, which is great for a lot of times, but if I wanna get this evergreen funnel up, that's not gonna work for me because it's gonna take me like six months to do something that I should probably do in a month, right? I don't beat myself up about this. I don't think there's something wrong with me. I'm just like, Hey, this is not my strong suit. Like when I get things like this, it overwhelms me. I get confused, I put it off, rinse and repeat. We're gonna keep doing that, right? So recently I was talking to one of my friends who's in the online space and she is, has really developed an expertise around evergreen models, evergreen funnels 'cause she created a very successful one for her business. Now her business has nothing to do with teaching other people business.
Like she sells a product online. And she created an evergreen funnel that was great and she did a lot of like business classes and masterminds and groups that focused on evergreen funnels. So we had a call and I was picking her brain about it and she was gracious enough to literally lay out every step for me and be like, this is what you need to do and need to do this. And then you go here and you do these five emails and then, and it was fantastic. And then I asked her, can I pay you to help me set mine up? And for a lot of people, I think you might be wondering like why would you pay somebody that just gave you all of the steps for free? And I think for a lot of you, you probably already realize this too, is that information without implementation is worthless.
All of the information is already out there. It's already on Google it, anything you wanna do, you wanna lose weight, you wanna put on muscle, you wanna build a business, you wanna write a book, you wanna become a public speaker, you want to travel the world, you wanna be a digital nomad. I, I could go on and on. You wanna become a lawyer, you wanna become a doctor. All of the information of how to do any of that stuff is on Google, is on YouTube, okay? Is in books. The information is out there. We are not suffering from a lack of information. We are suffering from a lack of implementation. Because what happens is as soon as we get that information, we get overwhelmed, we get stressed, we get confused, we think we can't do it, we start self-sabotaging. And so none of us actually take that information and implement it. Any person online can tell you that this is how it works. Like they will give their best information away on Instagram for free. They will tell you everything you have to do.
And like less than 5% of people will actually do it. And again, that's not a problem. You just have to know that your brain works that way. And so for me, I knew like she laid it out for me beautifully and I was like, of course I can understand the whole process and it seems rather straightforward. But I know that as I'm going through it, I'm gonna have questions every step of the way and every step of the way. I'm gonna wanna know like, wait, but is this good enough? Should I have done it another way? Do you think something else would probably be better? And I was like, I could either suffer through this alone and I could take like a months and months to sit in my own frustration and overwhelm, or I could pay somebody that has developed an expertise in this to simply walk me through it.
And part of the reason for me that that is really important is I talked about like my procrastination, the way that my brain works. I know for better or worse that if someone is waiting for me, I will get it done If there's a deadline, not, and it's totally arbitrary, but it's just a deadline that she has because I'm meeting with her in two weeks. So like I have to have like, you know, my training done, let's say by then I will have that training done. Now if it was just me doing it on my own, I would not have it done. 'cause I would be like, eh, it's December. And like we could just wait until the new year and then I would, you know, obsess over whether it was the right training and all of this stuff. So I just did myself a favor and I was like, you know, if you're open to it, I would love to pay you and have you, and we kind of ironed out what that would look like.
'cause this isn't something that she normally offers. And I was like, and these are the times we like, we'd meet about these things. I mean, she sort of told me like, this is the stuff we would meet about. This is what you would have to get me. This is what I would help you do. I'll walk you throughout this X, Y, and Z. I'll evaluate all of these. And I was like, yeah, done and done. Let's do it.
And so I paid her, four, I think 4,000, $4,500. And again, I look at this as like the biggest thing for my own success, like the biggest ROI for me is getting this done. Like how much more do I stand to make with this funnel if I have it done in the next month, then if I don't have it done for the next six months.
And if I'm constantly doubting whether it was good enough and I'm not really selling it that hard because I don't think it's good enough and all of the stuff that comes with it, right? I learned very early on in my business that like I could either save money or I could save myself the time and energy, which in the end resulted in way more money, right? I could make 10 times what I'm paying if I have this up and running and I can run ads to it or I can send people to it and I can get people into my membership and I could spend my time working on the things that I'm good at, which is like the coaching, which is delivery than if I'm spending all of my time trying to figure out this other part like missing piece in my business. Okay?
And so as I was doing this, I was realizing that like I do this with a lot of things. So I've talked about it before. I wasn't always like this by the way. I'm just saying like I have real, well I, I have realized more so that I would, that I'm doing this more and more just automatically. Like I think about this is the thing I want, what do I have to do to be successful at that, right? Who do I have to talk to? What skills do I need? Who can I learn from? Where am I not strong in that? Do I need to acquire skills? Do I need to learn something new? Do I need to pay someone else to do it? Do I need to delegate? What would I need to do to accomplish the thing I wanna accomplish here? I've talked a lot about this year how my goal was fitness, like health.
And one of the things that I knew I would struggle with is I don't like exercising. I have tried all of the things that everybody tries to tell you you're gonna fall in love with and I've just accepted that I'm the type of person that will not enjoy exercising. I, I'll do it. And yes, it feels good after you're done maybe that during that thing, but like the next day I still am not looking forward to it. It's not gonna happen. That's okay. I'm okay with that. I've accepted that I don't need to beat myself up for it. I don't need to like try to love it. I don't need to lie to myself and change my thoughts to think it's the best thing. I don't have to do any of that. I can just accept that like, okay, this is what it's gonna be.
And I know that moving my body is the best thing I can do for my body and I know that it is a loving thing and I know that I need to do it. And so this year when my goal became to work out, I knew that I had to get a trainer. Not because like, yes, in one sense I wanted to get a trainer 'cause I wanted them to teach me. I hadn't really been like weightlifting and doing strength training. So I wanted someone, I had done it years ago for a long time and I feel like I have some knowledge of it, but I haven't done it in a couple of years. And so I was like, one, I want someone to teach me. But more so than that, again, I just know that if I don't have someone waiting for me, I'm, I'm gonna come up with every excuse of why not to work out and I'm gonna like obsess over it all day about whether I should or not.
But if I know that someone's waiting for me at two o'clock or three o'clock or whatever, I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna go work out. And that is what's happened the entire year. We're in December now. I work out three days a week because I have a trainer that waits for me three days a week. And that would've never happened if I didn't have that, I would've stopped a month or two into it right Now. Again, I understand that like now I have the income to be able to invest in that. So I have the money to be able to pay for that. And that is a privilege for sure. But I think a lot of times a lot of us, even if we have the money, we don't put it up 'cause we think it's a waste of money or it's too much money.
And I was really thinking about what would it cost me to not work out for another year? What would that cost my body? What would that cost in what I have to pay for maybe future medical bills or in pain or medication or whatever it is. And I really started thinking about like what is it that I would need to do to kind of get to a place where I can establish a routine workout? And it made sense for me to do it with a trainer. Now for some of you that might be like signing up for group classes, that might be getting a buddy to do it with you. It might mean like asking your friend to be your your workout buddy and setting up times 'cause you know that that person is going to be at the gym and you are setting up that accountability for yourself.
I've done that when I didn't have the money. One of the things I was really thinking about how much I've done this in different ways. One of the ways I was thinking about was like in college I learned again, this wasn't because like now there's all these studies about it. I didn't know this then. I didn't know anything about my brain then. I didn't know how my brain operated. But one of the things I learned early on, like in high school about myself is that I learn best when like, I guess it's called like auditory learning, but I don't, I'm not very much a visual learner. And I don't, I just do best hearing things and talking through things. So like sitting in a lecture, listening to a professor listening to kind of podcast, things like that I can learn very easily. And then I also learn really well talking through it with someone.
Like I just have to basically like speak through and teach what I'm trying to learn. Now there's tons of studies now that show that the best way to learn something is to actually teach it 'cause it reinforces your own understanding of the topic. I didn't know this at the time, but I did realize like I don't really do well with like reading the text. I don't do well with memorizing it in that way. I don't do well with like slideshows, things like that. But I do, do well with like trying to listen and then repeat it back and learn it and then repeat it back and teach other people. And so starting in college, I would ask my friends that were in my class and I would take classes with friends and then I would ask them if we could study and if I could just teach them the topics.
Like if I could go back, like I was gonna read it and I was gonna teach and I knew that would require me to do the work before we met and that I was gonna be the one that was gonna kind of walk them through the different things. And then they were gonna teach me some stuff and I set up these like study groups. And I honestly think that's just why I did so well in my classes because I sort of realized how my brain works. And I was like, okay, if I need to talk through this, I need someone to talk it through. So can I find other people that would be willing to do this with me? Can I find other people that might also benefit from someone teaching them or talking this through with them, right? I realized this like in, in all of the ways that I, whether it was like doing the photo booth business and I would realize like, okay, I need to find other people that know how to do hardware and software.
How do I, you know, go about doing this? And I would figure out ways that worked for me. Like, okay, like I don't do, well let's say an online forums. Like I don't, I have a harder time relating to people, but I do well in person meetups. So I found tons of meetups to go to and I would just go pe and meet people in person. Now someone else might be the exact opposite. You may hate meeting people in person, but you like being online and you're like, okay, well then luckily we have a whole online, online world and I can learn people, I can meet people there and I can talk through, you know, so I don't have to do it on the fly in person. It doesn't matter how you do it. I'm just saying like, part of what I realized when I was saying like how do I set myself up for success was learning how my brain works, how it operates, knowing that that's okay.
Like knowing I'm gonna procrastinate. One of the biggest things I've done, what I realized a while ago was like when we talk about quote unquote procrastination or whatnot, and it's always this negative term, I just started realizing like, for better or worse, I like to wait till the last minute. I could change that or I could just not be stressed about it. 'cause one of the thoughts I started having was like, I always get it done. Like there's no way, I'm a extremely reliable person. So like if something has to get done by a certain date, it will get done no matter what. I've just never had, like, I never missed deadlines. I always got my assignments in on time. And so I started thinking like, what if I just let go of all the stress and beating myself up about waiting till the last minute?
What if I just know like, yeah, I'm not gonna work on it today or this week because I'm gonna work on it the day before it's due and that's fine, I'll just block off that day, right? And instead of having all of this like mental drama, that's gonna take up all of my time, I just know like I actually work best when it comes to the day before. Okay, right? Like, now I know that that's the way my brain works and now I'm gonna work with it. I'm gonna like block off that whole day. I'm gonna like make sure I don't have other calls. I'm gonna know what when my deadlines are right. So I say all this to say that like, when you are going after any goal in your life or just really figuring out what you want out of your life and how you wanna be successful, especially with respect to your business or your career, I want you to ask yourself like, how can I set myself up for success?
What is it that I think one, a really good way that you can ask this is like, what obstacle do I think I'm gonna run into? Like I know myself at this point. Like, let's not be surprised. Like we're, we're coming up on January, we're gonna all get into the whole new goals. Let's not be shocked that there's gonna be some pitfalls that we're not gonna just smooth sail into our goals. We're not gonna just hit it with no problems. There's gonna be a lot of things that come up. So let's anticipate it. What are the obstacles that are gonna come up for this goal for me? And what strategies can I come up with to be able to overcome those obstacles? The more you can think about it and plan for that, the easier it will be for you to have the success that you want, the easier it will be to, for you to stop wasting so much time beating yourself up and just spending it in self-loathing and actually figuring out, okay, can I get rid of this?
Can I delegate it? Can I find a way to support myself in what I need in order to get this done? Can I hire someone to help me? Can I ask a friend to be my accountability? But buddy, like I know people who do just like, coworking sessions on Zoom with their friends so that they make sure that those hours, like if they're gonna do an hour of writing, like they'll just get on Zoom just to have the accountability because they know that that accountability will get them to sit for that hour. Like, if that's what you need to do, do then just do that. I guarantee there's probably people on the internet that will do that with you, even if you don't have friends that wanna do it. But the more you start figuring out like, what is it that I need?
And this again, can be really tied back to your career goals as well, right? If you, I always think about this like working backwards. If you want to get started in a new industry, or let's say you wanna climb the ladder that you're at, you sort of have to figure out like, what are the steps I'm gonna need to take to get to that success? Do I need to make connections with people and network? Okay, how do I set myself up? Maybe I'm a shy person, okay? So maybe networking isn't gonna work for me the way it works for other people. Maybe I'm not gonna walk into a room of people at a happy hour and wanna talk to them. If I have to do one-on-one, how can I set myself up? Can I ask the people at my office like, Hey, do you wanna grab lunch one at a time and try to get to know people, right?
Can I find one person that I wanna sort of be mentored by and figure out how do I give them value to get them to want to create this kind of mentor mentee relationship? The more I actually strategically think about what do I need here in order to be successful? What will I need in order to rise up the ranks to show my value, to ask for the pay raise, to get a promotion, to switch industries? And then how can I go about doing that thing instead of like, oh, it's not possible because I'm shy. It's not possible because I'm not organized. It's not possible because I'm this, because I'm that. How could it be possible with the brain that I have? What would I need to do to set myself up for success? All right? Figure out what you need, my friends, and then give it to yourself and give yourself the best opportunity to create the life that you want.
And if you want help setting yourself up for success with an online business, I want you to join me in my Beginner Business bootcamp that starts in January because you will get accountability and the knowledge and the support that you need to learn how to build a business faster in three months than you're gonna do on your own all of next year, I promise you. So go to I hope to see you there.
Hey, if you are looking for more in-depth help with your career, whether that's dealing with all of the stress, worry, and anxiety that's leading to burnout in your current career or figuring out what your dream career is and actually going after it, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club. It is where we quit what is no longer working. Like perfectionism, people pleasing imposter syndrome… and we start working on what does, and we start taking action towards the career and the life that you actually want. We will take the concepts that we talk about on the podcast and apply them to your life and you will get the coaching, tools, and support that you need to actually make some real change. So go to club and get on the waitlist. Doors are closed right now, but they will be open soon.