Lessons from my 90K Month
Ep. 281
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lessons from my $90K month

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In the latest episode of Lessons from a Quitter, I dive deep into the eye-opening realization that success doesn’t have to mean sacrificing balance. Reflecting on a recent $90k month, I share my journey of building a business that not only has high earnings but affords me the luxury of time off, intentional work hours, and the freedom to speak up on social issues. I debunk the myth that scaling means working more, emphasizing the power of scaling without compromising your desired lifestyle. Join me in exploring untapped possibilities and learn how you too can create a thriving career on your terms.
Show Transcript
Hey! Welcome to Lessons from a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you've spent getting to where you are. If ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.
Hello my friends and welcome to another episode. I'm so excited to have you here, especially for this episode one because I think it's a fun topic. I always love talking about making money, but two, because I am offering a new program that sort of has come about in the last couple of weeks and I've just seen a need I want to address. So I get a lot of people that ask me to do one-on-one coaching and my one-on-one coaching is very expensive and I have noticed that a lot. I would say more than half the people that come to me for one-on-one want me to teach them how to build an online business. And a lot of those are coaches,, but even other people that are trying to sort of build an audience and build online businesses because it's a great way to have a business.
Want me to basically mentor them through, my one-on-one coaching. Now I've realized that I don't need to do this one-on-one because one, it's really expensive and it's actually more helpful to do it with other people and to bounce ideas off and have that accountability. And so I am putting together a three month group that's gonna start in January for people who want to get their business off the ground. Now this is not people who are deciding that maybe they wanna a business, don't know what kind of business they wanna start or sort of in that process of figuring out if they would start a business. You can do that work in the club. I have entrepreneurship calls once a month and I would love to help you kind of parse through that. This is for people who know the type of business they wanna start, but they are constantly in confusion and overwhelm about what their niche is or how to market it or how to start getting clients and that kind of stuff.
And so I'm creating an intensive program where we will be taking a lot of action and doing a lot of work in the first three months of the year of the 2024 to get you actually up and running and to cut out all of the BS that people think they need, but they don't actually need. And to get you actually getting paid. So if you're interested, I didn't even create like a landing page. There isn't a, I created a Google Doc that I'm happy to send you, which is like what this is gonna include. Who it's for, who it's not for. If you are building up, like starting up your business, especially coaching businesses and you think you might be a good fit or you want to take, you wanna be in the program, you can go to club.com/business and sign up and I will email you the information that I have about it.
So yeah, go and check it out and it just feeds in well to this episode because I've wanted to talk about my $90,000 month, which I had about a month ago.
Now I wanna talk about this because there's a lot of lessons as you guys know. I go through things, I learn all my lessons, and then I come here and I explain 'em to you and I teach you guys and I help hopefully use them to help you on your journey, whether it's through entrepreneurship or your job journey or whatever it is, just mindset work. So I recently had a month where I actually did more than 93, 90,000. I think I did a hundred thousand in receivables, I think, I mean, yeah, in, in basically receivables, but then like 94,000, something like that in like cash collected. So anyways, you know, it's, I'm not super specific about things like those dollar amounts don't actually matter, which is one of the lessons.
But it was a really fascinating month for me. It was a really fascinating launch for me. It's been a really fascinating year. This has been the hardest and probably the most growth I've had in any year. It was this year and I'm gonna do a whole year-end review where I'll talk about all of the growth because I had a lot of personal health, all that stuff. But with respect to my business, a lot has happened in the last year. And this last month was just really fascinating eyeopening experience for me. So I wanted to share it with you guys in all the lessons that I learned.
First and foremost is that these kind of headlines are always click bait. And I always wanna start with that because I want you to realize that I, you know, you will hear it from me. You likely won't hear it from, from a lot of other people that use these types of headlines.
It does get you more interested. It, we all are more like intrigued of how did this person do it? 'cause maybe I can do it, which you can. But I want you to know is I'm not making $90,000 every month. That would be a nice goal at some point, but that's not what's happening. And I've talked about this before. I have a launch model type of a business, which means I, you know, open the doors to my programs and then I close them. And so I make a larger amount during that launch than I will at other times in the year. And so it's not to say that this is even, you know, something that happens all the time, I just want you to know that because I think we can give off the impression of like, I have six figure months. And that makes it seem like it's like a, something that's happening all the time.
And for some businesses it is. It's not to say that there's no businesses, but I just want you to know that typically people that are saying that aren't telling you, like maybe they don't have, they have zero months, you know, for a couple of months and we still have expenses right, during those months. But I will say for me those type of months happen when I have big launches, which I tend to have a couple times a year. And I do bring in other income in other months, whether it's through my one-on-one, whether it's through my membership, like my monthly membership. And my expenses are extremely low because I don't really have any, I have like a VA at this point that I pay. And I just started doing some Facebook ads, but I've never really run ads. I've never paid for advertising.
So I don't have a ton of expenses and so I have a really high profit margin business, which is awesome, but I just wanna have that kind of out in the open so that we don't, you know, so we all know the whole truth. Okay, so that's one, that's always the first one that I want you to know. And I, I say that because I did last week's episode of like living in the, and, and I think this is one of those places where I really live in the and and I I, I like to see the, and is like there are people that are going to capitalize on these clickbait headlines and get people interested in their programs or whatnot. And some of that is misleading and some of that is, you know, I mean you could argue is unethical if your ethics don't support that.
And so yes, there is that. And I think it's also important to show what is possible, right? I think it's also important to, because for a lot of us, what's that saying? Like you can't be what you can't see. And I know for me it was really helpful and really inspiring and eye-opening to hear other people talk about how much money they made because I didn't even know it was possible before I remembered. And I've talked about this story a lot on the podcast. I distinctly remember being at a conference and hearing, Casey Morris, who's another online ENT entrepreneur, talk about how she went from being like an elementary school teacher that was making I think $60,000 a year to making like she made $300,000 that month. And I remember being just taken aback by that and being like, what is happening? And there was like person after person talking about this.
And I remember it just opened up a part of my mind that like I didn't even know that was possible. And so I remember wanting to like tell all of my lawyer friends because for so many of us, like yes, we had a quote unquote good salary, right? Like you make multiple six figures, but you would be working insane hours. So if you like divide that at an hourly rate, it's not that high of an hourly rate, right? Not even mentioning like the stress and the anxiety and the pressure and all of that stuff. And so I remember thinking like, oh my God, there's another way to make a lot of money without absolutely killing yourself. And so I think it is really important to, I think if we talk about it, honestly, if we talk about it like it is possible and it's not as acce, you know, it's not the way that people kind of portray it online.
Both are true. It is the online business world is a world in which you can make a good amount of money and replace your high earnings salaries. And there's more to the story, which goes to my second lesson, which is that it doesn't happen overnight, which is, I think where a lot of the misleading marketing comes from is this idea that like you're just gonna pop something on online and then within six months you're gonna make six figures. It's not to say that it hasn't happened, that has happened for some people it is generally not what is going to happen. It is, you know, if you're 99% of people, that's not what's gonna happen for you. And that's okay. And I think that we really have to understand that like it's not overnight, but that doesn't mean it's not possible, right? Or it doesn't mean that it's not really plausible within a short period of time.
Like I think for me, I look back and I remember when I first started and people would talk a lot about having these six figure months and I would think like, oh my God, like that's where I wanna get and going through year after year, month after month. And it's, you know, you're not even anywhere close. You're not even in the ballpark is hard. It's hard to keep going 'cause you think I'm doing something wrong or maybe I don't know what I'm doing or whatever the thoughts are that kind of get us to feel defeated. And when I look back like now, I'm like, it wasn't that much time, you know, in the grand scheme of things, like I started this business five years ago, but I think like really from when I've started, like the last three or four years where I was really selling coaching to get to a place where, and I've had like, you know, 80, 90, a hundred k months before in my, business.
So this isn't the first one, but I realize like for so many of us in, in other professions, we know that it takes a long time to get, like, you're not gonna become a doctor and, you know, jump in and make $500,000 the first year. Like you're gonna go through residency. It's gonna take years for you to kind of work up to getting to where you are. Even with other types of businesses, I feel like brick and mortar businesses, a lot of times people don't expect when you see small businesses, like they're not jumping into making insane amounts of money. But I think the online business world is kind of this bubble where people market on the fact that like, you could make so much money by just posting something online and people get confused. So I, I think that these two lessons I have, one is that it doesn't happen overnight and that's okay.
It, it might take a couple of years, it might take a while to build that audience. It might take a while for you to get the message out there for you to hone your own marketing message for you to figure out what you're selling for you to get the expertise to deliver that service. All of that's a process to get there. And like it, it's, I think it's still worth it when you look at it in the grand scheme of things. I think if you look at like, where do I wanna be in five years? Can I work towards creating a business that will sustain me, then it's much more doable than like, can I get it there in six months? And I think sometimes it's just that expectation. Like if we don't have the expectation that it needs to happen overnight, then we'll be in there in it for the long haul and build kind of brick by brick slowly this business that is sustainable.
So that's one lesson.

But then the other kind of corollary to that lesson is that making money doesn't take time. And I know that that sounds indirect contrast to what I just said, but I want you to hear me on this, is one of the things that I had to allow break my brain a little bit was this idea that like what if it was possible to make a lot of money in a short amount of time? I think for so long we have equated time with money, like because of the employee mindset and because of like the hourly wages that our system is kind of set up as we've sort of really equated, the more I work, the more money I make, which is just categorically untrue, right? If that was the case, then people who work three jobs would be making the most money.
And that's obviously not how it works. And so we sort of have to really, break down this belief that like time is what equals money 'cause it doesn't. And really figuring out like how do I create value in order to make a lot of money in a short amount of time? And I just know that when I had started, I'd heard a lot of this stuff and I had heard people say that it doesn't take that much time and it still took me a long time, right? It still took me like a year of making a couple grand here and there kind of parsing it together to make a good income throughout that year, which was still a blessing. But I still hadn't sort of figured out how to launch and I hadn't figured out how to kind of create these offers and create an audience.
And so I think that there is the groundwork that you need to do and for some people it's gonna be faster and some people it's gonna be slower. But what I mean by it doesn't take time is when I started realizing like, okay, if I can make a hundred thousand dollars in a year, what if I can make a hundred thousand dollars in a month? And then it's me pushing myself to think like, what if I can make a hundred thousand dollars in a week? What if I can make a hundred thousand dollars in a day? What if that was possible? And the reality is like if you don't really believe that it's possible or you don't let your brain go there to think that it is possible, then it will never be possible because you will never push yourself to try to figure out how to do it right?
And it was only when I started really thinking like, could I make a hundred K in a month? Could I make, I mean it didn't start there for me. It started like, can I make 10 K in a month? Can I make 25 K in a month? Can I make 50 K in a month? And then I push myself to like, can I make a hundred K in a month? And I think that for a lot of us, especially in the employee mindset, it requires kind of breaking that part of your brain a little bit and like allowing it to be like, what if it was possible Like four years ago, if you told me that it was possible for me to make a hundred thousand dollars in a month, I would've told you you're nuts. I used to make $80,000 in a year as a federal public defender and I worked a hell of a lot more than I'm working now, right?
And so just this idea that I would have something that would be valuable enough for people to pay me and for me to make that much money, I would've told you you're insane because I would've thought that a, I have nothing to sell people , I have no skills or anything to teach, and b it would never be that big or you know, valuable enough for me to make that much. And it's fascinating to see how within a short amount of time, not only is am I able to do it, but that belief is so blown out of the water for me that I'm like, yeah, maybe I can make a million dollars in a month. Like, I mean I'm, I'm not even close to making a million in a year, but I've allowed my brain to go there to be like, what would that look like?
What would I have to do? How many people would I have to serve? How big of a group would I have to create? What would my offer be? What kind of transformations would I have to create? What value do I have to give in order to be able to receive that back in the form of money, in order, you know, in, in that transaction? And so I just want you to like think about like what if it was possible, how would it have been possible, right?

And this is like another kind of lesson that I've learned along the way and I've talked about this a lot that it's like never actually the destination that matters and it's never really the dollar signs. Like this is the thing is I know and I coach so many people now even on business and it's like, well if I could just had a hundred thousand dollars a year I would be happy, but you won't 'cause you'll get there and then you'll be like, well what if I could make it 200,000 and what if I could grow it and what if I could have more?
And part of that is like, you know, you know, maybe wanting more money and part of that is just growth and like a lot of our abilities, like the people I think that are high achievers that maybe wanna have a business because they wanna prove to themselves what they can make, you don't end up just like squashing that you, you, it's hard to get to a place where you're like, well now I'm just gonna hang up my, you know, cleats and I'm not gonna do this anymore. And so I realized, like what's funny is when I was gonna do this, I remember that month when it was happening and by the way it happened in Octo like September October between the like mid-September to make October because I had a really big launch for my membership, the Quitter club where I, if you've been listening for a while then you know, like I was offering a yearly membership into that club.
And so that included both non-members and people that were already in kind of getting them to become yearly members instead of monthly. And so it was mostly that with a little bit of one-on-one work in there as well. But I remember like getting to a point where I was like, oh, could I hit a hundred k? Like, and I remember thinking like I should sell something, I should try to get another one-on-one client just to hit a hundred K, but it's so pointless, right? It's so like arbitrary like why a hundred K over 90 k? It's just a number that we've picked, right? It just sounds more rounded up or something. It sounds like a milestone. And I knew that like I'm not gonna feel any different if I make a hundred K versus 90 k like that. It doesn't change how I feel about myself.
It doesn't change how I feel about my business. It doesn't change anything really. I mean it is a little bit more money but it, it's just fascinating to think of these like arbitrary markers that we create and I felt like this like the same way when I had a 50 K month versus a hundred K month, you start realizing like, okay, I'm hitting these goals but it doesn't change how I feel. It doesn't change the thoughts I have about myself. It doesn't change, it changed some maybe like it gives me a little bit more evidence that like, hey, maybe I do know what I'm doing or maybe this
Is working or whatnot. But for the most part if you have really stubborn thoughts of like, this isn't working or I dunno what I'm doing or this should be bigger or I should be making more money or look at that person, those just come with you until you change those thoughts. And so I know for me it was fascinating when I had my first year 2019, I made $93,000 that not 2019, sorry, 2020. I made $93,000 in that whole year. And it was interesting when I was going through this month and I was like, oh I should hit a hundred. And I was like, well what if I had 93? That would be like significant. You know, it would be like a significance of like I did what I did in that year three years ago in a month. Which is pretty cool. Again, it's all arbitrary.
Like it's only cool 'cause I attach that meaning to it, you know? Anyways, I dunno where I'm going with that lesson. I just think that like I started realizing like all of these goals, they're fine if they're just meant to get you to grow, but I think for a lot of us, we hang so much of our self-worth on like, oh I should have gotten to this level or I should have been able to make this much or it says something about me if I can hit six figures. And we created so much of our validation through that and I think I've just realized now and I coach a lot of people 'cause when they tell me like, if I could just get this and I'm like, no, no, because you'll get there and you'll immediately just move the goalposts and you'll just be like, well that was cool and I'll celebrate it for a second and then I'll move on again.
I did this the same exact thing as soon as I hit this month and my launch was over and I had been talking to a lot of coach friends who had been kind of helping me through the launch and I had been just like bouncing ideas off of them and I had this really successful launch and so many of them kept being like, well, so how are you gonna celebrate? And I was like, I don't know, just move on and you know, focused on the next launch. And it's just fascinating. Like I, that's something I'm trying to break in myself is like to really slow down and actually celebrate even making this episode. As you can tell, it's coming out at the end of November. I've been going back and forth on whether I should make it, 'cause I'm always like, eh, should I talk about this?
And every time I get into that 'cause it's like I don't wanna seem like I'm bragging and honestly the reason I end up doing it is because I know how much it helped me see what was possible from other people. And so if that helps you understand what's possible or what's out there, then I'm happy to do it. But I think that it, I think that for a lot of us we are hanging our hopes on the fact of like, if I do this then I can feel good enough and I can feel worthy and I can feel successful and I hate to be the one to break it to you that it doesn't come from that. 'cause I will hit those goals and I will still feel like my business is not doing good enough and I don't know what I'm doing and it's a mess and all these other thoughts that I just have to work on cleaning up.
So yeah I guess that was the fourth one is just these random arbitrary money goals. You can do the same work when you hit your $10,000 goal is when you do your a hundred thousand and it'll be the same thoughts, it just keeps following you until you change those thoughts. The four, the fourth are we, fourth lesson, fifth lesson.
The fifth lesson that I've learned from this launch was for so many people I had learned this lesson years ago. So this wasn't really a lesson for me, but it was a lesson for me seeing other people in my membership is how quickly people give up on their goals. Like people will set a goal and then it's the first sign of it not working. Or even if it kind of goes halfway through the year and it's not working, people are just like, well then that can't work.
Or we had these thoughts like it's already towards the end of the year so if I didn't get, you know, close to it, then I might as well give up. And I know for me this year, like I said, was one of the hardest years that I've had and it's been one of the hardest years in business that I've had. And it was really this transition to a membership from a group program was a lot harder. I had expected it, everyone warned me, so it wasn't harder than I expected. I just don't know that I was equipped to deal with how hard it was. And what was fascinating is if you look at, and again, I'll do this in my year end review more in depth of like what my other launches look like. But I spent the first six months of this year really trying to sell the monthly membership and learn how to sell that.
And it was not going according to plan. I don't wanna say it wasn't going well 'cause that's a thought and it was actually selling and people were joining, but it wasn't selling as much as I wanted it to sell. It wasn't growing as much as I wanted it to grow. And it wasn't kind of delivering, like it wasn't creating the results that I wanted to create in my business. And I think I mentioned this before again, I'll talk about it maybe in another episode about how I got really burned out at the end of June because I had sort of just been launching, like running on this hamster wheel. I was just in my own head and not really taking people's advice and just trying to run as fast as I can and thinking that the faster I ran I would somehow get to my goals faster.
And all that did was exhaust me. And so I found myself at the end of June, beginning of July just being like, I can't, I can't go at this, I can't do this anymore. And so I took a couple months off to really like fall in love with my business and really change a lot of my thoughts and to figure out what the hell I wanted to do. And in that, that was a really hard time too 'cause I just didn't launch so I wasn't gonna bring in any money. And so I was, I remember looking at, my financials for the year and being like, I am way off like, I mean like less than 50% of where I should be by like August, you know? And I remember really having a lot of negative emotions about that, a lot of negative thoughts about that.
And thinking like, well what am I gonna do? And I remember sort of thinking, you know, I can just be like, okay, well this is just a learning year and this is a year where I figure out how to sell this membership and it is what it is and I can really manage my thoughts around that and I can change my thoughts around that. But I also started thinking like, but why am I giving up? Why am I thinking that I can't reach my financial goals? Like I didn't do it the first half. Okay, so what does that mean? And I think because I had this learned this lesson before that like making money doesn't take time, it really helped me be like, okay, well if I have to make a lot more money than I thought in Q three and Q four in this short amount of time, how can I do that?
And that honestly is what led to even me coming up with the launch I wanted to come up with. I hadn't planned on selling a yearly membership again. I was, I sort of really went back to the drawing board and was like, if I didn't have to do it the way anybody else said, and if I wanted to try to do it another way where like how could I, you know, who are the people that are getting helped the most? How can I give the like ensure the best results? It all started pointing to this yearly membership. And what was fascinating is that like, it goes again against conventional wisdom in online business. It goes against what a lot of people coach on. But I was like, okay, I don't care, but this is my business and if I want to, I see what's not working and I want to try something else.
And I had no idea if it was gonna work. I was like, I could do it and it could be another flop, it could be another launch that I've had this year that hasn't really worked out the way that I wanted. And I remember having no idea like what to sort of, what expectation to have. 'cause I hadn't done it. But I was like, well let's try this. Let's see what happens. And it did work, you know, extremely well and I was very happy with how the launch went. And so not only did I, I think, you know, that helps me see that I can trust myself and that I can do business the way that I want. But I remember kind of having that month and thinking it's fascinating that I was sort of gonna give up on this financial goal. I mean I had like a split split second.
I wasn't really gonna give up, but I started thinking like, well what if I changed the way that I think that like I can make triple what I thought I was gonna make in the last half of the year. And that sort of helped me even think about after this launch, like, what if I just didn't stop? What if I thought Q four is gonna be the quarter that I make the most? What would I have to do to create that? And it's simply like asking these questions, right? It's taking my brain and looking for solutions instead of like just giving up or instead of saying like, if I have the question of like, well, you know, like what is everyone gonna think about me? Like questions like that, then yeah, you sit and kind of compare and despair and you don't really come up with anything.
But when you direct your mind to like, okay, if I was still going to hit this goal that I haven't hit for the last six months, that I'm way off track on what would I have to do, right? What are ways that this could be my most lucrative month, quarter or month or week or whatever you wanna say. It's fascinating how many things your brains can come up with if you actually point it in the direction of coming up with a solution, if you actually like get it to work for you instead of like sitting in kind of a pity party and telling yourself how terrible you are. And so I just, I mean for anybody that's like listening to this and even like, we have a month left, I'm not saying this as like, you should go hard on your goal. Like your goal might be for Christmas and December to really have a break.
That's great. Again, I'll talk about this more on my year end one, like my goal this year was to work a lot less, which I have. And like that's a fantastic, if that's your goal, but I think for a lot of us, like we may have certain goals and we just sort of get resigned because it didn't work out the way that we wanted or it hasn't gone according to plan and you really have to like examine that entitlement of like, it should have gone this way. And if it didn't, that just means I have to throw out my hands in the air. It's like, but what if there's another way of looking at like, all right, well it didn't happen that way. I wonder how it can happen, right? I wonder what else I could do. And I think that this launch was just another reminder for me, like even when I found myself kind of teetering on like, should I just give up on this goal and accept this kind of, year as being a lower income year and like me learning how to create and manage this membership, but I didn't.
And I'm really proud of myself and I'm really excited. I didn't, and I think that this was sort of both the, in like, it was like a, what's the word I'm looking for? Like not inflection, like,, it infused not only cash, but I just think the energy in the quitter club as well. So anyways, that was my fourth or fifth one is to stop giving up on your goals. And I think like the last thing I'll say is that I think that the lesson from this for me, but really I had to take a step back by the way. And when I talk about like falling in love with my business, I really had to take a step back and look at the reality of my business and what I mean by that. And the lesson that comes from that is like, so much more is possible than what we believe is possible.
And we talked about that about money, but I think even bigger than that, I know for me, I can get caught in a lot of like comparing myself and feeling really bad. I can get caught in a lot of compar and despair. I think that's natural for a lot of our brains and especially high achievers who've been used to comparing themselves to other people. I have have spent a lot of time looking at my peers in the coaching industry and being like, oh my God, but they make this much and they have groups that are this big and they're doing this many launches and their launches are selling out and all of this stuff. And it's been actively working on really looking at what is working for me and how I'm building a business that is really my dream business. And I, I lose sight of that every time I'm trying to compare myself to other people.
But I think that this launch, this like 90 k month really helped me refocus on how much more is possible than I thought. And what I mean by that is like the money, yes, like making money in a short amount of time, making the more than I would make in a year as a public defender. Like, that is already blows my mind in what is possible.
But beyond that, like I was really thinking about the fact that I have built a business that allows me to take, I've taken four weeks already off this year, multiple more days than that. Like most Fridays I probably work 20 to 30 hours a week, most weeks if I'm in a launch, I likely will work more, I'll work 40 hours. But that's the rare occasion that I do launches like, you know, a couple of weeks here and there every other month or whatnot.
But I've realized like I could scale more offers, I could launch more, I could do more advertising. I could do a lot of things, but I don't want to, because part of the reason why I wanted this business was to have a lot more balance was to not work as much, was to be able to create my own schedule was to be with my kids, was to rest, was to read. If you listened to my episode a couple episodes ago, I spent a an ordinate amount of time reading now and I love that for me, right? And I think a lot about this when I think about scaling. And it's not to say that you can't make the same amount I mean you can't work the same amount and make more. I can, and I know that's, I know for me that's part of what's po like dreaming up what's possible is really thinking about how do I keep the lifestyle that I'm creating and just scale the actual business, like make more, help more people without me spending more time.
But in this stage too, I'm just really being in awe of like, I, if you told lawyer me five years ago, you know, that I could make multiple six figures and work this amount and take this time off and have my own schedule, I would've looked at you like you are insane. And now that I see it and I see how possible it is, I'm just in awe of the, of what we have available to us right now in the online world. And again, I'll caveat this with the same thing I said about the clickbait stuff. I'm not saying that it's easy. I'm not saying that you're gonna do this. And within six months I spent a lot of years building that foundation and I did work a lot more than I am now. And now, not that I needed to, I think I wasted a lot of time, but now I'm very intentional about taking a lot of time off and that goes against my natural inclination to constantly keep wanting to work on it.
'cause I think I have to keep working on it. And so I have to keep proving to myself that like, it's not the time. Like I just need to work on things that move the needle forward. But I think think that beyond that, like I've looked a lot at this business that I've created and like if you follow me on social media, if you follow me on Instagram, you will see that like you know, in the last three years I have stopped my business to talk about Black Lives Matter and the George Floyd incident last year with the Iran Revolution. And this year with the issue in Israel Palestine, the conflict there, I am able to talk about the things that are really important to me. I'm able to be really acted like in social justice issues that are important to me.
I don't silence my voice. I don't try to cater to a certain person. I don't care if people unfollow me or don't like me or even say me send me hate messages which I received, which before would've gutted me, which have would've killed me. But through this process, like I've so learned to find my own voice and to create the business that I want, that like, I don't have to put on an act. As you guys can see on the podcast, I don't ever pretend to be perfect. I don't ever try to show up in a way that is I, this is such a bud word. Like I hate the word authentic or inauthentic because it's sort of been co-opted by influencers. And so many people that are trying to be authentic are not actually authentic. But I say it because it sums it up.
It's like I've sort of figured out how do I create a business where I can show up as my full messy human self and tell you guys when I'm burned out or tell you when I don't have the energy or to stop working for a, you know, full couple of weeks because I can't handle it or start talking about political issues or whatever it is. And I still manage to make more than I made as a lawyer, right? I still manage to make, multiple six figures. It's wild. It is wild to me. And so I am constantly in awe of this. I am constantly in awe of like, how is this even possible? There's so much more possible than what I believed in the beginning. There's so much more possible than what I think our society wants us to believe is possible because it keeps us in line and it keeps us working in jobs that we hate in order to kind of keep the status quo and keep, you know, the foundation kind of of the country running.
And I think with each year I peel back more and more of like what is actually possible. And if I thought that anything was possible, then what would I go after? And if I thought that I could have really anything I want, what would that look like and how would I create it? And again, I'm not in any way saying that it happens quickly or it'll happen overnight or that it is easy. It's not easy, it's not easy. It takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of feeling, a lot of negative emotions, but it is possible. And so if I can be an example of what is possible for you if you're sort of considering building that business, if you're sort of considering what else is out there outside of the structure that has been created for us and told us like we've been told, it's the only way.
It's not the only way. And I will just answer this question 'cause a lot of people who don't think it's possible for them will ask like, well, isn't it too late now? And all these, there's all these coaches, there's all these online businesses. And the reality is like we're still in the infancy of even the internet. Like even if you think about the internet and you think about kind of technologies and how technology advance, we see how quickly things are advancing. We see now the advent of AI and how that's gonna change the landscape and how every advent of a new technology will open up entire, entire new industries, entire new businesses, and entire new things that we didn't even know existed five years ago. And that is only going to become more readily available. And I think if you have a desire, it is the time to sort of start figuring out how you start finding, you know, a niche for yourself or, an area in which you want to maybe work in because I promise you it's possible.
So those are all the lessons I've learned. I'm very proud of myself.
I'm very excited for that launch. I'm very excited for the membership and where it's gonna go. This is launch has really reinvigorated me to think about selling it in a different way to think about what is, is I want to create within the Quitter Club. It's gotten a lot of my juices flowing and I'm super excited about 2024 and all of the things we're gonna do, but all of the growth that I know I'm gonna have, and I know a lot of it is gonna be painful and I'm here for it because with each iteration it's just becomes more and more amazing and perfect for me. So I'm excited for that. And if you have a business that you've been sitting on, if you know what you wanna do, but you're just too scared to do it, if you have all of these confusing thoughts of like, but how do I market it and who do am I actually talking to and how much do I sell it for?
And all of that stuff, I want you to join me in this business intensive that I'm gonna start in January, it's three months, it'll be 20 people max and we're gonna go through this stuff and you are gonna have your business up and running in those three months. This is not a time where you're gonna come and we're just gonna like talk about your thoughts. We are gonna talk about your thoughts, but it's really more geared towards taking action. So if you can't take action in the first three months, it's not for you. But if you can, you can go to corner club.com/business and sign up and I will send you all of the information. All right, my friends, I hope this was helpful and I will see you on the next episode.
Hey, if you are looking for more in-depth help with your career, whether that's dealing with all of the stress, worry, and anxiety that's leading to burnout in your current career or figuring out what your dream career is and actually going after it, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club. It is where we quit what is no longer working. Like perfectionism, people pleasing imposter syndrome… and we start working on what does, and we start taking action towards the career and the life that you actually want. We will take the concepts that we talk about on the podcast and apply them to your life and you will get the coaching, tools, and support that you need to actually make some real change. So go to lessonsfromaquitter.com/quitter club and get on the waitlist. Doors are closed right now, but they will be open soon.