Exploring entrepreneurship
Ep. 264
| with
Goli Kalkhoran

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In the latest episode of Lessons from a Quitter, we’re diving deep into the world of entrepreneurship. I share my personal journey of embracing that little voice urging me to become an entrepreneur and debunk some common myths surrounding entrepreneurship. Like the belief that it’s only for a special few. Truth is, anyone can be an entrepreneur with the desire and willingness to try. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach either; different types of entrepreneurs thrive in various ways. Listen to learn how to separate the truth from the lies that float around online about entrepreneurship.

Show Transcript
Hey! Welcome to Lessons from a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you've spent getting to where you are. If ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.
Hello my friends. Welcome to another episode of Lessons from a Quitter. I'm so excited to have you here. I actually just got out of the Quitter Club, my monthly membership and we do a monthly coaching call on entrepreneurship and it's really a time to come ask all of your coaching questions, whether it's strategy about my business or really just your thoughts. It doesn't matter what kind of business you have, we all have tons of thoughts and I had wanted to record this podcast for a while and I figured what better time because it's at the forefront of my brain to talk about entrepreneurship. I realized I haven't talked about it a lot and it is a big part of my own journey and I, there's so many things I want to talk about. This might be a longer episode, but I decided I was going to break it up into the truths and lies that I see and hear and have experienced, a lot of the lies that I believed before I jumped into entrepreneurship, and I want to talk about it because I think it's a very viable path for a lot of people who don't ever consider it.
And I was one of those people I remember when I was in law school, one of my friends asked me to take a business law class with him and I responded, oh no, I'm never going to be involved in any type of business .
I just didn't even want to learn about it. I was so adamant that I did not care about business. I did not know anything about running a business and I didn't even want to learn it. And I remember when I quit and I was really lost as to what I wanted to do. A lot of the things that I wanted from my next job were available in entrepreneurship.
Like I really wanted flexibility because I had a young child at home at that time and I knew I wanted to have more children. And I know, knew that for a working mother, it's not easy in corporate America. And I wanted to be able to handle my own schedule and do pickups if I need to or if they're sick, not have to ask for time off. And so that was a really big factor in deciding what I wanted to do. I also obviously wanted the ability to make more money than you often can make in corporate America. I think that, I didn't admit that to myself at the time 'cause there's so much shame around wanting to make money, but I know part of it was the allure. And I think that is part of a lot of the allure that people see other people having businesses making a lot more money than maybe they make. And it's okay to want that to live when we live in a society where the resource that affects every part of your life is money. It's okay to want that resource.
And so I fought it for a really long time. My husband had been kind of suggesting it. I'd wanted to admit that maybe I could start a business, but that thought was so quickly drowned out by so much imposter syndrome and fear and really the thought that like, I have no idea what I'm doing, how could I ever start a business? And so I want to talk about it because I think there's a lot more people who might want to try their hand at a side hustle or might want to see if maybe entrepreneurship is for them and they are too scared or they have the wrong idea about entrepreneurship. So I wanted to talk about that. I also think there's a lot of people that want to start it or have started it and they have some thoughts that might not be helpful. And so that is really the purpose of this podcast.
Okay, let's talk about some of the truths and some of the lies.
We're going to go through the truths.
A lot of people online do tout that like anyone can do it, anyone can be an entrepreneur. And I actually think that's the truth. That's something that I, I don't think everybody wants to, and I'm not saying it's the best thing for everybody, but I truly believe that if you wanted to, you could run a business. And I say this, and I've talked about this a little bit on the podcast before. I think it's really important to understand that on every, every strength that you have, the opposite side of that is a weakness, right? And vice versa. Every weakness that you perceive that you have, the opposite side of that coin is a strength. Okay? So like, as an example, if you are a very detail oriented person and you're very in the weeds about like the nuts and bolts of, you know, whatever it is you're working on, you might, your weakness might be that you have a hard time kind of zooming out and seeing big picture and visioning stuff and looking down the road.
Like you might really need the evidence, right then. Let's just say that's just an example. Whatever it is, it works for all of us. Like whatever strength you have, the opposite side, or maybe even too much of that strength becomes your achilles heel. It becomes the thing that might slow you down.
And the reason I say that is that, because I think entrepreneurship requires you to wear 5 million hats, I mean, you truly have to be able to do a lot of roles. And that might not, that might be really scary for some people. A lot of people don't want to do that. That's totally fine. But the reason I say it is that you're going to be good at some of 'em and you're going to be bad at some of 'em. So the, when people talk about like, there's these traits, like entrepreneurs have to be less risk averse. They want to take risks and they're visionary. That's not true. That's some types of entrepreneurs, but there's a lot of entrepreneurs who might actually be more risk averse and they're likely going to be more successful entrepreneurs because they can anticipate all of the risks that they're taking and create strategies for how they're going to overcome it.
I know like for me, in the business that I'm in, I look at like there's a lot of strengths I have. For instance, maybe teaching is one of them, maybe explaining concepts in a certain way. I'm very outgoing. I like working with people that obviously helps me, right? So like in that part of my business, I likely excel. But then there's a million other parts of my business that I don't excel at that someone else who maybe doesn't have what I have, but maybe they are detail oriented and they are great at systems and they can look at the flow of things, like their business might run much more smoothly and maybe they struggle with the front facing teaching part, right? And that's what they have to work on more. Whereas I have to work on kind of the backend systems part, right?
It doesn't mean one is better than the other. And so whatever you are doing, whatever skills you have, it can be utilized and I think leveraged in entrepreneurship. And part of that means that the weaknesses that you have, the things you're not so good at, you're also going to struggle with, which is okay. So if you look at like, how can I utilize my strengths? You can find a way to use that in your favor in order to build a business. And I say this because I want you really to get out of the mindset that entrepreneurship is for some people and it's not for others.
Like I'm a risk averse person. I like being told what to do. Listen, I was the best employee , I was a really, really good employee. I never had a bad remark from any of my employers. I, you know, I did well because I'm a great listener. I'm super good at someone telling me what to do and me following directions. I'm a people pleaser. I go above and beyond. So like I fit that bill to a t and I've still made it as an entrepreneur and I love entrepreneurship.
And a lot of the things that scared me about entrepreneurship, the things that I thought I would be terrible at and that I thought would be the worst parts, I ended up loving more than some of the parts that I thought I would love. Like being liberated to be able to try whatever I want or work for myself in the beginning was hard. Figuring out a schedule, not really being accountable to anyone, having to be self-motivated, that was difficult for me. But I've learned the benefits of that and it has become some of my favorite parts of what I do is really having free reign to do whatever I want and change things midcourse and scrap whole courses and figure out what else to do. And that can be scary, but I feel like it's unleashed a part of my personality I didn't even know I had.
So I say all that to say that it's true that anyone can do it. If you have a desire to do it, you absolutely can. And I think about this, I think Michelle Obama said this quote she just talk, she was talking about the fact that I, I don't even remember in what context it was, but she was talking about how after, you know, being first lady and sitting at these tables with the highest ranking officials, presidents, prime ministers, you know, senators, like really top officials of all these countries, top CEOs, she kept thinking like at these tables, like really? You're the, you Like, you're not that smart, right? You're not anything that impressive, like you're just a normal person or like the people I know, the women I know are way smarter than you. And I know that, that may sound odd, but I have had the same exact experience.
I have been lucky enough to be in rooms with a lot of CEOs, a lot of entrepreneurs that make a lot of money that have grown, you know, eight figure, nine figure businesses that are CEOs of really large companies. And every time I'm like, really? You? and I say this not as a way of putting them down, but as seeing that so many people that I have worked with in law in other contexts that are brilliant, like some of the most brilliant minds, smart, capable, like just brilliant, right? I know are holding themselves back because they have imposter syndrome. Or because they tell themselves, I wouldn't know how to do that. Or I've never done that because I've never done that. I can't do this or because I don't have a degree. Since we were all raised to believe that you have to have that piece of paper before you're allowed to try anything. And I constantly see how many people stay stuck in careers they don't want to be in because they think they aren't good enough to maybe have a business smart enough, whatever the enoughness is. And I see all of these people that are out here running incredible businesses, like growing businesses and there's nothing special about them, it's just that they are willing to try. It's just that they're willing to fail at it. It's just that they were willing to learn. That's it. Some of them, it's just that they had that privilege, they had the opportunity. Maybe there was somebody that was helping them.
But regardless, like, it's not to say that it's as easy for everyone as it is for others, it's not. But truly it comes down to just having the audacity to try it, to learn it. And I really look at entrepreneurship like a puzzle. It's, you just have to figure it out. It might take some time and if you've never done it, it's likely going to take you longer than someone else that has run a business already. But it doesn't mean you can't do it. So I just say this, for a lot of you who have never even considered it, and if you don't want to, that's fine. Like this isn't something that's saying everyone should be one. You shouldn't if you don't want to, if you'd like, like getting your paycheck, you like going home and not having to think about work, you don't want the buck to stop with you. You don't want to wear 5,000 hats, that's totally fine.
But I, I think for so many of you that do want the flexibility, you want the freedom, you want to be able to make your own hours, you want the ability to not have that cap, that salary cap you want to make more than what you're making. It is a very viable option and I promise you that it's open to you, too. So think about it, you know?
The other truth, the other thing that I want everyone to understand about entrepreneurship that I'm learning more and more as I go into it is that I really think it is one of the only, and or best, not only, but how do I say this? It is a one of a great way to amass wealth if that's important to you. So I have been around a lot of people that made high salaries that worked as lawyers, as doctors, as engineers, making, you know, six figures, multiple six figures. And what's fascinating is watching them after years and years and years of schooling and debt, a lot of us, we have this lifestyle creep where, you know, we have the golden handcuffs, we end up increasing our lifestyle spend. And so many people that are making a lot of money are still living paycheck to paycheck or maybe not paycheck to paycheck, but a lot of their paycheck is going to their life. And you know, maybe they have some leftover for savings or retirement or a little bit of fun vacation, things like that. But they're not really creating and living with the money that they want. And the one truth that I've seen, for better or worse, I'm not saying this is good, it's not. It's just simply the way that our society is set up. The one thing that I have seen over and over again is that the people that are truly able to build wealth for themselves, and especially generational wealth, and if you want to make a certain amount that you can help out your family and friends and people around you and leave it for your children and have that security is only through having a business that's, I see it over and over again where people, it takes a long time maybe, but to build up a business that gives you the income and the equity, if you're going to sell it later, that would set you up.
It's so much harder to do that as an employee. I'm, I won't say it's impossible. I think if you do make multiple six figures and you invest from a young age and you know you can amass wealth as well I just have seen that it is often one of the only ways for a lot of people who may not have the, the education or the training to have a high six figure paying job. One of the best ways to do it is to start a business. And so if that's something that's important to you, again, you don't have to do it in order to make money, that may not even be the reason you go into business. But I think that that's something that we need to talk about, especially as women, especially as women of color. I think having this conversation about wealth and generational wealth and that level of financial security, and if that is important to you, I think that it is a very viable path for that.
The other thing that I think is a truth and a lie is that entrepreneurship can be very flexible. Like I just mentioned, one of the reasons I wanted to go into entrepreneurship was because I wanted that flexibility. But that's only if you learn how to manage your mind. And I say that because so many of us come into entrepreneurship, obviously programmed from school and from decades of working in corporate America. And so a lot of us bring that employee mindset and then we just bring it into entrepreneurship and we just build our own prison, right? We build another job for ourselves. And instead of having one boss, like all of your clients are the boss. And so if you can't manage your mind, meaning like all of the thoughts that your brain offers up to you if you don't know how to deal with them, it very quickly becomes this game of, well now it's all on me.
And so now I have to work more. And I see so many people get burned out off entrepreneurship because they are working themselves into the ground. Because I think they have to, because we have been trained to believe that productivity is our worth and the more productive we are, the better we are and the more productive we are, the more money we make, which also, which is a lie. And so a lot of this has to be rethinking. Like what if how hard I work is not directly related to how much money I make. Like there's a lot of people that work a lot harder than me. There's people that have three jobs. There's people that are waking up before sun up. It doesn't mean they make more than me. That's just not how it works in this society. Unfortunately, you make money by the value you provide. And you can provide value within 10 minutes, right? A lawyer that has worked in a certain niche can charge you $5,000 to do certain forms that they just know how to do. And it would take you years to figure out or it could take someone an entire day, right? It's not the time that it takes, it's that value and that knowledge. And so as an entrepreneur, you have to understand this. Otherwise you will just create a prison where there's no end in sight. You're working nights, you're working weekends, you're not delegating, you're doing everything yourself. But I think if you do learn how to manage that and you do learn how to start really questioning like what is moving the needle forward? How much time do I need to put in? You can create a lot of flexibility for yourself.
Now, this is something I still even struggle with and I have, I do have a lot of flexibility and I have worked really hard on limiting my hours and I still find myself, like if I am, if I didn't work quote unquote enough that day for what I think is enough, however many hours I think I was supposed to work, I can see the guilt just like storming around in me. I can see like on weekends when I have time off, it's like, oh, well let me just log in and do this one little thing, or let me spend an hour because it's quiet on Saturday doing this because at the end of the day, the buck stops with me. If I don't do it, it doesn't get out. And so it becomes very easy to end up in this hamster wheel. And so I just say this is like the flexibility is a thing, but you have to be able to manage your mind. And, oftentimes, that comes after a period where you do have to hustle. So I say this to say like it can create the business that you want if you're working towards that goal, but I think sometimes we get caught in this like it should be love and light all the time and everything should be wonderful. And what it is required to create a business from zero to whatever, 50,000, a hundred thousand requires some hustle. It requires you to get everything set up. It requires you to work more hours than you may want to. And that doesn't mean it has to be like that all the time. It means that's the season you're in the season of building that foundation. And so I think we, I don't mean to say that like it's all about flexibility and you should only work four hours a day. And I think sometimes on Instagram, people like to sell a lifestyle that's not very true. And so it does require a lot of hard work and it does require a lot of sacrifice and it does require some hustle in the beginning. But you have to kinda keep the eye on the prize of like, okay, at what point is it going to be enough for me to say like, I, I need to be able to delegate this, or I need to stop doing these behaviors I was doing to get me here and be able to like create a business that was actually what I wanted.
And I say this like when I was saying I struggle with this. I look at this. Now what's hard is that our brains are really used to just moving the goalpost. So even when you set up the foundation, and let's say you make a certain amount, your brain will tell you like, that's not enough. Like, we have to get to this next level, then we can slow down, then we can take time off. And like, that's a really important thing to catch because you will never slow down then. So it, there comes a point where you have to like really slow yourself down to be like, yeah, maybe we don't get to that next level quickly. But the reason I started this business was to have flexibility. The reason I started this business was to not work as much. The reason I started this business was to be able to have, you know, Fridays off. So like I have to implement that even though it feels com uncomfortable because my brain is telling me I need to be working all the time.
So this one is more of like, it is possible, it's just not as a given. I think as people think it is. It's not like you're just going to start and be like, oh my God, it's so lovely. I'm taking all Mondays and Fridays off and I don't feel stressed about that. And it's, you know, like everything is working out the way it's supposed to be. It's mostly like you thinking everything is on fire and you try to put out the fire. And that's just in the beginning. And then you can grow to a thing that becomes more manageable. Okay. So those were the truths.
The lies that I hear about entrepreneurship and that I, I've experienced the lies I thought myself and I just want to hold, you know, prevent you from having to deal with them if you are considered. The first lie is that there is never something called passive income.
There just isn't. We love to believe that there is. And so, I mean, okay, I shouldn't say there isn't. If you invest in stocks, if you like put your money in, you know, s and p 500, that could be a passive income for you. You could just leave it and hopefully it'll grow over years and decades and then that can become some kind of income. That might be the only like passive thing that you can do.
But if you're going to run a business, I don't care how they market it to you, there is no business that is passive. There just isn't. Because this is what happens. Let's say you have like, you want to make, create a business where it makes money while you sleep, which people love to tell you like, I want to create an Etsy shop or an Amazon Dropbox, what is that called? Fulfillment? Whatever. A lot of people will sell you that. The problem is, is that even if you create something that is like, let's say for my business, there's a lot of people in the coaching industry that create these things called evergreen funnels, which means that you have like a system that's evergreen, that's running all the time where it takes people through a funnel is just basically a journey. So you find someone and they have a free class, let's say, or they have a free video series or something, you sign up for the video series, you get to watch it, they like send you a bunch of emails, and then they lead you down this journey. They teach you about something and then they offer you a product and then you can either buy that product or not, right? So a lot of people set this up where then, that evergreen funnel is there working when no, but regardless of if they're, if they're on vacation or not, that funnel is there, the video series is there, the signup page is there. Anybody can go there and go through this funnel and be given a product and sold. So that person is not like actively selling. So that's what they mean by it. And that is supposed to be a type of passive income. Like you set up a product and people go through this funnel and hopefully buy the product.
But how do people get to this funnel, right? You have to constantly be marketing and selling to get people to see this page, to find the people that have the problem that your product solves for. And so you are still going to be working all the time, right? The minute you take your foot off the gas, the traffic will drop and people won't go to your page and people won't find the product or the funnel and you'll stop making sales. And so all these people that talk about passive income, like I have never seen it.
I've now been in entrepreneurship for over five years. I've seen tons and I mean every type of business and I have not seen a person that actually has a passive income. Like even if let's say you're doing ads, you're running ads to your product to like this funnel, then okay, well someone has to keep their eye on the ad. You have to know, you have to look at the metrics all the time. You have to change up the creative, you have to do all of these things. You have to constantly be involved. And so I say this because I just don't want you guys to fall for any marketing that is teaching you, like I, I know for a lot of us, the desire to have a side hustle that's passive seems really great. But it's not true. And I just don't want you to fall for that.
That doesn't mean you can't create a side hustle, it's just that it's going to require work. And it doesn't mean that that like you have to put a ton of time into it. Like you either have time or you have money or both, right? So if you have just not a lot of time, let's say you have an hour a day that you want to work on your side hustle. When you come home at night when the kids go to bed or 30 minutes a day or whatnot, that's fine. It might take you two years to get your side hustle up and running. It's still worth it. You'll still, you're still going to be able to make money and grow it and hopefully grow it into something that you can leave your job. But like most of us stop 'cause we think 30 minutes is not enough time or like this isn't going to go anywhere.
And if you stuck with it, if you had like use the compound effect and just take those baby steps, I promise you it will get somewhere. And so I know that there's like this desire to put something up that becomes passive, but like that doesn't exist. So use that time to build a business, even if you have to be active in it, that will actually create income for you that you can then scale and maybe leave your job if you want to, right?
I, I should say this, the other truth, the other thing I, I did want people to know about entrepreneurship, we talked about like it being a great way to amass wealth, but one thing that I left out is like, it also does not only does it not have to be something where you're making a ton of money, I also think like there are a lot of different types of businesses that I want people to understand. Like, and there's tons of types of businesses, there's tons of businesses that are not as hard to set up, like information businesses, online businesses. And I think that sometimes it can feel really jarring or daunting to think about having like the same million dollar business or multiple millions or whatnot. And you don't have to aim for that. When I talk about like entrepreneurship, I even mean like for a lot of you it's very viable and very practical and I don't want to say easy, but really possible to just replace your income, to just have a business where you make 60, 80, a hundred K, 150 K. Like it doesn't have to be something where, and you could be a solopreneur, you could have one virtual assistant like it is very possible to create a side hustle where you are making an income that quickly replaces your salary. That's more possible than like you wanting to let's say make a 10 million company. That's still possible, but it's just harder. So anyways, that was just another quick aside.
The other lie that I think we don't realize that we're thinking, but a lot of my entrepreneurs and myself included, I got coached on this. We have this false belief that it should be quick. That because we're sold to in that way, it's not like your fault, but I think on, especially with social media, we get sold this lie whether it's outright like they're advertising and saying like, you can make six figures in six months or when you see someone else's story and they conveniently leave out that they had like two other businesses before this and they say like, I started my business and within a year I was making $400,000. I have never, when I dig into it, I have very rarely, I mean, I don't think I've ever, but I'm, I I don't want to say ever like never say never.
Maybe somebody has, but I have not seen someone with zero experience in entrepreneurship set up a business and then make like multiple six figures in the first year because you have to learn about entrepreneurship and you have to learn about marketing and sales and product delivery and the technology behind it and the customer journey and how to onboard and offboard and all these other things. And that takes time and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. But we get this false sense. We're sold this lie that like you can pop up a side hustle and replace your income within a year. And then when that doesn't happen, a lot of us make that mean like, I'm not good at entrepreneurship, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not cut out for this. And that's jus bullshit, right? We're not entitled to it succeeding within the first year.
Like I think for a lot of us, we get really upset and I had a lot of success entitlements. Like I kept thinking, well I'm doing the work, I'm putting out the podcast, I'm talking to these people, I'm giving value, I'm trying to help them. Why aren't they buying from me? It's like, well 'cause I clearly haven't honed in the message or I'm clearly not talking to a problem they need or I clearly don't have a product that people like and I that my job as an entrepreneur is to constantly tweak that, to figure out how do I create something that people want, right? And not make it mean that I'm not good enough. I'm never going to get anywhere, I'm never going to make this business. But just really make it mean like, okay, what is the problem here? How can I assess the problem and then fix it?
But I realize like when you, there's no other profession or job where we think like, oh, within the first year I should just be a superstar, right? Like lawyers and doctors aren't coming in as first years and being like, I should probably make partner or like make, you know, multiple six figure I should run this clinic. Like that's not what you think because you know that it takes years. First of all, it took you how many years to even go through school to get that job. And then it takes years for you to like sort of apprentice your way up, like learning by doing and becoming more confident and more fluent in that language of that career and then learning how to grow that, right? It's the same thing with entrepreneurship. Like I think one of the saddest things I see is that two people that people quit to quickly 'cause they think it's not working.
But the only reason they think that is because like they are learning by failing, which is what most, how most people learn entrepreneurship. So it's like you're doing the work and you're not getting the result, which means you're learning from that. Like, oh, I did this, this didn't resonate. I put this message out, this didn't work. Like I tried these ads that didn't work. Okay, great. How can I evaluate that, assess that, and then go back to the drawing board and figure out what to do next. Instead, we make it mean like, oh, see clearly I'm not cut out for this. Or clearly they were all lying. I can't have, like, you can't create a business. It's not, not everybody can have a business. And I just, I've seen it. I've now seen so many people that have been able to create businesses. I truly believe, like you can create it in any field, in any niche, you simply have to figure out what a problem is people have and solve that problem.
Like give them value and people will pay you for that value, right? And so if you haven't figured that out, that's the only equation you need to work on is like, where are the people that have this problem? What is the problem I solve? How do I solve it? How do I communicate that with them? And then how do I sell this? Right? And that sounds simple and it is simple, but it's not easy and it takes time. So the fact that it's not happening quickly doesn't mean anything about you as an entrepreneur. It's simply the road to a successful business. It's like paved by thousands of failures by trying it over and over and over again. And it's like even once you get it, things change. Algorithms change. So social media changes you change, your customers change, the economy changes, and then you're constantly figuring it out.
The other thing, the last lie that I really, and when I was talking about right now I think anybody can really have a business is that I think we think that not only like do people that started have something special, but that they have some kind of an expertise that they can monetize. Like they have some kind of degree. I think we've all been so indoctrinated in the culture of school and degrees that we believe like you have to have a degree in order to sell anything or in order to call yourself an expert. And I'm not saying like most of you likely do have expertise that you could sell. And that is one way of creating a business. Like if you have spent time learning a skill, you likely can either become a consultant or a coach or teach about it or do something.
Maybe you can create some kind of tool that people in that field need. 'cause you understand that field. It can definitely help. But I also think that that type of thinking can be really limiting because I think a lot of us love to believe that we're not experts, even though we're all experts in some things. But it's just not helpful because it's also not true. I think that really all you need to in order to create a business is to be a couple of steps ahead of people. That's it. And all of us are a couple of steps ahead in something, right? So whether that is like, you know, I don't know, like there's moms who have learned how to meal prep in 20 minutes a day because they don't have time between work and soccer practices and all the stuff with the kids and they have to have dinner ready and they've created some kind of system for themselves that helps them, you know, build out their meals every week. Like that is something that people pay for. That is something that a lot of moms need to help with. That is something that someone's like, Hey, weekly just make my meal plan for me, right? Or whatever that, that could be like 14 different types of businesses. But there are women that have started like memberships where they sell, it's like a $10 membership where they sell their meal plans.
Or let's say you have gone through, you know, your parents died and you had to handle their estate and you were dealing with the grief and you had to deal with hospice or whatever. Like you have an expertise that someone else that hasn't gone through that but is going to go through that. doesn't have. And I'm not saying that you have to like sell yourself as a coach or anything like that. There are so many different ways of looking at how you can help people.
And so often we tend to help the people that we're us like a couple steps ago. It was the thing that you needed the help with most, right? So a lot of us, let's say it's like navigating the healthcare system or, navigating the school system with a child who might have learning disabilities or navigating the divorce system. Like if you're not a lawyer, let's just say there's some things that we went through that when we were going through, we have these thoughts of like, this shouldn't be this hard or like, I don't understand this or when someone else is going through it, then you have a ton of advice or a ton of resources to help them. That is an indication typically that you have something that you could help other people with. Again, you don't have to make it into a business.
I'm just saying that I think that the idea that a lot of people think like I have nothing to sell is wrong. There's a lot that you can brainstorm where it's like, what are things that come easy to me? What are things that I've worked through? What are ways that I have navigated that other people, you know, don't know about the, and like how could I help them? How could, what are people suffering from? What is the problem and what is some value I can give them in order to solve that? And that really is the basis of like starting to think about what could be a business. Now there might be a, like you might come up with a brainstorm of 20 ideas and some of them it may not be viable. It's like how much I could charge for that is not really like I'd have to have tens of thousands of people and that doesn't really seem to work. But throughout it, you start like brainstorming and figuring out like, well what about this? What if I helped a small group of people do this?
And sometimes it doesn't even have to be that I always talk to people about, like, it could just be the things you love. Like if you love let's say wine tasting and there isn't a lot of wine tasting in your area, like being someone that curates that, being someone that creates community around that being someone that creates events about that so that you can bring in somm, liaise from other places and put on wine tastings or contract with local companies to host wine tastings and you charge for it. Like there's so many different ways to do this thing called business. And if you really start looking at like, what are the things I like doing? What are the things I've gone through that I can help people with? It can really start giving you some ideas of like, what are ways, like what are businesses I can start? And I just say that because again, going back to this idea that like so many of you could start a business if you wanted to, and I just want this to be like the seedling. If it hasn't, if you didn't have it, if you told yourself that you couldn't, that like, if it's something that you desire, if it's something that you want to explore, just give yourself space to explore it. Nobody's saying you have to start it. Nobody's saying you have to jump into it again. You can decide that entrepreneurship is not for you. And I think that's a very reasonable decision for a lot of people. I just want you to give yourself the opportunity. I want it to be another option.
And if you want help with that, I love that we do these entrepreneurship calls in the club.
So the Quitter Club, yes, we focus on career and part of that is like, do I want to leave to start my own business? Do I want to have a side hustle? And so many people in the club either are entrepreneurs or have side hustles or are thinking about leaving in order to grow a business. And so there's a community of people who are grappling with these same questions like, can this really be, what kind of business model would this be? And we coach on it a lot. So once a month there is a call that is dedicated to entrepreneurship where we will talk through like your niche and your marketing and your model and how much you'd have to make and what your goal is and how you get started and what steps you start on. So we do that, but we also can coach on it at any time in the community.
So you don't have to go through this alone if you don't really have any ideas about what you want to do or how you would start that business, join the club and let me help you because I, it's one of my favorite topics. I feel like it has changed me and I'm so, so glad that I listened to that little voice that wanted to be an entrepreneur, but felt scared to admit that. And I really feel like my career has, obviously it's changed, but it has opened up so many doors for me. It has opened up so many possibilities. I think about how many other types of businesses I could start. I'm constantly like seeing bigger and bigger dreams that I never thought possible. And it really just starts with that first step. So join us in the Quitter Club. You can go to lessonsfromaquitter.com/quitterclub and join us so that we can, you know, dip our toes into those entrepreneurship waters. All right, my friends, I hope this was helpful and I'll see you next week for another episode.
Hey, if you are looking for more in-depth help with your career, whether that's dealing with all of the stress, worry, and anxiety that's leading to burnout in your current career or figuring out what your dream career is and actually going after it, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club. It is where we quit what is no longer working. Like perfectionism, people pleasing imposter syndrome… and we start working on what does, and we start taking action towards the career and the life that you actually want. We will take the concepts that we talk about on the podcast and apply them to your life and you will get the coaching, tools, and support that you need to actually make some real change. So go to lessonsfromaquitter.com/quitter club and get on the waitlist. Doors are closed right now, but they will be open soon.