3 First steps when you're unhappy
Ep. 265
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In today’s episode, we’re diving into the three crucial steps you need to take when you’re feeling stuck in your career. We all know that feeling of being trapped in a job that’s making us miserable, but before you rush to quit, let’s take a deep breath and think strategically. I’ll be explaining how to slow down and take an honest audit of your situation. Is it all the job’s fault, or are you contributing to your own unhappiness? Next, how to redirect your focus on what you can change: about yourself, your reactions, and your boundaries. You can’t change everything around you, but you can control your responses. Finally, how to understand your financial runway – what you have saved, what you need, and what options it gives you. Whether you’re planning to quit or just make your current situation better, these steps are your roadmap to designing a life you truly love.

Show Transcript
Hey! Welcome to Lessons from a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you've spent getting to where you are. If ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.
Hello my friends and welcome to another episode. I'm so excited you are here. I hope you are all well. I'm doing great. My kids are about to go back to school in another week and I am ready for it. I'm ready to have some more stability and predictable schedules and get back to work, and I have a lot of really fun, exciting things coming up. So I'm looking forward to putting my head down and doing some more work, more than I have been doing in the summer. So that's what's going on on my end. I hope you are well. I wanted to do this episode about the first three things I want you to do, the three steps I want you to take when you realize that you're really unhappy when you know you're miserable here, but you don't know what to do from here, when you get overwhelmed, as soon as you think about like, oh, do I have to change a job? Do I have to find another job? I'm going to give you the first three things to focus on and I wanted to do this episode because I know a lot of you are new here. Welcome. Thank you so much for listening.
I have done tons and tons of episodes and some of them were more kind of overview-ish, like what we're going to do today. And then I started getting even deeper on certain really specific issues and topics. And I realize, as not everybody has gone back to listen to all of those episodes. So for anybody that's new here, and I think it's a good refresher for all of you wonderful listeners that have been listening for a really long time, to think about, okay, what do I do first? What are the things that I should focus on?
Because what ends up happening for a lot of us when we know we don't want where we're at, we know it's not working here, but thinking about a hundred steps ahead, 50 steps ahead, 20 steps ahead is so overwhelming that we end up doing nothing. We get so overwhelmed thinking about the possibilities, like, do I look for another job? Do I try to work with my boss here? Do I change careers completely? Do I quit and go live in a van down by the river? Always an option. . We end up doing nothing and then we stay year after year after year in the same place.
And so I wanted to give you an overview of like the really bare bones. Before I do anything else, what are the first three things I'm going to do? And here's a little hint. I don't know. I was going to say spoiler alert, but that's not right. The words fail me today. Apparently you can use this, I'm obviously talking about this with respect to your career, but this sort of evaluation is what you should be doing as the first three steps in anything that you are unhappy in.
If it's a relationship, it's a friendship. If it's in, you know, some aspect of your life, like your health or whatever, you have to slow down a little bit before we jump to trying to change things and start figuring out why and what you can do. And that's what these three steps are going to help. Because what we see too often and what we've all experienced is, I know I'm unhappy here, so I'm just going to jump from thing to thing, hoping that something else fixes me. Hoping that something else is the, you know, solution to my problems. And we're not saying this consciously, but we're just hoping something else saves us like someone else has the answer. If I just jump to another job, then all of a sudden, hopefully everything at that job is great and I don't have to worry about anything. And if that worked, I would suggest it, but it doesn't because we know what happens, we jump to the next thing and there's a bunch of things that are wrong there and we're sort of stuck in the same position and we start creating even more stories of like, maybe I just can't be happy. Maybe there's something wrong with me and there isn't. But following these three steps will help you be more successful in your next step, in your next career, in however you decide to change it. Okay?
So I wanted to just give you kind of this broad overview and then you can take this work deeper on each step and kind of figure out the, the specifics for yourself. Okay?
So the first thing you ever want to do when you are unhappy in anything, but especially in your career, if you feel really miserable, I want you to slow down and do an audit. And what I mean by an audit is I want us to like face what is actually the problem here and get really specific. Okay? I want us to look at two things. You're going to take out a piece of paper, you're going to make two columns. You're going to draw a line down the middle and you're going to put the job on one side and you're going to put ‘me’ on the other. Okay? Now, before we go into this, this isn’t a shame blame situation. There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with how you've reacted or what you've done or whatever. It's simply wanting to know where is it truly the job? Where is it things outside of my control? Where is it things that I have no control over and they, they will not change? And where am I adding to my own unhappiness here? Okay, this is really important to see because this is how we start deciding what am I going to do from here? What are the things I can change? What are the things I can't change? What happens too often is that we think it's just all the job. A hundred percent it's the job.
My boss is a jerk. My coworkers gossip too much. The clients are rude, the deadlines are too intense. I have too much work. It's all the work, okay? And when we get in that place, of course the only option then is that I have to leave. I'm going to get burned out, I have to quit. Okay?
What a lot of us miss is that a large part of even the things that you think at your job that are putting strain or stress or unnecessary anxiety on you are caused by you as well. Like you have a part in it. And what I mean by that, I'm going to give you some examples. So a lot of us are people pleasers, right? We have been raised to believe that we are a team at work and we should go above and beyond and we should give 110%. And our boss should love us. And we were high achievers when we were in school and we got all the good grades and we got the pat on the head and we want that pat on the head and we want everyone to love us. And we cannot stand somebody being upset or not, you know, fawning over us or you know, not being the star employee of the month or whatever it is. And so we go above and beyond even when our plate is full, even when we have too many tasks, even when the things they're asking us to do is outside of the job description, even when it's not stuff they're paying us for.
We're just like, oh, okay. They ask, they say jump. And I say, how high. My boss emails me at eight o'clock at night. I guess I have to respond right now.
It might be a problem that my boss is emailing me at eight o'clock at night. It's also a problem that I'm choosing to respond and I control that.
So when I say like, I want you to look at where is the job and where is me, I want you to look at where do I not set any boundaries? How do I handle criticism, right? Am I ruminating over it all the time? Am I causing a lot of my own stress? Because if I get any feedback that's not a hundred percent positive, I go into a tailspin, right? How is my perfectionism showing up here? Am I holding myself to a standard that's impossible to me that I think I have to be able to juggle all the balls and never ask for help and never show weakness and always deliver good news and have no clients ever be upset and you know, whatever be manage everybody on my team and everybody has to love me and my boss, you know, like this insane standard I'm never going to meet.
Is that what my standard is? Because if that's the issue, then no matter where you go, you take that same brain with you. I want you to hear that. This is why just jumping from job to job doesn't change anything. Because if I am taking my same human brain and I'm still a people pleaser and I'm still a perfectionist and I still have imposter syndrome and I don't know how to set boundaries, and I think about my work every night when I come home and I can't go to sleep, if something is not done off my to-do list and I spend my Saturdays thinking about how I should get ahead at work.
I'm going to another job hoping, praying that maybe that job, that boss will set some boundaries for me. And maybe he will, she will. Maybe you're lucky, but maybe he or she won't. Maybe you'll go to another job and have a similar situation. Maybe you'll go to another job and have, maybe your boss will set boundaries, but maybe your coworkers will constantly give you things that they don't want to do 'cause they know you're going to do 'em or constantly interrupt you so that you can't actually get your work done. So you end up staying late. Or maybe you end up going and you have clients that are worse or whatever it is. Like if you start thinking about like, we want to find some magical unicorn place where we love everything and everything is perfect and nobody is ever, you know acting in a way that we don't think they should act, you're going to set yourself up for failure because no matter where you go, you're going to have something. You're not going to like something that you have to advocate for yourself for something that you have to put up a boundary about, right?
And so it's just really important to see, it's really important to see where am I adding to my own unhappiness here? And like I said, not to say that there isn't stuff with the job. You also have to go through that. And this is something that people skip over all the time, which is fascinating, is we say we're really unhappy and we can give some generalized things like my boss micromanages or I don't like how intense it is or the, you know, the level of work we have to do, the amount of deadlines there is.
We have some specifics, but I want you to get really, really like granular about what are the things that is a problem at this job for me, and why, why is it a problem that it, you know, we have deadlines. What is the anxiety that I have around it? Have I always gotten my work done? Like what am I afraid of happening? Is it the hours that I'm working? Is it that the way that my boss is? Os it that you know, I have to bill in six minute increments? Like certain things are not going to change. And if it is that, I want you to know what that is and I want you to know why that bothers you so much. Like why does it bother me to have to record my time in six minute increments? The more you get clear, not on this, just this job, you can even go back on previous jobs as you're doing this and get an understanding of like, where do I work well and where do I not work well, right? Part of this is really auditing. What was the job? Where are my strengths and my weaknesses?
Maybe I don't do well working alone remotely, in the house. Like that's the thing I don't like. Maybe I actually want to be in an office. Maybe I don't like managing people. I want to work in a job where I don't have to manage anybody. Like those are not the skills that I want to develop. Okay, good to know, right? So we sort of want to just go back and look at like, where is the job and where is it in me? Where are certain things that are I'm going to bring with me to the next job and the next job that I need to clean up a little bit, I need to work on a little bit. I need to figure out, okay, like this is where we can get ruthlessly honest. And again, it's not about adding shame or blame. It doesn't make you wrong or bad in any way.
We've all been programmed in a society that has taught us to be people pleasers that has taught us to give 110%. That has taught us that being perfect is the only acceptable answer. And so we've all adopted these unhealthy habits, these maladaptive kind of behaviors that have protected us. And for a lot of us, they're the reason we've been successful. They're the reason we've gotten to where we've gotten because we've pushed to these really impossible standards and now we're getting to a point of burnout. And so you just really want to figure out what is what. Where is it the job that I can't change? Like I'm not going to be able to change that they do billing at six minute increments, or I'm not going to be able to change that. Let's say it's a night shift at a hospital, right? Like if I don't like that schedule, that's what that is, right?
But there are like, if my boss, let's say, emails me at six o'clock, if I didn't feel the need to have to answer, and if I get really honest with myself, like I know a lot of us our brain goes to, but I'll get fired, and you just want to really question will I, will I actually get fired or will I just have to sit with the uncomfortable feeling that like he may not love me as much, right? I am not like the star employee. Or he might be upset, of course he might be. But can I know that like I get paid as a transactional job and my job ends at five o'clock and so I'm not going to bring it home on my nights and weekends anymore. Like I'm not going to do this anymore.
Once we can get really clear, once we do an audit and figure out where it's me and where it's the job, it becomes easier to see like, do I need to change this job? Or do I just need to learn to manage my own mind? Do I need to learn how to set up boundaries? Do I need to know how to, you know, lower my own perfectionist standards? Do I need to be more self-compassionate with myself if I make a mistake? Are those the things I need to work on? Because I might be able to love it here. I might be able to have a job that I actually really like and can thrive in and can flourish in if I learned not to put so much pressure on myself if I learned how to really think about the job differently.
But you can only do this if you actually look at it. And the reason I say this is that I think for so many of us, it's like this boogeyman. We don't want to admit it because we feel a lot of shame or we feel a lot of blame. And it's like, if I blame them and I'm resentful to my boss for the way he is, then I don't have to look at what I'm doing, right? If I'm just angry that he sent the email at 6:00 PM then I don't have to be mad that I'm also responding to it.
I'll give you a quick story. I just had this conversation with a friend's husband who got called into HR because he was sending emails at like all at times of the night. And it was fascinating because he had no expectation for anyone to respond to the emails. He was just like, you know, couldn't sleep certain nights or was working late because he wanted to work on some stuff and would think of whatever he needed or wanted to email someone and he would email them, but it was causing so much stress amongst the other workers because they thought like if he's emailing them at 11 o'clock at night, that they have to respond.
And it's fascinating for him it was like, wait, but I don't care. I never asked them to respond. I never even said like, well, they could even look at it the next day. Like, I'm just sending this email at this time because that was when it came to my mind. Now I'm not saying that that that's the right thing to do and like I think the HR should put some boundaries around that stuff. But it was fascinating because thinking about what those other coworkers were thinking and assuming and believing that like, oh, because he emails I have to email back, created so much undue stress that they went to HR, right? Created so much frustration as opposed to like even talking to him about it or just not responding the next day and seeing is it a problem? And so I just, I say that because I want you to get really honest. Is it truly going to be that I'm going to get fired? Is it truly that I have to respond? And again, I know in some situations that is what you get paid for. Some people, if you're getting paid at let's say a large law firm that expects you to be responsive, maybe that you don't have the luxury of not responding, I think you still do have the luxury of having more boundaries than you think you can have. But I think for, I know for some of us, like we are signing on to let's say, have a high paying job and they expect us to be responsive, I have to figure out what are my boundaries within that? What is it? When is it that I can, when is it that I can't? But I think there's a large majority of people who actually can have a lot more boundaries and don't because they're just afraid to.
So that's one–is do the audit. After you do an audit, you have to ask yourself, what can I change here?
Number two is before I try to leave, before I jump to something else, before I think that my solution is in going to another place, what can I change here? Okay? And I'm going to give you the answer. It's the secret answer.
You can only change you. That's it. You can ask yourself in another way. Like, what can I change? What do I control? The only thing you control is you a spoiler alert. All right?
And so when you ask this question, the question is truly, how do I change myself to be able to manage while I'm here? Maybe like it, maybe love it, I don't know, but how do I want to change the way that I react? Okay, there's, I have a, you know, I teach a concept in my membership in the Quitter Club called a hundred percent Responsibility.
And it's this idea of taking a hundred percent responsibility for your own life. And I always talk about it, it's like responsibility is your ability to respond, right? It's the fact that you have an ability to respond. You get to choose. You always have a choice. That choice might be to quit. That choice might be to put up a boundary, but it's still your choice. And even if it's a hard choice, it's still a choice. We want to not confuse a hard choice with no choice, okay? And so when you have a choice in how you show up, then you get to decide what do I want to change with that? And so what I mean by that is like, again, when we look at, okay, I can't change how the billing works here. I can't change the type of clients we work with. I can't change some other things about the industry, but I can change advocating for myself. I can tell my boss the next time he gives me an additional project saying like, Hey, I already have these other three projects that are taking up my full-time job. Do you want me to offload one of those? If I take this on right?
I can ask the questions instead of just saying like, okay, I'll do that and then stay late every day and do additional work that I'm not getting paid for. Or I can advocate by saying like, yeah, I'm happy to do that, but that's really outside of what I was hired to do. Like, can we talk about changing my compensation package and my title to reflect the work that I'm doing? Right? Notice that like, if you learn how to advocate for yourself, if you learn how to set a boundary, if you learn that you are, you do not need to work for free, that you do not need to take on more than what they're paying you for.
How much more control and balance you can have in your career, which ultimately can make you happier, which ultimately can make it so that you're not so unhappy and dreading so much of what our dread comes from and our burnout comes from. I'm not saying it's your fault, but so much of that burnout and dread and misery that we have in our careers is from how we are reacting to things. It's that we just keep taking it and shoving it down. Don't say anything. Do what they say. Go home, complain about it, ruminate, you know, get really off. Come back the next day and do it again.
And so when you start thinking about what do I control? I control when I log off. I control how often I check my emails. I control when I respond. I control how I advocate for myself. I control the boundaries that I set. I control the amount that I'm willing to let coworkers talk to me and distract me whether I close and open my door. All of those things are things that I can control.
And I know a lot of you are having a lot of mind drama about that. Like, I can't do that. I can't close my door. I can't say no, I can't turn down projects. And I promise you that you can do so much more than you think. And I want, a lot of the work that we do in my membership in the Quitter Club is working on creating the thoughts that will allow you to do this. And what I mean by that is that a lot of times we have certain thoughts that are like, I can't close my door to my coworkers because then they'll think I'm mean, or then they'll think I'm not available or then they will think I'm not a team player. That's just a thought. And we can choose to think about it in a different way. We can choose to think about like, how is it the best thing for everyone, including my team, for me to close my door for an hour a day, right? For two hours a day for half the day. How is it the best thing for everybody involved, for me to have specific office hours? Like the more I change the way I think about things and I really look at instead of my knee jerk reaction of like, it's always been done this way, so I have to do it this way. Other people are giving their whole life, so I should give my whole life. Like the more we take that control and we change the way that we think about it and we change the way like that we, how we want to choose to show up, things change. That's how things change for us.
And the reason I'm so passionate about this step and like really getting you guys to understand that you need to do it is because like I said, like I don't want you to go to the next job and just drag along all these problems with you. So even if you're still going to hate the job, even if you're still going to leave, even if you're working towards leaving, which you very much well should and go after your dreams, it's worth your while to practice these skills to learn how to do this exactly where you are. It's worth your while to understand like, okay, I haven't set boundaries up until now, but I can change that. I can decide that I'm going to set boundaries now. And the more you do that here, not only are you like learning that skill, but you're building the confidence that you can do that, that you can do to the next place or anywhere else you go.
Or you can decide to stay, right? Like there's so many more options. But when you show yourself like, I have more control than I think I do here, it's not all just them. And I'm going to tell you this, it's a really good thing that it's not just them. Because when we are in this like helpless, for lack of a better term, victim mentality, I don't mean it in the sense that we are a victim. It's just that we start thinking like, there's nothing I can do. I'm stuck in corporate America. My boss is a jerk. Everything is wrong. I work in a toxic environment. Everyone loves to think everything is toxic nowadays. It's a toxic environment. Everything is terrible. Well, when I'm left with that, there's nothing I can do. It's a very helpless feeling and it doesn't feel good. I'm at the whim of everybody else.
I'm at their mercy. And unless I leave, which a lot of us just make ourselves so unhappy, unhappy until the point where we have to leave, there's nothing else I can do. And I'm just here to tell you that's not true. And there is so much. And when you learn how to do this, you get yourself out of that helpless mentality and you start thinking, okay, I'm not going to change my boss. I'm not going to change the micromanaging. I can change how I respond to it. I can change what I'll allow, I can change. Like maybe my response is that I stop caring so much. I'm like, yeah, he's going to micromanage here he goes, let's see what he is going to micromanage today. Maybe I just stop getting so upset about it and expect it, right? If it's happening every day and I start asking myself like, how does this actually affect me? Why do I care? Let him micromanage, right?
I'm not saying that's the response for every person that's going to be different. You just have to start really figuring out where do I control my own thoughts here about how I want to respond to this? Where do I want to just accept that it is what it is and it's fine? Where do I want to change it? Where do I want to change how I show up? And where can I not change anything? And I really just don't want to accept? So maybe that is my sign that I have to leave, right? That's this the sign that like, I've done what I can here to change. I've done what I can to take steps to control, you know, my own responses. And I just, this is something that's a deal breaker for me, which means I shouldn't stay here.
So that's number two. What can I change here? What do I control? Me. How do I change that, right?
And then your step three that I think everybody should do is figure out your runway, your financial runway. Because I think that whether you're going to quit or not, for so many of us, we're so terrified of even looking at our money or understanding our money.
And again, all that does is leave us in a helpless place where we think we don't have options. And for a lot of us just simply looking at it, I liken it to just kind of like when you think there's a monster under the bed, you know, when you're a child, it's like just having the courage to look under the bed. And you see that there is no monster there. There's nothing there, right? And it can allay so many fears. The same thing happens when you really understand your financial runway.
And what I mean by that is just getting an understanding of like, how much do I have saved? How much, what are my expenses every month? What is my income? Like, what would I need if I was going to leave, right? Just take a look at it. Would I need to replace? Because I think for a lot of us, we think we're stuck because we can't replace our income or you know, for a million other reasons, like we have debt or whatnot. And when you do this work, you start really figuring out, maybe I don't need as much. Like if my expenses are a lot less than what I'm bringing in, maybe if I want to switch for a job, like I don't have to find a job that's as high paying, even though if I want one, like maybe I can start a little bit lower.
Maybe my decision is to go somewhere that gets paid a little bit less, but I have more freedom, I have more time, I have less stress, I have less deadlines. Whatever. It's right. You can't know that if you're not really clear on your finances. And I think for a lot of people that I work with, there's like the math of your finances and then there's the thoughts, there's all of the mindset drama. And it's amazing once you figure out the math, how you start seeing, like, how much of it is just mindset. Because for so many people, they love to believe it's just the math. Like they love to believe like, well, I can't quit my job because we'll run out of money, let's say. But they haven't, they don't actually know, like, okay, what would you need to replace your expenses? Like, how much do you have saved up? How much of a runway do you have before you need to make that much money? Where what are other ways that you can make the amount money that you need?
And I think when you start realizing this, I actually just did this with a client who was saying how she had this very high number that she thought she had to get to that was creating a lot of stress in her relationship, in just in her own business. And as soon as she looked at the money and what she needed, it was like a fourth of what she needed what she thought she needed. And it's not to say that she doesn't want to grow and create a business that creates the amount that she ultimately wants, but when you start realizing like, oh, I actually don't even need this much right now. In the next year, I need a fourth of that, that's so much more doable.
That gives me so many more options. Do I want to have a side hustle? Do I want to save them money? Do I want to ask for a raise? Do I want to find a job that pays more? Do I, there's a million things that I can do, but I can't know it if I don't look at my finances. And so for anyone who's really unhappy, even if you are going to stay, I, it's really good to know your options, even if you're not going to leave, just knowing like, financially, this is where I stand.
Because here's the other thing some of you might see, you might look under that bed and that monster that you're afraid of is there. You might look at it and it'll be like, we have this much debt. Our expenses are this high. I can't leave this job for at least another year or two years or three years, let's say, right? I am going to save a very minimal amount over the next three years to create a financial runway and find another job that maybe replaces my salary.
At least we know that and we know that we spend the next 1, 2, 3 years: One, setting you up financially for whatever jump you want to make. Like figuring out, do I need to make a little bit more money? Do I need to save more money? What is my plan here? Like now I can actually come up with a plan. And two, how do I love it here while I have to stay? I think for so many people who do end up having to stay, but then torture themselves month after month, just the mental energy that it takes to go back and forth thinking like, maybe I should leave, maybe I should quit. It's like, you can't quit. So why are we even entertaining it anymore? Let's just figure out how do I make here the best possible? And that is going back to number two, right? What do I control? How do I want to show up? How do I want to think about it? How can I manage my mind around where I'm at right now?
Like when you get really clear with what is the plan? What is my runway? It makes it very easy to see what's my next 90 day, six month goal, right? What am I going to do in the short term? What am I going to do in the next year so that I can set myself up later to make a jump?
But none of us do this work. We just spin in how much I hate this, how terrible it is. And then year after year passes and nothing has changed. We haven't looked at our finances, we haven't paid off any debt, we haven't saved any money, we haven't looked at other industries, we haven't explored.
If I know I'm going to be here for another year, I can use that year to figure out, okay, how do I want to set boundaries? So I spend some time on nights and weekends exploring what I want to do next, how do I network in the fields that I'm interested in so I can build up connections and learn about different avenues so that when I want to leave, I know what I'm going to do. I have a road kind of carved out for me.
There's so much you can do while you're still here if you know like what that runway looks like. If you know, maybe, you know, I'm going to stay here forever. I actually want to stay here. I just want to be able to like it. Great. Even knowing your finances, then understanding like, do I have to stay in this job? Can I get a lesser paying job that maybe has less hours? Can I go part-time here? There's so many other things that I can maybe do once I know this and I know like if I'm going to stay, then the only thing that I can change is my thoughts around it. The only thing I'm going to change is how I show up. I'm not going to change the whole industry. I'm not going to change corporate America. I'm not going to change all the people I work with, but I can change how I show up, right?
So it's really important to simply know those numbers, to know your runway, to know what your future kind of holds in the next 1, 2, 3, 5 years, so that you can make a better plan. Like what is my focus now? Is my focus to actually leave? Or is my focus to work on what I control?
So that, that's it. Those are the three things I want you to do an audit about.
Where is it the job? What do you hate about the job? What, where is it you? How are you contributing? I want you to figure out what you can change. What do you control here? And what can you start working on right now? Exactly where you are before you decide to leave? And then what is your runway and what is your kind of the, the timeline that you have to figure out what you want to do. Is it three months? Is it six months? Is it a year? Right? And what are we going to do in that time? Are we going to explore? Are we going to test things out? Do we know exactly what we're going to do? Are we going to come up with an exit plan? What's our finances look like?
The more I get in the nitty gritty of like, I'm not leaving right now, I just need to start planning, the more it helps us answer what I even can do right now and not spin forever. Okay?
So those are the three steps that I want you to focus on. And those are all of the things that we work on in the Quitter Club. So if you want help with each of these, if it sounds a little overwhelming or you don't know how to tackle one part of it, or you don't know how to change yourself, you don't know how to change what you control, you don't know how to change your thoughts about where you're at, that's exactly what we work on together in the Quitter Club. It's not about quitting your job, it's about quitting this life that you are dreading quitting, like hating every day, quitting perfectionism, people pleasing, quitting not having boundaries, is quitting all that and creating a career that you actually like and having set plans and having goals and working towards them. So if you want help with this, you can go to lessons from aquitter.com/quitterclub. And if the doors aren't open right now, you can get on the waitlist to join us as soon as they open. We work on this stuff day in and day out. You get the coaching that you need and you learn a specific tool that will help you do all of this.
There's plans for your quit plan, your runways, all that stuff is in there. And it will help you in creating the career you actually love. So if this was helpful and you want to put these three steps into action, join me in the Quitter Club. All right, my friends, I hope that this overview has helped you. And I will see you guys next week for another episode.
Hey, if you are looking for more in-depth help with your career, whether that's dealing with all of the stress, worry, and anxiety that's leading to burnout in your current career or figuring out what your dream career is and actually going after it, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club. It is where we quit what is no longer working. Like perfectionism, people pleasing imposter syndrome… and we start working on what does, and we start taking action towards the career and the life that you actually want. We will take the concepts that we talk about on the podcast and apply them to your life and you will get the coaching, tools, and support that you need to actually make some real change. So go to lessonsfromaquitter.com/quitter club and get on the waitlist. Doors are closed right now, but they will be open soon.