Layoffs, AI, and Your Career
Ep. 303
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In this episode, I dive into the whirlwind of change we’re all experiencing, from layoffs to the rise of AI. Through real stories and practical advice, I tackle the fear of change head-on with you. Whether you’re facing a layoff or just anticipating the future, it’s time to shift our mindset. Listen to learn the importance of managing our mindset amidst upheavals and embracing change as an inevitable part of life. From reframing layoffs as opportunities for growth to actively honing transferable skills, I’m giving you practical advice to empower you in redesigning your lives and careers.

Show Transcript
Hey, welcome to Lessons from a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you've spent getting to where you are. If ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams. Hello my friends and welcome to another episode. I am so excited you are here. If you aren't on my email list or you don't know, the doors are open until tomorrow for the Quitter Club at our annual price. What that means is typically if you wanna join my membership, the Quitter Club, I have it open as a monthly price of $197. When you join, you can cancel any time you get access to everything for $197, which comes out to $2,400, give or take for the entire year, two times a year, I open the doors for one week for an annual sale price sale of $997 for the whole year, a thousand dollars for the year, which comes out to $83 a month.
So it is like a 60% discount during this year. Why do I do it? You might be wondering, part of it is I know that sometimes people for cost reasons or for other personal reasons, just wanna come in for a little bit, wanna come check it out first, they wanna see what is uh, under the hood they don't wanna kind of commit and that's totally fine. I'm totally happy to have you and some people wanna come in because they want help with one specific thing. Maybe they wanna be a part of one workshop I'm doing. I'm okay with that too. You wanna pay $200 and come for a month or two, no worries at all. But the reality is is for the most people that are joining, they want to fundamentally change parts of their life and their career. And that doesn't happen in a month.
It doesn't happen in two months. That takes consistent work over time. And I really wanna encourage people to commit for a whole year. This is my gentle nudge. Like I will give you a steep discount if you come for a year because I know it is in your best interest. I have gone back and forth of whether I only make it a yearly membership because I truly believe that it's not in your or my best interest for you to come in for a month because you're not gonna see results. And you might think like, well this doesn't work or thought work doesn't work or whatever. But it's because you haven't really given it the proper time. It's just like, let's say me working out for two weeks and being like, well nothing changed on my body. Working out doesn't work. Obviously that's not the case.
You have to give yourself the amount of time to do the reps that it takes in order to see that change. And it's the same thing with thought work. It's the same thing with changing things in your life with goals. It doesn't happen overnight. I wish it did. It's not a magic pill. I refuse to sell you a magic pill. And so I really wanna incentivize people to come in and give themselves the time that it actually requires. And you can change a lot in a year and you can also give yourself time to kind of be inconsistent and get sidetracked and let life get in the way and still come back and crush your goals. So if you're listening to this when this podcast comes out on Tuesday, doors will close tomorrow, May 1st or this annual pricing, it will come back in six months.
Let's just be completely open and transparent about all this. This isn't the last time, but why suffer for six more months? Like I understand a lot of us think that it's not the right time, it's never the right time. There will never be a time where everything dies down and you have ample amounts of time and you can get things done. The tools in the club are what will help you get your time back. And so don't suffer. Don't keep putting it off. Don't keep thinking one year 'cause I guarantee you a year after year will pass and you still won't make any change. So join us before the door is closed tomorrow. You can go to and commit to a year of changing your life and actually reaching your goals. I hope to see you in there. Today's episode deals with the work that we do in the club.
I've mashed two episodes, I was gonna do so it's gonna be kind of ranty, but it's just a lot of things that have been coming up lately in the club and what I've been coaching on and just things that I've wanted to get people to understand about the club. So it's gonna be kind of a hodgepodge bear with me. But why did I name this episode Layoffs AI and Your Career? Because what did those things kind of have in common? What I've been seeing a lot in the last week, two weeks of the club, I have coached three different people who have been laid off. I'm certain there's more who haven't raised their hand for coaching as we can all kind of surmise 'cause we see it in the news like the economy is in a downturn and there are layoffs across corporate America.
And that is typically what happens. It doesn't make it any easier. It doesn't make it less of a sting, it doesn't make it harder to kind of go through. But it is what it is. And as I've been coaching these people and first of all watching how they move through it is been such a source of pride for me to watch people use thought work in these instances I have wanted to talk about this issue of change. Um, I always say with like learning how to manage your mind, it's really easy to manage your mind when things are going well, right? When you're getting promotions and you get that dream job and you know you I don't know get some huge win. You don't need to manage your mind, you already have positive thoughts. It's great right? When you need to manage your mind is when the circumstances in your life aren't what you want them to be, right?
Or are you get thrown a curve ball you weren't expecting And that can be really jarring for a lot of us. And that is when thought work comes in, that is when it is the most necessary, right? And hopefully you've practiced it before you get to that point. That is why like we don't wait until that point because it's hard to get ourselves out of a spiral and learn how to to do thought work in the middle of some kind of big upheaval. But I say that to say that like these, the people that I've coached in the club have blown me away in how they are moving through these layoffs, right? In how they are not attaching a story to it and how they're taking it as like okay, this is the fact. What do I wanna do with it? Some people are using it as the nudge from the universe they needed to get that business started, to get those skills they wanted in this new industry to start networking, you know, in the direction they wanna go in.
They're not attaching a story to it. One of the most beautiful parts of this is seeing, instead of making it mean like there's something wrong with me, I wasn't good enough or whatnot, it's like okay, this is happening, this sucks. I can process those feelings of like feeling upset about it and then I can decide like what am I gonna do from here, right? If I don't make it mean anything about me, what do I do from this like position Now what do I want to do? And it can be such a more empowering position in an already like tough situation. And so I, I've just been so moved. Somebody in the club was saying how he during, you know, the kind of layoff process when he was being laid off by hr, he was like making jokes with the HR guy and they ended up going to lunch the next day, right?
'cause he was like, I realize like I can either start spiraling right now and get mad and do what I normally do or I can understand like this is the situation and this guy's just doing his job and he ended up connecting with the guy and the guys putting him in contact with other companies and he sort of turned that situation around really quickly, which was amazing to watch. But the overarching reason I wanna talk about this is because change is going to happen whether you wanted to or not. And the reason I talk about AI right now and the reason I say like layoffs or AI in your career is that in our lifetime, in this moment in history change is happening a lot faster than it typically has and it will continue to do that, right? With the advent of ai, with the advent of even the internet, things have progressed very quickly and they will continue to do so, right?
Gone are the days where you got a job and you stayed in that job for 40 years and you got a nice pension and you retired. That is no longer the American dream. That is no longer what exists. Luckily a lot of the younger generation understands that and they don't even have the illusion that they're gonna go and they're gonna stay at some career for the rest of their life and they don't have an illusion that you know, this is their family and that they owe this corporate entity anything more than just doing the transactional job they were hired to do. But for a lot of us who weren't raised in this culture, who were raised maybe before the time of the internet and kind of the coming up of the internet, we still have been programmed with this idea of you pick one thing, you stick to it for the rest of your life and it's hard to reprogram ourselves.
It's hard to reframe it but I implore you to start because that change is gonna happen whether you are ready for it or not. It does not care if you don't want it. It does not care if you aren't happy with it. It doesn't care if you want it to stay the way it has been. It is not going to stay. It is going to change and it is going to change at such a rapid speed that it's gonna make our head spin for a lot of us. And there's a lot to unpack there. There's a lot to discuss. Obviously there's a lot of ethical issues, there's a lot of things that will be hashed out ad nauseum. But that is not the purpose of this podcast. Whether it is good or bad. It is what is happening. And I think right now with the layoffs, like layoffs are always just a very stark reminder of the lack of control that we all have in our careers.
I think a lot of times we all like to believe that we have stability. I was talking to somebody else who was laid off who's now finally going full time on her business. And I always think about this like a lot of people talk about how business is unstable but so is corporate America. There's just an illusion that there's stability when we are not in a recession or when the company needs you. And as soon as they don't need you, it's not stable and that's never up to you. Which is kind of the scariest part of it, which I think it makes it more unstable than learning your own skills and putting out your own business. But I say this to say change is a coming my friends . I mean it's always been, it's always been a thing but it is happening at a more frequent pace and for a lot of you, your whole industries might not be around in 10 years.
It is a very real possibility. I was just watching a video where Gary Vaynerchuk was talking about how influencers, which was just an industry that popped up in the last 10 years anyways, will be wholly replaced by AI influencers, which again is terrifying and has its own ethical canon drums. But nonetheless he was talking about how like all these people who are creating their lives off of like influencing, it's gonna change rapidly. And that's not meant to like scare you or to say like to quit and to not do it. It's just to say that like you have to be willing to deal with the change. You have to be willing to pivot. And part of the work that we do in the club and the reason I'm so adamant about doing this work and this thought work is to get you comfortable with change beforehand.
To get you to see that change is not only okay, it is inevitable and it could be a very liberating thing, right? You can look at this same thought of like my industry might not be around in 10 years as extremely terrifying or extremely liberating. Like if I had to start over, if I get a blank slate and I could do anything I wanted, what would I work on? What would I want to do? How much possibility is there? Unfortunately what happens is for so many of us, we go through change kicking and screaming, right? We get these circumstances we don't want. And instead of figuring out like okay, what is my next step? What do I wanna use this for? Or even prepping beforehand we hold on, you know with like our death grip to this inevitable change. Like thinking that if we kind of dig our heels in, we're gonna stop something but we're not.
And one of the things I've realized is that in our society, for a lot of us who were programmed in the school system hasn't really changed. It's still the same. So the same school system that we were all brought up in, we were led to believe that any type of kind of change is bad and that you have to be perfect and that you should never fail at anything, right? So you pick one thing, you don't change it, you don't change your mind, you try to strive to be as perfect as possible and failure is the absolute worst thing that can ever happen to you, right? And so what we learn to do is that we only pick things we're good at. We only pick things where we think we can be perfect in. We kill ourselves to be perfect in them and we avoid failure at all costs.
And what that does is this leaves this like paralyzing fear of trying something new of change. Because if I don't know I'm gonna be good at something or if I don't know if it's gonna work out, why would I try it? Right? By my definition, by the paradigm that I was kind of raised in, that is the worst thing I can do that is failure. And so many of us are so unfulfilled right now in our lives because we want more, we yearn from more, we wanna be more creative, we wanna try things, we wanna do stuff but we're terrified to ever try. 'cause what if I fail? What if it doesn't work? And that paradigm that we were raised in is just antithetical to what life actually is. What life should be, natural life, what you are supposed to do as a human. Like we are creative beings.
We are meant to explore. We are meant for growth. And growth requires trying new things. Growth requires failure. We are meant to try and experiment and see what works and see what doesn't and learn from it and try different paths and fail and get up and try again. Now in the last what like a hundred, 200 years careers have become this thing where we sort of self-identify with and we create our whole identity round. But before that we just had these really more innate human needs to create That's always been a part of our human DNA, our makeup, right? From like the first hieroglyphics. It's like people would paint and create, there's a need to do that within us. That need has been kind of um, usurped and productized. How do you say like we've taken that real human need and we've used it for capitalism and productivity in order to like make us believe that it has to always like create money in order for it to be worth it.
But there is this human need to do that. And in order to do that, in order to try new things, you have to be able to fail. You have to be able to learn, you have to be able to be willing to like have it not work to get up and try again, right? You weren't put on this earth to come and pick one thing and always look perfect and impress other people. Like that's not the purpose of your life. And I think that again, I mean we can get into another episode of like this whole idea of you even purpose and how so many of us have so mistakenly tied it to a career and thinking that that could ever be a purpose of our life. But that's a topic for a different podcast. I just say this to say that like we are constantly worried that like I can't try something new because what if it fails?
It will, it will fail. Tons of things you try won't work out. That's the point. It's not supposed to, right? We worried like it's not the right idea. Yeah, it it probably isn't. 'cause there's no one right idea, it's just gonna lead you to the next thing and the next thing is gonna teach you something and you'll grow and you'll learn about yourself and you'll get closer to what lights you up, right? And you'll open yourself up to a million other possibilities and you'll actually live your life. There is that quote by Hunter Thompson. Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to ski in broadside in a cloud of smoke thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming, wow, what a ride. And I think about this quote a lot because I think about like that is my goal with the Quitter club.
Obviously I talk about it in terms of careers, but it's really to help break us out of this paradigm that we have. That you are one thing, that you are defined by one thing, that you can only stick with one thing. That that somehow means something about you. It's absurd when you look at it when you kind of take that 10,000 foot view, right? When you zoom out and you think about human history and you think about how long have humans been around and the silly little civilization that we've created that centers around careers and productivity and how made up it all is and how so many people live their lives kind of toiling away to try to prove they're good enough by sticking with one thing and being perfect at it. And I truly want people in the club to like learn how to show up to their own life and like let themselves experiment and try things and get to know themselves better and get to create just for the sake of creating and to be a full human flaws and all and to reinvent as many times as they need to.
And so that is the goal that I have is to kind of teach you those skills because you will need them in this current state of the world whether you need them now or not. Whether you didn't get laid off in this round, whether hopefully you didn't, whether you can choose to stay in your career or not. Everything is changing because that is the nature of human existence. The point is to learn to be not only okay with that change, I think eventually you get to the point where it is very liberating. I'm telling you, as a person who hated change, like you wouldn't believe as a person who would just have anxiety because my friendships were gonna grow even though like they, we were all growing together. I like would lose sleep that things were changing within like my friend group. I was so terrified of things being different.
And now I cannot tell you how excited I am by endless possibilities. Like I have no idea what I'm gonna be doing in five or 10 years. And how exciting is that? I just say this to say that it, it makes moving through this world so much easier. It makes the possibilities so much more abundant, so much more bright instead of fighting change. Instead of fighting what is going to be, instead of causing so much pain to myself by trying to hold onto something that is not going to be anymore. I've learned to accept that it's gonna happen. I either get to come along for the ride and do it open heartedly and make the best of it or I get to resist it and it still is gonna change. It's just gonna be a really bloody and terrible experience for me. 'cause I'm gonna fight it every step of the way and I'm gonna keep getting smacked by it 'cause it's gonna keep changing.
And so the reason I titled this, because a lot of these things are gonna happen and if they're happening to you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if you've gotten laid off because I know it can be a very jarring experience. I don't necessarily think it might be the best thing that happens to you. It might be the nudge that you needed to kind of get out there, but it's never kind of an easy way to do it. And I really want people to be more prepared when that stuff happens. I want them to know how to interact with it. Here is some of my tactical advice for how to deal with some of this change if you're experiencing it, if it's already happening for you, if it's not, if you just wanna be prepared, obviously besides joining the clear club so we can do this work more in depth.
But I think it's two parts to it. One is stop resisting it. So it's the thought work, it's what we've just talked about. Like if let's say whatever the circumstances, I'm not saying you have to be happy about it. Nobody's saying you have to be positive and be like, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. If you get laid off, you're allowed to be upset. I want you to process whatever hurt you, feel, whatever anger you feel, whatever, sadness, disappointment, grief, that your feeling is valid, my friends. And you get to have your feelings. But I also want you to get to a place of like accepting the facts, right? That like this is what is happening, this is what has happened. Whether it's AI changing your field, whether it's layoffs, whether it's the economy, whatever is causing this change. What are the neutral facts of what is happening, right?
Do not attach a story to it. Do not add dirty pain to clean pain. There's already a lot of pain when things change. You don't need to start creating stories about why you're terrible and why you should have known better and why you should have taken another job. And whatever other painful stories we try to create, it happened and now we wanna move on, right? We wanna get as neutral as possible so that we can accept it and then figure out what do I wanna do from here? And that is partly, again, thought work, but partly strategy. And I, I really want you all to start thinking about your jobs in really practical and long-term ways. And what I mean by that is oftentimes when we go into jobs, we are so terrified to like not be perfect and we wanna be the best employee that we just kind of keep our heads down and do the job we're told and that's it.
We don't really like look around to see what are the skills that I'm learning here? What other skills can I learn here? Who am I networking with? What could this kind of lead me to? I want you to be more conscious of those things and more active in building that. And so what I mean by that is whether you want it to or not, this career likely this job is a stepping stone. Maybe it's a stepping stone for in a year, maybe five years, maybe 10 years. But you can figure out like how do I make this job work for me? What are the skills that I am learning here that can help me? You know, whether that's again, networking and contacts that I wanna make, whether that's specific skills, whether that's me just really being aware of the skills that I'm using. I think a lot of us, we're so busy with our day-to-day, we don't really even realize or take stock or document all of the things that we are doing and all those skills that we do have.
And so what you wanna know is like, what am I learning from this job, right? Even if that's learning how to handle conflict that happens with clients, let's say, and that's not part of your actual like job description. You wanna get really aware and conscious of what you're gaining and then also what you can gain. Like I would get very clear on like what else can I get from this job? Like for instance, I think about my business right now and a lot of times it's easy to look at like this specific business and think about what's working or what's not. And oftentimes when I have to like learn a new skill set, I do it begrudgingly or I don't wanna do it or I put it off because it's like too hard or I don't wanna learn it. And a lot of what I think about is like how can learning this skill just be another tool in my toolbox in case I don't do this anymore, right?
For me, I love this work and I love mindset work and I love my community, but if in 10 years I'm doing something else, I know that I have a ton of skills in marketing and in sales and in social media and in building community and in building brands and in ads. Like I'm just starting to learn Facebook ads very reluctantly. But part of even doing that has got me thinking like, okay, if I try to understand paid media, if this is the next thing I learn, this also can be a tool that I use, right? Who knows how I would use it in the future, but it is another skill that I can parlay into something if I wanted to. And I want you to think about your jobs in those ways. I want you to think about what you're doing because there are a lot of like quote unquote transferable skills that you're not paying attention to or that you're not not aware of.
And the more you become aware of it, the more you can develop 'em while you're there. Like I want you to really think about how can where I'm at be kind of a training ground? How can I soak up all of the skills and contacts and benefits that I can get? Because I don't know if this is gonna be for the next year, two years, five years. So I want you to like again, A, accept that change are coming, change is happening and that's okay. And B, really figure out like how you can not only collect, I wouldn't say like collect all the skills, but a lot of you guys have a lot of the skills. You're just not aware that you have 'em. 'cause you just kind of brush over everything you do well. And so you haven't trained your brain to see like all of the amazing skills you've already learned and that you could parlay into something else.
And then I want you to join the club because I want you to not be blindsided when there is change. I want you to not be ill prepared. I want you to not have a ton of journey pain when it inevitably happens. I want you to think about these topics in depth. I want you to think about your career. Like what are you gonna do for the next 1, 2, 5, 10 years, right? As this changes, how are you gonna allow yourself to show up as a full human and how? And get up and try again? How are you gonna do those things maybe on the side so that you know you don't have to leave the job in order to do it. This is why I think this work is so important to do when things are stable, when you're not panicked, when you're not in a place where you're like, Hey, I have to replace my income immediately.
Uh, those are not the best places to kind of make change. And usually, unfortunately, those are the times where we sort of become desperate and we're like, I need to make change. But I want you to like, when you have the space and the time to give yourself to like explore, to get curious, to figure out what you do, like to see what your skills are to kind of compile all that. Like that's the place to do it from. That's when to invest in yourself so that you can be ready. And like I said, I mean shout out to the people in the club that I've been coaching, just watching them kind of move through these layoffs has made me so proud to see people who are facing difficult circumstances not allow it to be the thing that rattles them, not allow it to completely dominate their self-identity or how they talk to themselves or how they treat themselves.
And I feel like there's no more important work that you can do because those difficult circumstances will pop up in all of our lives. It's just really the only choice we have is how we're gonna react to it. So my friends, I don't know if this was depressing or liberating. I think a little bit of both how you look at it. I think that it can be really exciting to know that things are gonna change and that there's a lot of room for a lot of us to reinvent ourselves over and over again. And I think you just have to like learn to be okay with that reinvention. And if you want help with that, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club before doors close tomorrow and commit to a year of really diving deep into what it is that makes you tick.
What it is that you want to do. What are all the possibilities that you wanna explore, how you want to deal with this change happening in your industry and in the world. We do a lot of this work in much deeper ways. Um, I want you to get the coaching and the support that you deserve so you don't have to do it on your own. You don't have to freak out.
So come and join us. You can go to Hope to see you there. Hey, if you are looking for more in-depth help with your career, whether that's dealing with all of the stress, worry, and anxiety that's leading to burnout in your current career or figuring out what your dream career is and actually going after it, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club. It is where we quit what is no longer working like perfectionism, people pleasing imposter syndrome, and we start working on what does, and we start taking action towards the career and the life that you actually want. We will take the concepts that we talk about on the podcast and apply them to your life and you will get the coaching tools and support that you need to actually make some real change. So go to and get on the wait list.
Doors are closed right now, but they will be open soon.