What to do after you quit
Ep. 260
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In the latest episode of “Lessons from a Quitter,” I dive into what to expect after quitting your job and how to navigate the challenges that come up. Many people believe that once they quit their jobs, their problems will disappear. However, the reality is that your brain will quickly start panicking and doubting your decision. I explain why this is normal and why our brains are wired to prioritize safety and productivity. I provide strategies for managing these fears, including creating a plan before quitting, acknowledging that your brain’s panic is normal, and detaching yourself from fearful thoughts. By understanding and managing these challenges, you can confidently move forward and design a life you love.


Show Transcript
Hey! Welcome to Lessons from a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you've spent getting to where you are. If ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.

Hello my friends and welcome to another episode. I'm so excited you are here. I am on vacation again, which I'm super excited about. I had a goal this year to take at least four full weeks off and hoping to make it six. And it's fascinating what my brain was doing to me even thinking about that and I think in America how programmed we've been to believe that like we should only have two weeks off or a week off. And how quickly your brain goes to thinking you're not being productive enough or that it's not fair or that other people can't do it and all this shame and guilt.
And it was fascinating cause when I took time off in April with my family on Instagram, I posted about my vacations and I had said that I was, you know, really measuring kind of my success this year by how much I rest and how much time I take off and how I can manage my workload to be less. And my goal was to take off four weeks. And it was interesting because so many people in Europe like, or I have coaching friends in Australia who would comment and be like, my goal is 12 weeks, I do four weeks regularly. Like you know, in Europe it's standard. People take four weeks and they take it off at one time. A lot of times they'll take three weeks off. And I think it's just a good reminder because none of this stuff is normal. It's all made up.
And yet for so many of us, the idea, I remember when I was working as a lawyer, I took two weeks off together because I wanted to go to Iran and then I took two weeks off the next year to go to Italy. And it was like as if I had grown two heads, like when I told them it was so unheard of in our office and I felt guilty at the time, but I still did it. And I'm so glad I did it because you are not going to regret the vacations you take and the experiences you have and the time off and the time that you spend with your family. And I know it's not possible for everybody. I understand that, that there is huge inequity in this society, but I realize that I do have the privilege to be able to do it.
So why would I not like me not taking a vacation and running myself into the ground doesn't change our system or help somebody that doesn't get that time off. So I say all that to say that that has been my goal as if you listen to the podcast, you know that this year my focus, my one goal is on my health and a lot of that is my physical health, but also my mental health. And I'm really trying to grapple with the conditioning that we have to always need to be productive, always need to be working, always need to be bigger. And one of the ways that I really wanted to measure my own success is not if I make more money, but like can I take more time off? Can I really make this more of a balance? Can I take time off where I'm completely off?
So that's what I'm doing. Again, I am with my family. We went to Kauai for two weeks. I mean, I'm recording this before so I'm not there yet, but I imagine it's going to be glorious. My aunt lives in Kauai and I used to go a lot and I haven't gone since I've had children, so that's over 10 years. And so I'm so excited to be going back there and I'm sure when this airs I will be more tan, much more relaxed and having a great time.
So I know for a lot of us in America it's the 4th of July weekend. So hopefully you guys are also getting some time off. Even if you can't take a full vacation or you can't take two weeks off or whatever, can you take the four days off? Can you take your weekends off? Can you start small to just decondition yourself from the need to always be productive and the need to always be producing and the need to always be working and attaching yourself worth to that. So that's just a question that you can kind of gather.
But I will be on the beaches of Kauai and if you want to check it out, I'm sure you can. I'm posting stuff over on Instagram so you can go to Lessons From a Quitter and follow my stories there.
All right, this is actually, you know, touches on the topic that we're talking about today, which is what to do after you quit and sort of what comes up. And I think a lot of times people aren't prepared and this idea of not working or not being productive, really quickly, rears its ugly head. And so it's sort of the same concept but in a different situation. I coach a lot of people who are working to quit their job, want to quit, know they're going to quit. Some have long-term goals, some are ready when they come to me, some have already quit.
And you know, obviously that date, the day of quitting, like that milestone is a big milestone for a lot of people. And you know, if you've been around here for a while, you know, I talk about this stuff a lot and I've talked about it ad nauseam that like, I want you to do this thought work. I want you to learn how to manage your mind before you quit. Because a lot of us love to believe that like the problem is the job and once I quit then it's going to be glorious. We think we just have to get to that destination. We had to get to this goal post. And if I've saved enough money and if I can get myself out of here, then I will feel an immense amount of relief and I will feel happiness and I will feel great. And so we work up to that point and that becomes sort of the goalpost. Like we think we're just going to get there and that's all I need to do.
We don't really see past it. I mean a lot of us obviously think about, what am I going to do next? And we have those fears, but I think it's often like, can I even get to that point? And I cannot tell you how many times I've seen this, which is why I warn people that like that's not the end all be all destination. Because as soon as you get there, your brain is just going to move on to the next set of fears. It does this regardless of wherever you are, right? Even if you get the promotion, even if it's like you get the business to what you want it to be, it feels good for a hot second. Maybe you take a little bit of time to congratulate yourself and enjoy it. And then you immediately move to like, what's the next threat? What's the next set of things I have to be worried about? Okay? And this is what your brain is going to do. I promise you there's no like, there's no getting away from this. It's regardless of whether you quit on a whim, you know, you go on guns blazing and you decide I can't do this anymore. Or you make a whole plan and we're going to talk about why it's important to make that plan. But even when you make that whole plan, we'll ride a high for a good two days, two weeks, something like that, depending on what your situation was and it's going to feel great. And then your monkey mind is going to just rear its ugly head, big time, and it's going tobe very loud. It's going to freak out, okay? You're going to have all of your reasons for why you wanted to quit.
You're going to have all of your things dialed in. You might have all of your finances figured out. It doesn't matter. Even if you have that plan, maybe you'd plan to take a year off, you want to take a sabbatical. I have so many people that come to me because they want to have some time to breathe and some time to just explore and have fun. Maybe you just want to take a month off to rest before you start looking for work. Maybe you're going to immediately work. It doesn't matter. It does not matter.
Your brain is going to jump into, “oh my God, we're going to die. This is the craziest thing you've done. Why did we do this?” It's going to go into regret, it's going to go into fear, it's going to just start working overdrive.
And the first thing I want you to know is that nothing has gone wrong. This is normal. This is what your brain is supposed to do. It's not pleasant, but expect it, okay?
Don't go in thinking like, oh no, I'm going to love when I quit. I'm going to feel great. And then you're going to get there. And when you are not prepared for it, you start one, believing your brain, which is what we're going to talk about, which is the worst thing you can do. And you start thinking like, “Yeah, I am right.” Like, “I shouldn't have done this. This was a mistake, I am going to die. This is the worst thing.”
And so you start freaking out even with your brain, but two, you start creating a story around it too.
So it's not just even believing that it starts adding like, “I'm so dumb, why would I do this? I always make these rash decisions. I knew I couldn't trust myself. Everybody was telling me…” whatever the thoughts are, whatever your situation is, you'll start creating some narrative that you're going to drag on with you forever and ever. Or it's going to get you to make some really rash decisions because you're in this panic, you're in this fear.
So I just want you to know first, it's completely normal, nothing has gone wrong, expect for it to happen. Your brain's going to freak out. You almost want to be like, “eh, there it is, there it goes.” Okay?
And you have to really understand that like our entire beings are conditioned for safety, okay? Like evolutionarily, our brains are conditioned for that. Like our brain does not care if you're happy. It's not trying to, you know, make you feel all warm and fuzzy. It's trying to keep you alive. So it is always scanning for what is dangerous?
What is, you know, going to kill you? What is going to be like you're ruined. And it's doing that to keep you alive. It's a good thing. And then on top of that, our society has pounded the message from when you are a child that work equals safety, right? Making money equals safety. Having a stable income equals safety. Those are the only ways that you're going to get safety and security. Being productive equals good, equals worthy. It's so like in our bones at this point. Because from the minute you are able to even like function, we are put in school and we are taught that you work to be the best. You listen and follow rules. You do the things you're supposed to do, you do the things you're supposed to be asked of. And then as you get older, you are just explicitly told that in order to have security, you have to have a good job and you have to pay rent.
And there's all these things that you need money for and money is going to be the thing that keeps you secure. And you get all of these messages of all of these people who have had financial ruin or who have made, you know, quote unquote “bad decisions” and they lose everything. And so this fear mongering that we've had in our brain that like if I don't have a job, I'm going to end up living in a van down by the river (if you’re a Chris Farley fan from SNL). Like you have this high pitched scream of like, “it's all going to go to hell in a hand basket, it's going to go downhill and I'm going to be homeless and I'm going to lose everything.” Okay? And so your brain is just going to that because it's like, oh my God, we've been told our whole life that we need a job to be safe and we don't have a job and we haven't gotten one, and we don't know when we're going to get one even if we're not applying.
This is what I love. I get so many people who like have chosen, they're going to take a year off and then they're freaking out about not having a job. And I'm like, but you knew that you weren't going to have a job for a whole year. Like we've already planned this. You already have the income, but like your brain is like, no, no, no. That was the wrong choice because remember, we need to work to be safe. We need to have that salary be that direct deposit hit every other week, every two weeks. That is a hell of a drug that I'm addicted to that I got to see happening. And if it doesn't, I'm just going to mean that I'm unsafe. If I see my savings go down, even if I built that savings for this situation, I knew it was going to go down, my brain's going to be like, uh oh, we're losing money, we're going to die.
You're going to be homeless, you're going to lose it all right? And so your brain is just panicking, okay? And when I say that, I want you to expect it is, I want you to understand that like you have your prefrontal cortex, okay? You have your rational mind, your conscious mind, the part that's the most developed of your brain that can make really logical decisions. And then you have your monkey mind. You have your, you know, primitive brain, the amygdala, the place where your fear is, where it is constantly making sure that you know you are in trouble or whatever it is, whatever the thing it has to scan for. You have both parts of these brains and you have to learn how to manage both of those. The problem that happens is that for a lot of us, we don't realize that these are like different parts of our brain and that we control them.
We just think that all of our thoughts are true. Any thought that pops into my head must be true. And so I have to freak out along with my brain because my brain's telling me that we're going todie. And I'm like, oh my God, that's probably a true thought. Your thoughts aren't truths. That's number one, okay? And you have to start compartmentalizing these parts. You have to know like, okay, of course my primitive brain is freaking out because it wants me to be safe and it thinks the only way I can be safe is by having a job. But this is why, and this is why I really recommend having a plan before you quit. Like, because once you've kind of gone through and you've already decided, like if you decided I can take six months off before I need to get a job, this is where my prefrontal cortex comes back and says like, no, no, no, we're okay.
We've saved for this reason, right? I'm going to redirect my brain to like, what was our plan? I totally get that. We're freaking out, but we're okay. We're going to figure this out. We got ourselves right?
And so you have to kind of balance these two things. I like to give the analogy, for me what really helped me figure this out or deal with this part of my brain is, I imagine my primitive brain like a toddler. So for a lot of the parents out there, if you, even if you aren't a parent, you've been around toddlers, you know how toddlers act, they're psychotic. And I say this as a parent of a toddler, well, she's not a toddler anymore, but I think about my daughter as especially when she was like three, right? Two, or three or four. And how she would freak out over the littlest things, right? Like her lollipop falls on the floor and she is screaming bloody murder. And she thinks this is the worst thing that could ever happen in an entire world.
Me as the parent, as the rational one, I don't have to jump in with her and start screaming too. I don't have to be like, oh my God, you're totally right. What are we going to do? I'm the parent who calms her down, who's like, Hey, I hear you. I get that you're upset. I get that you're scared, but I can just wash this off. Or we can get another one. Or we can figure this out, right? If she's scared, if she's freaking out because she thinks there's monsters under her bed, I don't have to jump in with her and start screaming too about like, oh my God, maybe there is, maybe there is a monster there. I don't know. Ghosts do exist, right? I'm like, Hey, you know what? This is why we got a nightlight. I can sit with you. What do you need?
And I want you to think of your own brain like that. You have a toddler brain, you have a monkey mind, you have a part of your brain that isn't rationally thinking and it's going to go into overdrive. And this is a beautiful part of our brain, by the way. It's not like, it's like, oh, our brain's so dumb. Why can't it get that I'm safe? It's like, this is looking out for you to make sure you're okay, which is great, which is something we need, right? It's what stops us from running into the freeway for no reason or doing a really stupid thing is to kill ourselves or to like, or maybe quitting without any plan, right? This is what that part of the brain is what got us to like sit down and make a plan.
But I just have to have it in check. I have to one, expect it and not be surprised and blindsided and think all of a sudden it's the truth because this thing is yelling in my head. But also to just know like that doesn't run the show. Just because it's yelling doesn't mean it's true. And I don't have to let it drive. It's going to come along. The fear is going to come, the doubt's going to come, it's going to be freaking out. It's going to be in the car with us. I'm just going to put it in the backseat. I'm just going to be like, I, I get it. You're upset, you are scared and I appreciate you for looking out for me. But I got this. I figured, look, I have my plan. Look, I've saved up the money. Look, I know what I'm doing. Okay?
So when you are going through this, if you've recently quit, I know a couple of you reached out to me and told me that you've quit and you are freaking out. And this is actually why I, what prompted me making this. And I also know there's a couple of people that I very bluntly told them they had to join the club because they were quitting for a year. And I was like, you need to be in the club to learn how to manage your mind. Otherwise your monkey mind will ruin whatever time off you have. And so I want you to understand this. Like for so many people, I see you want to take a month off, but you can't even rest. You can't enjoy it. You can't go out and maybe see your friends.
You can't catch up on sleep because your brain is in hyperdrive in like panic meltdown. Like we're in danger. And you have to learn how to calm it down. Okay? So the things that I want you to focus on, the three steps is one, decide what you want to do from your prefrontal cortex. So like if you've already had a plan before you quit, great. We already know what we're going to do. We're not going to hem and haw. We're not going to change it. We're not going to let our primitive brain hijack and decide that, oh, you know what, that year actually, we're only going to do six months because I'm freaking out. No. We're going to decide like, Hey, I made this path to quit and give myself a month, six months, a year off to take the sabbatical. And we're going to do that. We saved enough money, we know we're going to get a job later.
We're going to figure out what we want to do. And I know that my brain's going to freak out and that's okay. I got me. I got it, I'll figure it out. Okay? So you, if you haven't done that, even if you already quit, sit down and make a plan from your prefrontal cortex, right? Sit down. When you're in a state of panic, you're going to have to calm down your nervous system, okay? Do some breath work. Go take an ice bath, go for a run. Get yourself back into a place of like, all right, I can figure this out. How much money do I have saved up? What is my runway? How much time would I be able to be without a job before I run outta money? What would I do if I ran outta money? Like I want you to look for whatever obstacles there are and then find strategies to overcome those obstacles.
Okay? So if my brain is freaking out now, this is the other thing I'll say, just as a side note, like don't let your brain get away with asking these unanswered questions. For so many of us, we ruminate on these questions that sound like, oh my God, what are we going to do if we run out of money? What are we going to do if we don't find a job? What are we going to do if we can't pay our rent? Answer it. Yeah, what are we going to do? Not like if you don't answer it, it just, the fear keeps building and we keep letting it go over and over and over again. It keeps coming in to our brain and we're like, oh my God, yeah, the worst thing is going to happen. I'm going to die. Like our brain always like, I'm going to lose everything. But when you answer it, you start coming up with strategies. It's like, oh, what are we going to do if we're not outta money? I don't know, maybe I'll go drive for uber. Worst case scenario, I don't want to do that, but I could. I'll move back in with my parents. I'll take money outta my 401k. I'll borrow money from my sibling.
Whatever it is. Like come up with the what would you do truly if you were in that situation? Because for so many of you, you'll start realizing like you could handle it, you could figure it out. You probably have some money, you can, I don't know, you can downsize it. You could ask for help, you could get a loan, you could do a bunch of things. You could go get a job at somewhere. Maybe that's quote unquote “beneath you.” Something you don't want to do, but you could, right? What would I do if I can't pay rent? What would I do if I don't get a job within a month? I don't know. Who would I have to contact? What networking would I have to do?
Get really specific, answer those questions so that you don't leave it just unanswered spinning around in your head. So the first step is decide what you want to do. What's your plan? From your rational mind, from your logical mind? How long do you have? Okay, if you need to get a job, what are you going todo? Maybe your short term goal is like, I need to get a job within the next month. Great. Then we can't be picky, right? We're not going after our dream job, we're not going after the one that feels the best. That's going to be, it's like, I need to make this much money. So I'm going to go after whatever job I'm going to apply. If that's the case, then great, I'm going to apply to a hundred jobs in the next month.It's going to be hard. Yeah.
So what I've done hard things. I can do this. And what I'm doing right now, and I'm saying it out loud, is like I'm just redirecting my brain. So that's step two.
So you make your plan and then you expect that your brain is going to run wild, your brain is going to want to drag you in one direction and you're going to keep bringing it back. Okay? Your brain's going to be the toddler, it's going to be like screaming and like, no, I want to go in this toy door. And you are going to keep bringing it back like, yeah, but we don't have time. That's not what we're doing. You have to find the thoughts that are going to redirect you. So depending on what your brain's telling you, if it's like we're going to run out to money, you might be practicing. No, we're not. We have enough saved to last us two years.
We're never going to get another job. Yes we are. Because we have a lot of skills and a lot of contacts and we'll figure this out. Whatever it is, you have to figure out what thoughts that you can believe. You don't want to say like, oh, we'll be all right because your brain might not believe that. But you do have thoughts like, again, we could borrow money, we could sell our house. If your brain's going to be like, we're going to end up homeless, you could bring it back to like, well, we could just move in with my parents. If worse comes to worse, you have to learn to bring down that fever pitch, right? You're going to bring back your brain to the thoughts that are going to help you, that you believe. Again, thoughts that you can believe. Maybe it's strategies, maybe it's a level that you know you can get to.
Whatever it is, you're going to keep redirecting and it's going to keep happening. So don't think like, okay, I came up with my plan and when you come up with a plan, you're going to feel really great and you're going to be like, yeah, I got this. And then two days later, your brain's going to go wild again and you're going to bring it back again. And then two days after that it's going to happen again. And then 20 minutes after that it's going to happen again. And then the next day it's going to happen. It's just going to keep happening and we're just going to not be surprised that it happens anymore. We're not. We're going to expect it and we're going to just work on bringing it back. Okay? And the last thing I want you to focus on is, know that you will figure it out, okay?
So you keep redirecting and one of the thoughts you could practice is, “I've always figured it out.” For every one of you, whether you've done it in the way that you want to or not, whether you have regrets, which by the way, if you do come to the Quitter Club, so I can help you with that.
Whether it didn't turn out exactly the way you wanted, you have survived your worst days. You have figured out what you need to do, you are taking care of yourself. If you're listening to this podcast, you've done enough to be able to pay your rent and have a phone and pay your bills or whatever the case may be. You have figured things out and you are capable of figuring this out too. And it may not be exactly the way you want it. And there might be some stress and there might be hard work. Like I get a lot of people like, yeah, but it's just really hard. I'm like, yeah, it is welcome to life. Sometimes they're hard parts and this is one of 'em. Sometimes quitting, if you quit, maybe without a plan or maybe you quit and you didn't know what you were going to do, or you don't have a lot saved up, all right?
Looks like this is the part where we get to work, where we do the things we want to do. And I want you to just see like when you change the thoughts to that and you lower that fever pitch, you actually then can get into action, right? They've shown this through every study and stuff. It's like, when your emotions are high, your intelligence is low. So when your primitive brain is kind of in charge and you just flooded with fear and panic and all this stuff, your rational brain is not working, it's offline, it's not working as well because your primitive brain has taken over. And so you have to be able to calm yourself enough down to get your intelligence back, to be able to make a plan, to get into action. And so I think a lot of us, we think if we're not at this fever pitch, if we're not constantly yelling at ourselves, if we're not constantly telling ourselves that things are going to, you know, go down the toilet and everything's going to be ruined, that then we're not going to get into action, then we're going to be lazy.
But the opposite is true. When you're yelling at yourself at the top of your lungs every single day, there's so much shame and guilt and panic and fear that you procrastinate. It feels terrible. So you don't do anything. You hide your head in the sand, you get overwhelmed, you get confused, you don't know what to do. And so then you don't do anything. And then the fever pitch continues because it's like, oh, another day went by. The point of doing this is not to like, be in lala land. I mean like everything is kumbaya and everything's going to work out great. It's simply that like, if I can't get back in the driver's seat, we're going to go off the road. If I let my toddler drive, it’s not going to end well for any of us. So I have to get in there so I can be calm and deal with whatever emergency I think this is, right? And deal with whatever the situation is.
And I do that by reminding myself that I know what I'm doing, that I have enough money saved up, that I have figured things out, that I can always rely on myself. And so I really want number three in this step for you to be just having your own back and knowing you'll figure it out, right? Because for so many of us, we want to get caught in these like little things of like, oh, but what if the gap in my resume doesn't look good? And what if it's like, okay, well this is where we're at. Who cares?
First of all, that's not true. Okay? Like let's just put that thought to rest. Everybody has gaps in this day and age. Everyone's taking sabbaticals, people have gaps, nobody cares. But let's just say your brain thinks that they do. You freaking out about that, even though there is a gap now on your resume, doesn't change anything, right? Like it's not going to change the fact that there's a gap. So we can start thinking about how do I want to think about it? How do I feel about the gap? How do I want to talk about it? And can I lower again the hysteria in my brain to actually then decide, okay, well I still have to apply for jobs because I see so many people freak out about the gap on their resume and then not apply for any jobs. And I'm like, well you know that gap gets bigger, right?
But it's because they're in this like panic, this like fight or flight and they're like frozen, they're just in the freeze state and it's like, oh my god, this is already bad, so I'm just going to bury my head in the sand. And like that's not the answer. The answer is like being the adult in the room, in the car, right?
It's taking back that control. It's knowing even if it's not the ideal situation, even if I have to do things I don't want to do, even if I have to sell stuff and move back in with my parents, even if I have to get roommates, even if I have to explain this gap on my resume, I can figure that out. Even if I have to apply to a hundred jobs to find one, all of those things are doable. And when I can bring myself back to that place, it is not that hard to deal with the time where you have quit. Okay? I will say this. The last thing I will talk about is like the same exact thing applies. Like decide what your plan is and redirect your brain and know you'll figure it out. Those three steps. This is whether you're freaking out because you think you need a job right now and you maybe do need a job and you want to get a job or if you've decided to take time off.
So I think for so many of us, we have decided to maybe take a sabbatical or take time to rest, but then we just ruin that rest for ourselves, right? We ruin the vacations, we ruin the weekends because we think like, “oh no, I should be, I should be doing more. I should be getting ahead of this. I'm wasting too much time.” And again, learning to decide ahead of time with your rational brain, what you want to do will change everything. And learning to redirect your brain and bring yourself back like your brain is programmed to believe that you need to be productive in order to be worthy. We are all so steeped into this hustle culture. And so we think we need to squeeze out every last drop of everything. We have to squeeze out every drop of the vacation, every drop of our weekend, of our night.
We have to make everything productive. And it's the most insidious thing that we do to ourselves because we don't allow for any seasons of rest.
And so if you've chosen specifically to have a season of rest, to have a season of enjoyment, of pleasure, of trying new things, of experimenting, then it's even more important for you to do this. So you don't ruin it with this panic, right? Your brain's going to go to panic and you're going to bring it back to like, no, we don't have to. We're allowed to take a year off in our life or time. We don't have to be a robot. We don't have to work decade after decade every single day. We don't have to like constantly have the savings go up. The whole point that we had savings was so that we could take this time. Like it's really important for you to find those thoughts as well that bring you back to, I chose this for a reason and I'm doing the hard work of deconditioning myself from having to hustle all the time, from doing things constantly in order to kind of feel good about myself in that moment, but then be exhausted and burned out the rest of my life.
So regardless of what you're doing after you quit, I want you to get really intentional about like where your monkey mind is taking you and how you bring it back, what your plan is and how you're going to have your own back.
And if you want help with this, if you don't know how to manage those thoughts, I want you to join the club. Specifically if you are taking time off. Because I hate to see so many people strive for so long to get like a six month sabbatical or a one year sabbatical or want to have this time and then just completely ruin it for themselves and not get to enjoy anything and feel stuck in this like freeze state. So you can go to lessonsfromaquitter.com/quitterclub and join the wait list so you can be notified as soon as we open so I can help you come up with thoughts that you're going to redirect to.
I can help you kind of talk yourself down from that primitive brain hysteria and I can get you to actually like enjoy the time that you have and go after the thing that you actually want.
I hope this was helpful. If you've quit, congratulations and just know all of it's normal. There's nothing wrong with you. You haven't done anything crazy or insane, you're not irresponsible. You just have a primitive brain that you have to learn how to manage. All right, my friends, I will see you guys next week with another episode.

Hey, if you are looking for more in-depth help with your career, whether that's dealing with all of the stress, worry, and anxiety that's leading to burnout in your current career or figuring out what your dream career is and actually going after it, I want you to join me in the Quitter Club. It is where we quit what is no longer working. Like perfectionism, people pleasing imposter syndrome… and we start working on what does, and we start taking action towards the career and the life that you actually want. We will take the concepts that we talk about on the podcast and apply them to your life and you will get the coaching, tools, and support that you need to actually make some real change. So go to lessonsfromaquitter.com/quitter club and get on the waitlist. Doors are closed right now, but they will be open soon.