How Tricia Cusden Started Her Beauty Line At Age 65 And Proved That You're Never Too Old To Start Over
Ep. 139
| with
Tricia Cusden

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    This week’s episode features the incredible Tricia Cusden. I don’t say this lightly when I say that these episodes are the reason I started this podcast. She is the perfect example that it is never too late to start over and live the most full-life possible. If you can get out of your own way, there is so much more that you are capable of than you let yourself believe.
    Tricia started out her career as a stay-at-home mom to her two daughters. When her daughters got older, she went back to university and got her degree at 38. She then began a career as a management training consultant. After working for a company for 10 years, she jumped into entrepreneurship and ran her own consultancy until she was 64.
    After 26 years in that career, Tricia closed down her business in order to help with the care of her granddaughter, who had been born with a rare chromosomal disorder. At 65, when her granddaughter had improved and had other help, Tricia decided she needed a new project. She had always loved make-up and saw a huge gap in the market for aging women. Without any experience in the field, she set out to start her own beauty line with Look Fabulous Forever.
    What has happened in the 7 years since she launched the brand is just incredible. She has built a business that both her daughters now work in, written a book, attended the oscars, created a large following, and so much more. She’s such an inspiration to me and so many others.
    Find Tricia Here:

Look Fabulous Forever

YouTube Channel

Tricia’s Super Troopers FB Group

Show Transcript
There has to come a moment when you just do something, you try something out, something different, but you have to do something. Procrastinating and putting it off and so on and so forth, it doesn't work. What makes the difference is when you make a decision that you are damn well going to do something.

Hey, welcome to Lessons From a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you spent getting to where you are, if ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.

Hello and welcome you guys. I am so excited you are here. I am so excited about this episode. It was such an honor to speak with Tricia Cusden and here's the thing like these are the types of episodes that I started this podcast for, you know, like the tagline for this podcast is it's never too late to start over. And I truly mean never. And I really wish I could shake everybody into understanding that so much of the limitations that you perceive in your life are just put on by yourself. And if you could get out of your own way, there is so much more that you are capable of. And there's so much more that you could experience. And I know oftentimes the most helpful way of seeing that is seeing somebody else as an example. And so Tricia is the perfect example that you can always start over and you can do things that you've never done before, and you can blow your own mind.

So let's talk about Tricia’s story before we jump in and talk to her. Tricia didn't even get her degree and start her career outside of her home until she was 38 years old and her children had gotten older. So she was a stay-at home-mom until that time. She then went back to school, got her degree, and worked as a management training consultant for a company for the first 10 years before she jumped into entrepreneurship and started her own consultancy at the age of 48 until she was 64. So she had her first career was 26 years as a management training consultant. Then when she was 64, her granddaughter was born with a rare chromosomal disorder that required a lot of hospitalization. And so Tricia closed down her business in order to help her daughter with the care of her granddaughter. After about a year, at 65, when her granddaughter had improved and had other help, Tricia decided that she wanted to try something new.

She had always noticed a gap in the beauty market because she herself loved makeup, but she hated that there wasn't any brands that were geared specifically towards aging women. And so she decided that she wanted to try her hand at starting a makeup brand. And we will talk all about how she decided to do something she had never done before. And the steps that she took, but she invested her own savings. She found a makeup manufacturer to start creating a line that worked for women who were aging. She will tell us how she started marketing it. And the fact that she started recording YouTube videos that took off and she launched her brand Look Fabulous Forever. What has happened in the last seven years is incredible. She has written a book. She has been to the Oscars. Both of her daughters have quit their jobs and now work for her company. It is just the most amazing story. And it's such a testament to the fact that you really can do anything. You can try anything. It's never too late. And there's so much more that is waiting out there for us if we are willing to kind of take that step. I will stop rambling so you can hear all of the amazingness from Tricia.

Hi Tricia. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Hi, it’s lovely to be here.

I am so excited to dive into the many amazing parts of your story. Typically, we start back from maybe not the beginning, but what your first career looked like. So can you tell us how you got into the world of management training as a management training consultant?

Yeah, that actually started after my children. They were about 8 and 12 at the time. So I had been at home looking after them, but in the meantime, I'd been doing a degree as a mature student. And I just decided that at the end of that, I was coming up for 38 years old and I'd never really worked, as I thought of it, in any kind of proper career. I did a degree, as I said, as a mature student. And then I was absolutely, I don't know, desperate to find an extremely exciting, interesting job that would actually make me a reasonable income. I had a contact with somebody, so it was through somebody that I knew and I rang this person up. He was the head of a, quite a large training consultancy, and basically asked him if I could come along and speak to him, which I did. And, uh, subsequently started working with this consultancy. And I just loved it from the moment that I started. I took to it like a duck to water and I just enjoyed everything about it. So, you know, I carried on with that really until I was semi-retired.

I love that. And I want to just stop there for a second because I love the fact that you didn't start your career or you get your degree until 38 and you went on and like you were saying until semi-retired, you had this career for 26 years. And I mean, I have clients who are like 35, 36, 37, who constantly are telling themselves like well, I should have had it figured out by now. If I don't have it figured out now I'm never going to have it figured out.

Yeah. Well, I mean, I'm a living proof of the fact that it's never too late to do anything.

Yeah, I love that.

Yeah. Yeah. It's a really important message.

And what were you thinking? Cause a lot of times people may have that desire. Let's say once their kids are a little older or even let's say they had a first job and they didn't like it or career and they want to maybe get another degree or do some kind of change. And then immediately it's the thoughts of like well, you know, I'm going to look ridiculous. Everybody in this school is much younger than me or it's too late for me to start or whatever the fears are that stop us. So, I mean, did you have any of those inklings when you were deciding to kind of enter the workforce at that age?

No and really bizarrely, and again, I'm saying this to encourage other people. When I joined the training consultancy and started running training programs that, you know, management training programs, my age was an advantage. So everybody would look at me and think, oh, she must have been doing this for a long time. And she must be incredibly experienced. And to begin with, I mean, I didn't admit that this was the very first time I'd ever taught this particular subject and I got away with it because I think at 38 I had a fair degree of confidence. I had a fair degree of understanding of how the world works and having two children is an incredibly useful training for lots of relationships that you have to have with other people. And to be honest with you, I just kept thinking, wow, it's such a good thing that I'm 38 and I'm doing this because everybody assumes that I'm enormously competent and experienced.

I love that. And it's just such a testament to the fact of, you know, how you look at something determines your experience of it. And really like there could be, and there probably are tons of people who are in that same position and think the opposite thing and kind of stop themselves. And so the fact that you were able to look at it in that way of look, this is an advantage I come in looking like I have more experience and I'm going to use that to my advantage is just, it's amazing.

Worked for me.

I love that. So then you were in that career for 26 years.


And so can you let us know what happened when you were 64 and why you left that career?

Yes, what I was winding down, I was pretty comfortable financially, you know, saved against my retirement. So money wasn't an issue, but I was still doing a few things that I enjoyed. I was doing quite a lot of, uh, high level executive coaching and I had some, you know, interesting clients. So I was still happily working at the level that I wanted to work, but not needing to, from the point of view of the financial situation. And then I was born on Christmas day. So, you know, the years follow my age. So I just turned 64. And as we went into the new year, my daughter, Susie, was expecting her second child. And that would have been my fourth grandchild. And I was looking forward to the birth and excited as one is. And then it became very quickly an extremely difficult situation because the baby was born with lots of health problems and really complex issues that started to emerge quite quickly. And the result of that was that the baby was eventually diagnosed at around three months with a rare chromosomal abnormality and was clearly very sick. At that point, I stopped all the work that I had been doing because I was needed to look after her sister who was two and a half. I was also needed quite a lot in the hospital where India, the baby, was being looked after because I tried to relieve my daughter so that she could go home from time to time. And we were all as a family trying to cope the best way that we could. So I had this very traumatic year, India got worse and then she eventually got better, but better in a fairly limited way, given that she was always going to have challenges, but towards the end of that year, she was out of hospital. She was being looked after at home with a fairly comprehensive care package. I felt as I turned 65, that I'd given up all the meaningful work that I had and meaningful work from the point of view of what I had been doing. And then I'd had this challenging, traumatic, and rather sad year. And I didn't know what to do. I literally thought what do I do with the rest of my life? I'm 65. I might live until I'm 95. You know, there's a fairly good chance I'm gonna live for another 20 or 30 years, but I don't want to go back to doing what I was doing before, but I do need a new challenge. And I do need to find a way to live that satisfies the needs that I have, um, for excitement, interests, meeting new people and various other things that I felt was missing in my life.

And so what did you decide to do?

Well out of that I sort of tossed a few ideas around for a while to sort of see, cause I literally didn't know what to do. And I came up with three things, two things that I loved and one thing that I hated. So the two things that I loved were business and entrepreneurial business. So I've always been pretty good at the sort of entrepreneurial side of businesses and I've always loved makeup. So I put those two together. And the thing that I hated was the anti-aging messages of the beauty industry. So I looked at those three things and I thought well, why don't I start a makeup business for older women to combat and challenge the prevailing narrative of the beauty industry which is that if you're older, then you must want to look younger and you must want this cream that's going to apparently make you look younger. I was dissatisfied with the products that I was buying. I didn't think that they were made for an older skin. I thought they were made predominant with a younger skin in mind. And I put all of those things together. And one day I literally Googled cosmetic manufacturers. It was as simple as that. I knew nothing about the beauty industry. I knew nothing about making makeup, but I did know that as a consumer, I wasn't being served by what I could buy. And I thought I could do better than that. And that must be the spark for every entrepreneur - to think I could do better than that.

Absolutely. I think that's the beginning of so many incredible businesses is seeing a problem that you have and realizing hey, I can solve that.


When you have this idea, and even when you start Googling, I'm feel like at some point you have to run into the fact that, you know, it's kind of like a behemoth of a project, right. Learning an entire industry and not just the industry, right. It's not just the business aspect. It's literally figuring out how to make makeup. Like how do the components of it and how do you make one that that people are going to like? And so how did you start kind of either learning or just, I guess, overcoming all of the obstacles that were clearly in your way?

Well, it might sound a little bit, I don't know what the word is. Naive I think might be the word, but I just didn't bother about any of that stuff. I just approached the whole thing on the basis of well, what's the worst that could happen. I had about 40,000 pounds of savings. If I lost it, it wouldn't matter materially to my life if I expressed it like that. So that was my stake money in this venture. So I put the sort of financial side of it on one side and then thought okay, well obviously to answer your question, the thing that I needed was a cosmetic manufacturer who would listen to what I had to say. And then he would do all the, formula, it was a he that I found, he would do all the formulating. He would know what to do to actually make this makeup and I could use his expertise. And what I would do would be to figure out some kind of business plan whereby I could promote the stuff, sell the stuff and get other people interested in my idea. So I thought I could do all that side of it if I could find the right cosmetic manufacturer. And I did, you know, I was very, very fortunate to find somebody who loved the idea of what I was proposing.

I love that. And I think it's a great way of approaching really anything of really thinking like what is the worst that can happen and really plan for it, right? Is this money that I'm willing to lose? But I wonder like when you did start, I mean, regardless of whether you could lose it and it wouldn't materially impact you, it's still, you know, sometimes the thought is, well, it's still 40,000 pounds and I could use it for other things. And I'm just wondering like did you have any pushback when maybe you told your friends and family or other people, when you started talking about this idea of like maybe you shouldn't jump into an entirely new industry right now?

No, I didn't have any pushback and it could be, it might be something to do um with my character or personality, but I think, you know what, I tend to think that because I'd had such a terrible year, we all, as a family, had such a terrible year with India and my wonderful friends, my good friends knew how hard that experience had hit all of us. They were incredibly kind to me. I think they understood that I was trying to do something to forge a different path for myself in the future. And they just supported me 100%. I had a conversation with my two daughters quite early on, we went out to lunch, and I just said look, this is the idea I've got, this is how much I'm going to invest in it. Do you think I'm completely mad or what? And both of them just said look mum, you know, I think it's absolutely brilliant that you want to do something new and different and go for it. You know what, just do it. So I had a lot of encouragement from them and then all of my friends volunteered or I asked them and they ended up volunteering to be in photographs for showing the makeup before and after. They were my guinea pigs for the formulations. And two of them actually volunteered to be in videos that we made that ended up being the reason that the business grew so fast. So I just had such support and I think it did grow out of that understanding that I needed to move away from the place I'd been because of what had happened with India.

That’s so wonderful. And so how long did it take you from kind of this idea or mulling it over and researching the manufacturers to actually launching this business?

10 months.

Oh, wow. That's pretty fast for a product-based business.

It was very first. Yeah, so I had the idea in early January, I started to put together some thoughts and ideas and plans and investigated, look at things like website design and stuff like that. And then I found my cosmetic manufacturer. He then started to take care of the production side of it, having established with me the range of products that I wanted to produce and also sending me samples so that I can test them and make sure that I was happy. That took quite a long time but I started to press buttons on certain of the products as we went. And then I found a graphic designer to come up with some designs for a logo and packaging and what kind of thing. And then I found a makeup artists course that I wanted to do in London and enrolled on that because my idea was that I would take these products, I would demonstrate them at makeover parties on older women. And so I trained as a makeup artist, she put me in touch with, the woman who running it, put me in touch with a wonderful photographer. I sort of worked out the stages that I'd have to go through. And I was able to launch on October the 11th in that same year. So it was fantastic. We had a big launch party in London, about 80 people, and I got it off the ground.

Wonderful. I love your attitude towards all of this, and it's not a surprise that you have had so much success in really all of these areas. You know, just, I mean, you say it in passing, but just these things like well, and then I enrolled in a makeup course, you know, and I think so many people want to do these things and then just stop themselves, right. Or like have whatever the limiting beliefs is about why they can't do it. And they place these limitations on themselves and then live within them. And so it's just really amazing and really refreshing and so inspiring for the rest of us to see really just deciding that you want to try something and not putting so much pressure of it like whether it's the right move or the perfect move or what people are think or whatever. And it's just like this is the next step, I have to figure out this. Now I have to, you know, learn how to do makeup so I can do these tutorials. It's very admirable.

I also have to tell you that I was the oldest by about 40 years on the makeup artist course. So everybody else in the class was wanting to work on makeup counters or in television or in film. And they were all about age between about 20 and 22, 23. When we went around the room saying what we wanted to do with the course, they came to me and I said I want to start a new makeup brand.

I love that. So amazing. And so tell us a little bit about what has happened since you have launched Look fabulous forever.

So what happened initially was that I asked the people that came to the launch party and my friends if they would give me the opportunity to talk to their friends um and do a makeover in their homes. And that was how I was going to sell this range. And one very good friend of mine who lives up in Yorkshire. I went up and stayed with her and she organized six make-over parties in two days. So we did morning, afternoon and evening for two days. And I sold a lot of makeup. And as I was driving back from her, that would have been November of that year, I just thought, wow, this is brilliant because I had such a good, positive response. You know, this is going to be really, really good. So I came back and carried on and then I had put two videos onto YouTube, which were tutorials, showing how the products worked on two of my friends. So one was about the face makeup and the other one was about the eye and the lip makeup. And I watched the views on those YouTube videos start to climb every day. And I was absolutely bowled over because I didn't think that they could possibly be found on YouTube given that I'm not a famous makeup artist and my friends aren't famous celebrities. And then by about the following March, April time of for about four or five months after I launched the business, which was doing fine as a make-over party business, I started to get orders coming in from literally all over the world. So I would sort of look in amazement at my website and I'd say oh my goodness, I've had an order from Hawaii, or I've had an order from Saudi Arabia, or I've had an order from, you know, here there or everywhere. And a lot from the UK, obviously some from Europe, quite a few from the States. And I just thought this is crazy. This is amazing. And I can remember one particular evening when I went out to do, uh, it was a place, an opportunity to sell the makeup to people. It was kind of like a fair type thing. And I set up this stall and started to tell people about the makeup and I didn't do terribly well. I did okay. But it was a horrible, horrible evening. It was raining. And I got home. I was really hungry and really tired. And then I looked online and I'd made so much more money by selling on the internet than I had selling face to face. And I just thought this is it, you know, I need to give up the make-over parties and I actually need to concentrate now on selling online. And so that's when my daughter joined me. And from that moment, she was a PR specialist, not in beauty, but she knew how PR worked and she started to completely change our approach. And uh we just developed a different model for the business. And the business really took off from that moment.

That's so incredible. And now both of your daughters work in the business, right?

Yes, so India's mum, so Anna joined me in 2014 and we worked together for the best part of about 9, 10 months, very successfully. And then building the business all the time. The business was growing continually. And then Susie, she was trying to work part time with this still very sick baby and her other daughter. And she was working for Barclays Bank in private banking. And she was a senior manager and it was very hard for her to work in that way. So she called me up and she said you and Anna seem to be having an awful lot of fun. Can I come and join you? And I was really, really happy for her to join because she had expertise in finance and supply chain and stock, you know, we gave her the boring stuff to do, the stuff that Anna and I didn't want to do, which is what she still does for us actually she's our operations director. So she came and put a very professional eye onto all of those things that need to be systematized. And she did it very well. And so the three of us then started working together and then we started recruiting other people as and when we needed them as the business continually grew.

That's wonderful. You guys sound like such a amazing trio. Everybody has such amazing skills for a business and how wonderful that you get to work with your family and kind of grow this into more of a legacy for your family. I think just everything that you've created over the last seven years is incredible. And I’m so inspired by just the idea of seeing a gap in the market and deciding why can't I be the one that fixes that?

Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of serendipity involved and I'm not going to say luck because I think women often put their success down to luck, but there were a lot of things, that sort of, good things that came together. And I mean, what you just said about working with my two daughters, I can honestly say, and especially as after the year that we've just had with a pandemic and having to work from home and stuff, the pleasure that I get from being part of Look Fabulous Forever is enormously enhanced by the fact that I work with my two daughters. We have a really, really strong and positive relationship with each other and they have with, the two girls get on very well. And I just feel that at the age that I am, which is coming up for 73, the fact that I'm still working so hard and so much is totally mitigated, I think, by the fact that I'm doing it in the context of working with my family. It just makes it all so much more enjoyable and a lot more fun. And during the lockdown, I was able to see them every single day on a Zoom type call. That was fantastic. Who else gets to do that?

Absolutely. I think that's the dream for so many people, you know, is to not only work for themselves, but then, you know, to have something that they're so passionate about and then be able to also bring in their friends or family on it just sounds like such a fun time. And you've gone on to write a book called Living the Life More Fabulous, A Handouts to Beauty, Style and Empowerment. So what was that like and what is the book about?

Well, that was great fun. I don't know whether you've ever heard of somebody called Zoella, but she's a very young influencer and she's got something like a million followers on YouTube or whatever. And she wrote a book that was the fastest selling book ever. And I was mentioned in a newspaper article about a kind of, you know, a YouTube, much older YouTube star, so to speak. Um, not that I have anything like the number of followers that Zoella has, but I think the title of it was move over Zoella, the new kids on the block of women in this ridiculous. Anyway, a couple of agents got in touch having seen that article. They just basically said you know, have you ever thought about writing a book, given that Zoella’s written this book and she's been really, really successful. So we talked to a few of these agents and I decided the one that I wanted to go with, who I liked very much. And I mapped out a plan for what this book could contain. They liked it. And then I had a day where I sort of interviewed publishers and publishers interviewed me and I boiled it down to two people that I really wanted to work with. And we went ahead with one of them who made a substantial offer for, to me to write the book. I then started working with a lovely woman editor there. And the whole thing was just a real pleasure. Um, I was given a strict deadline at the end of March to deliver the completed manuscript. I took time out from Look Fabulous Forever to write it. I knew that I wanted it to contain chapters on things like obviously makeup and hair and style, but I also wanted it to be about health and nutrition and also empowerment because I do feel that uh, you know, we do live in a very age of society and I wanted women to feel, if they read the book, they’d feel at the end of it, they'd feel a lot better about themselves and a lot better about being older and feeling and feel more positive. And I'm happy to say that it's been, I mean, it hasn't been as successful as Zoella’s book but it has sold extremely well and still sells well.

That’s wonderful. The message you're putting out there is so needed in our society. It's so needed, especially for women to really realize that there is such a beauty in growing older and all of the messages that we have been fed, be ashamed of it. And to want to kind of be young at all costs and how toxic that is to us. And so I'm so thankful that you are out there putting this message, whether it's through your books or through your videos on YouTube, or I know you recently started a Facebook group, that's now kind of really big. I was just checking out, which is amazing. And so honestly on behalf of women, thank you for doing this and really stepping out. Because again, I like I think a lot of people may have these ideas or see like yeah, it's really toxic that the entire beauty industry tries to shame us into feeling like we should never have a wrinkle or anything or ever grow old and people see it, but we think like well, who am I to do anything? I'm just going to go about my day,

What I love about it and, you know, we were fed all these terrible messages about how dreadful it is to get older. You know, we're filled with dread and fear about the aging process. The opposite has been true for me. I have enjoyed getting older. I love the age that I am. I think I'm happier than I've ever been. I think I'm more confident than I've ever been. And I think I'm living a truer and more contented life than I have ever lived. And this is a message that's really important to get out there to people like you and our younger people, that there is nothing to feel dread about, this process that you adjust to it as you go. And what I love, you mentioned the Facebook group. I started this group, we call it Tricia’s Super Troopers, partly because we felt we were battling the pandemic earlier on in in the year. It's about 5,000 strong. And what I love about it is that we're talking to a group of women. They're not the sort of famous, well-known older people that are aging, you know, the dazzling way. So we're not talking Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda and people like that. But nor are we talking about poor little old ladies in nursing home.


And somewhere between those two polar opposites, there is the lived experience of a group of dynamic and amazing women who just happened to be older. What I love about the engagement that I've got through Tricia’s Super Troopers is that, you know, we are able, within the group, to knock all those messages on the head that getting older is somehow to become less valuable, less worthwhile and less interesting, which is just not true.

Absolutely, what a needed space. I think they, again, like what it’s worth like they say a lot of really bad things about the internet, but one of the really amazing things is that there are so many people that can put their voice out there and really bring these needed messages and bring communities together of people that have felt like they maybe didn't belong in other places or weren't as accepted in other places. And I think, you know, what a large demographic, right? Any woman that is aging, which you know, is like half the population it's like as we get older to really counteract this narrative is just such a needed space. So thank you for that. Honestly, thank you. I think again, your lived experience, just your example is you've like summed up the entire message of this podcast. And the reason I've been doing this podcast for the last two years is to show people that it's never too late and you can start over and you can start over as many times as you want. And there is so much, I think, to be gained by letting go a little bit of that fear and taking that risk. You know, I look at examples like you and this business, you know, and I'm just so grateful that you didn't suppress that little nudge of curiosity in 2013. Cause like look at what has been created over the last seven years by just following that instead of thinking like I can't do this or who am I? And it's amazing to think that it's just letting go a little bit of that fear, not like not having fear. I think we all have fears of doing new things, but feeling that fear and doing it anyway.

Completely and I always think with, when you take a sort of a new and untraveled path in life, there has to come a moment when you take the first step, which is terrible truism. But the thing is that if I hadn't made that telephone call to the cosmetic manufacturer, I wouldn't have ever realized all the things that I have realized in the last seven years, I wouldn't have done any of those things and the business, you know, wouldn't exist. So there has to come a moment when you just do something and that might be a telephone call. I don't know. It just might be that you try something out, something different, but you have to do something. You know, sitting and thinking about it and procrastinating and putting it off and so on and so forth, it doesn't work. So I think that's the whole point that what makes the difference is when you make a decision that you are damn well going to do something.

Yeah and then like exactly what you're saying is like and then that decision is just followed up by a million tiny steps. Like just that first step and then the next, and then the next. And I think we sometimes get overwhelmed because we look at the end and we think like how am I going to get to Z? And it's like you just got to go from A to B, that's it. And once you can take that one little step, it'll lead you to the next one.

Yeah and I mean if you told me seven years ago that this was the future and how would you, you know, that we went to the Oscars?

No, I did not. That’s amazing!

So one of the things that we did, this was a couple of years ago, we had the product, which were the three primers that we do. We do a face primer, lip primer and eye primer included in the Oscar goodie bags. So our products were given to all the people that have been nominated for an Oscar. And so the three of us, my daughters, Anna and Susie, and I, we flew over to LA and we spent a week there and we ended up on the red carpet at the Elton John After Oscar Party. It was completely surreal. And you know, the girls and I, we all that week when we were in LA, we just kept saying to each other, you know, who would have thought it. This is crazy stuff. So winding back, if you told me back in 2013, that Anna, Susie, and I would end up going to LA to the Oscars, then I would have just looked at you and said don't be so stupid. Don’t be so ridiculous. How could that possibly happen? But it did. And it's just like you never know do you, you just never know

You don't. Oh my God, I could not love this story more. I mean, it's just really a testament to the fact that you never know, and it sounds so cliche to say anything is possible, but really anything is possible. And so it's like until you start taking those steps, you'll never know what is out there waiting for you. And I think we so often like clutch to what we have out of fear and really just having a little bit of courage to kind of step into that unknown can unlock some incredible experiences, like going to the Oscars. How wonderful. And that is the perfect place I think to end. So Tricia, where can people come and find you if they want to look for your products or just follow along on your journey?

Okay so the business name is Look Fabulous Forever. It's obviously I write a blog every week so if you didn't want to buy the products, you could just sign up for email newsletter. I write a blog about every subject under the sun, a lot about, I do stuff around fashion, style and hair and stuff like that. But I also write about age-ism and you know, all the things that are going on. So there's a weekly blog that comes up. All of that it's obviously free. You can join us on Facebook, if you want to. And again, you apply to join our closed Facebook group, which is Tricia’s Super Troopers. And then you can find me on YouTube, so if you just put Tricia Cusden into YouTube, Tricia Cusden channel, all our videos are there. There's about 250 or 60 videos on YouTube. And during lockdown, when we first went in on in March, I made a daily video.

Oh wow.

Which was basically just talking about everything and anything that I could think of that might entertain people and get them through. And I made 60 videos in total. So I did five a week for 12 weeks. And I got a huge response to that saying thank you so much. You've really helped me to get through and so on and so forth. Cause I just knew that I'm alone, I'm divorced. And so I live alone and I knew that there were a lot of people living alone, very isolated, not having very much contact with other people. And it just, well, it gave me something to do every day because every day I got up for the purpose to make a little video lasting about 20 minutes and I enjoyed it a lot, but we got a huge engagement. I did one, where I on the video, I actually cut my own hair because I couldn't get to a hairdresser. And that's had about 120,000 views.

That's incredible. That's incredible.

I didn't do a very good job, but it was quite good fun.

I feel like in quarantine, anything goes.

Absolutely. Absolutely. Anyway.

I really encourage everybody to check out the YouTube channel because it's so wonderful to see different faces and to see different makeup style tutorials. And I think you have loads of really incredible advice on there. So I will link to all of those in the show notes in case people can't grab them right now, if they're driving or out and about. Tricia, I honestly can't thank you enough for coming on. You are such an inspiration to me and I know that you are very inspiring to so many other women. So thank you for putting yourself out there so that we can see what is possible.

Well, thank you, it's been an absolute pleasure. Love talking to you. Thank you. Bye bye.

Thank you so much for listening. I can't tell you how much it means to me. If you liked the podcast, please rate and review us on iTunes, it'll help other people find the show. If you want to connect or reach out, follow along on Instagram and Facebook at Lessons From a Quitter and on Twitter at QuitterPodcast, I would love to hear from you guys and I'll see you on the next episode.