Toxic Jobs
Ep. 218
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This is Part 3 of a 3-part series on Toxic Work Environments. 

The term “toxic” is thrown around so often that it has all but lost its meaning. It’s hard to know what truly is toxic and what is something we just don’t like. 

In this series, I’ll dive into how to start discerning what is toxic, what you have control over and how to think about your career in a way that will serve you. 

Part 1 dealt with Toxic Coworkers.

Part 2 dealt with Toxic Bosses and other people who have a direct impact on your job. 

This episode dives into how you can manage your mind around jobs that have toxic hours, tasks, or conditions that are not ideal.

Show Transcript
Hey, welcome to Lessons From a Quitter where we believe that it is never too late to start over. No matter how much time or energy you spent getting to where you are, if ultimately you are unfulfilled, then it is time to get out. Join me each week for both inspiration and actionable tips so that we can get you on the road to your dreams.

Hello, my friends. Welcome to another episode. I'm so excited you are here. Before we jump in, I wanted to let you know that this is the last chance to get on my wait list to know about my new program and to become one of the founding members. Here's the deal: I'm gonna launch in about a week and I'm only launching to people that are on the wait list because I am still kind of working out all of the little kinks of what this program is gonna be. And I'm looking for a group of people who are gonna be the ones to test it out, to gimme feedback, to help me make it the best thing possible. And for that, I'm gonna give them a substantial discount, 50% off. So if you think that you want more help with your career, if you wanna stop being unhappy every day when you get up and you have to go to work, if you wanna stop the stress and the burnout, if you want more work life balance, if you wanna figure out what career you wanna do, if you want the support to go after a new career, all of that will be covered in this program. I can't wait to launch it. So go to quitter if you wanna know more and you wanna get on the wait list. Make sure you're on that wait list, otherwise you won't know when doors open and doors close and you won't be able to access it. So I want you all there. So make sure you go to Okay, jumping in. Today we are gonna do the last and final installment of our series on toxic work environments. So if you haven't listened to the other two episodes, I would suggest starting there because this will build on some of the topics that we've discussed, especially in part one, which was episode 216, where I talked a lot about why even using the word toxic is problematic, how it's become a buzzword, how it doesn't really mean much anymore and how it can sort of box us in to thinking that we have no way of controlling a situation or controlling how we show up or our experience. Which if you listen to this podcast, you know I don't believe, right. So start there but we talked in episode one about toxic coworkers or people that don't directly impact your day-to-day job but people that you have to work with. In last week's episode, 217, we talked about toxic bosses or managers or people who do impact your day-to-day work and how to handle that. And today I'm gonna round it out with what to do when you believe that the work, the type of work you are doing, is quote unquote toxic. And what I mean by that is, you know, it could be a lot of different things. It could be the hours you're working. It could be the type of work that you're doing. It could be the conditions of your work. So for instance, a lot of my friends that are lawyers, my previous life in what a lot of people call big law, which is the top, I don't know, a hundred law firms.
Oftentimes, the work that is done in big law is considered toxic because it is very long hours. Oftentimes, there's just fires constantly to put out so you're working 24 hours straight. You don't really have um control over your own schedule. You're basically at their beck and call and you have to drop anything and everything. And there's lots of really bad stories about people being, you know, asked to work when they're in the hospital or when they just had a baby or all these really crazy things. So that is probably an instance where people would consider that toxic but it's other ways too, you know, there's a lot of people that work in healthcare and whether that be the hours like you're working a night shift and so you're kind of on a different schedule than everybody else in the world and maybe your own family and your children. And that puts a lot of strain on or it could just be like the trauma that you have to deal with, the type of care that you're giving, right? If you're doing end of life things, maybe if you're doing you're in any type of healthcare with children that could obviously be very triggering for some people to see children that are sick day in and day out. Social workers, you know, things like this where you're drawn to help. This actually tends to happen a lot in the nonprofit world. And I think in people who do go into service industries because they wanna help a specific population because you're drawn to help and it comes from this good place but they're oftentimes you're helping people that are in need and that need can there's like you know, vicarious and kind of secondary trauma of witnessing people in a lot of need that may not often get the help that they need. And there might be a lot of suffering or sadness associated with that. And a lot of times, unfortunately, typically people in need are in industries where you're not compensated as well. And for whatever reason, we don't put a lot of value because we don't pay them. So whether it's in healthcare, I mean, I say this from my own experience. When I was a public defender, I was very much drawn to the work of being a voice for the voiceless, being a voice for people that sort of get run over by our justice system and don't really get a fair shake. And being in that line of work was very fulfilling in one sense and extremely traumatic because I didn't know how to manage my own mind. And so I became very burned out by seeing the carnage of the justice system and not really feeling like I could do anything to help and not feeling as though there was anything like it felt as though you're just a cog in the wheel and you're not really changing anything. And over time that can kind of grind you down. And so really any, it could be any of the above. It could even be things, obviously I'm not this isn't like an exhaustive list. There's other types of work that people might be doing. There's obviously very dangerous work whether you're a fireman or a police officer or in the line of duty or doing something where you might get killed. Like there's a lot of different ways where we may describe that work as more more toxic than other normal nine to five jobs. Okay. So if you fall in this where you think that the hours, the conditions, the type of work that you're doing is what is adding an unreasonable amount of stress to your life, is causing a lot of the burnout, I wanna talk about how you can deal with that, right? So part of what we've done in the last two episodes that we've talked about is like really understanding where the locus of control is, like understanding what do I control here and what do I not control. And focusing on that, like that's the only place that you have power. And I think that oftentimes we think when we end up in a certain type of career, we create this story or it it ends up feeling as though we don't have a choice anymore. Like we got pigeonholed in something or we've chosen something and now this is my lot in life. And woe is me, right? Like it's a very difficult career and there's nothing I can do. And one of the things I really want you to understand with this whole series is that we always have a choice and we always have control over how what we do and how we show up. And so where I want you to start with this is asking yourself like why did I choose to do this work? Why do I want to do this work? Right. And whatever that answer is is totally fine. It's just we're gonna really understand like okay, I'm choosing to do this job because I love helping this community. Right. I think that it's really important that somebody help this population. I want the money, right? A lot of my friends that work in big law, we do it because they pays a really good salary and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with wanting money. It's the resource that makes all of our lives go around in our society. And it's good to just know and understand like why am I doing this? Okay. Like I'm choosing to do this because it pays me an X amount of dollars or because I love the type of job or maybe because a night shift helps me be able to be there when my kids come home from school, whatever it is. Like we all have different reasons and understanding that is really important because one, it's your why and it can help you find motivation to continue doing something that seems hard. But again, it very quickly brings us back into the fact that like I'm choosing to do this, right. I can choose to help another population. I can choose to make less money. I can choose to find childcare and not be there when my kids get home. Those are all a choice. And I think oftentimes when we don't think we have a choice is when we get into this like helpless victim mentality, as opposed to understanding like why am I choosing this? And the second reason why I want you to know why you're choosing it is because then you start realizing like how long am I willing to do this for? What is the game plan? Right. I think often the reason that we feel so burned out or we feel so helpless is that there often doesn't seem like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. We think like I've now signed up to do this and then this is it for the rest of my life. And if there's anything I've taught you on this podcast is that that's not true. Right. And I think that we don't realize the power in knowing the difference between a short term and a long-term goal. Okay. So for instance, if I'm at a big law firm or, you know, let's say I'm in finance and I go work at some big, I dunno, finance institution or I'm a consultant and I wanna work for McKinsey or Bain because I want the salary. Like I want the money. I want the networking. I want that on my resume. I want that to be a launchpad to another career I wanna do. Great. How long am I willing to do this? Right. If I decide that I'm gonna do this for two years versus life, like I'm in it for life, it's a very different calculation, right? There's a difference in how I'm gonna manage my mind because I don't have to love this. I can know like I'm doing this because I wanna save money to pay off my loans. Like that's what I did. When I went to big law, when I left law school, I knew I was one of those people that had gone to law school to go into public defense, to go work for the government, to go do something that I felt really passionate about. But I also knew that I had six figures in debt and I didn't want that debt hanging over me. And I was very privileged in the fact that I could move back in with my parents and not pay rent and that I could get a very high paying job. And so I chose to do that. I decided, you know what, I wasn't married. I didn't have kids and I could go back and work this job. And I knew that I was only going to do it for two years cause I had just calculated. Like if I save all of my money and use it to pay off my loans, I can pay off a substantial portion of my loans in two years and I can move on and do work that I know is not gonna pay as much. And I know that I won't have the income to pay repay my loans. I'm not saying this is the right or wrong way of doing it, I could have done loan forgiveness. I could have done a lot of other things. I just didn't want to. I was like I want to get out from underneath these loans. Like that was important to me. And so that's why I chose to go to that job. And so when I was there, there was no delusion that I was gonna stay there. I didn't get comfortable with the salary. It wasn't like this is what's gonna hit my bank account every month. It was this is gonna serve a purpose and I'm gonna use this in order to launch the next thing that I wanna do, right. For me it was the money, for somebody else it might be like the resume, right. Or it might be the networking opportunity that you get. I know a lot of people that work at McKinsey or Bain, these are like big consulting firms that a lot of people out of MBA schools, it's like a coveted role. And they're also known for being just, I mean, you work insane numbers of hours but for a lot of people, it just makes sense to do it for two years because then you can launch your career to one of these big name corporations, right. You can go to Apple or Google or wherever it is that people want to go. And so it's an investment. It's like okay, I'm gonna bide my time for these two years. And I'm gonna do this work that I don't wanna do in order to get to this other place. And that's totally okay. And when you do that, you can then manage your mind around the fact that like of course, I'm not gonna love it. Of course, it's gonna be a lot of hours. Of course, I'm gonna save all of my money. I'm not gonna be able to like spend a lot of money right now. That's what I'm choosing to do. This is my choice. And I don't have to make it more dramatic than that. Right. Cause I think what I saw at big law was a lot of people who didn't wanna be there, were obviously there for the money, but didn't know what else they wanted to do, didn't really have an idea of what they would leave for. So then they got caught in the fact of like well, you know, I'm in a very high paying job. I shouldn't just leave cuz everybody else thinks that this is something that is good. And so year after year, when there seems like there's no end in sight because it's very difficult to cut that kind of gravy train off, right. It's very difficult to say like oh, you know what? Now I don't wanna make $250,000. Like that's a very difficult thing to do to be like I'm just gonna make half of what I'm making. And so, so many of us end up staying places where we don't wanna be. I can't tell you how many people told me they were gonna be in big law for a year or two and then we're still there seven years later and still hated their lives because it was like you just get sort of comfortable and you get caught, you get these whole golden handcuffs and you decide the money is worth it. And so I want you to make a really conscious decision. Like if you are telling me that your work is toxic, if you are telling me that the schedule and the demands and the way that they have access to you is something that you don't want, then we need to decide how long are we willing to do it for? Right. It might not be that I can quit right now. Maybe right now, financially, I need it. Great. How long do I need it for? What is that financial plan? Is it six months? Is it a year? Is it two years? I don't even care. It could be three years. It could be five years. Just make the decision so that you know, so that you know you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So you can understand that like I'm making this choice consciously and I'm not just getting caught in the fact that like everybody else is telling me I should do this. Right. So when you know those two things, when you know why you're doing it and you know how long you wanna do it for, it becomes so much more manageable. All of a sudden, a lot of the stress and the rumination and the constant like mental baggage of this is the worst. I hate it here. I don't wanna be here. I can't live like this. It's not fair that they keep emailing me. I don't wanna work on weekends. All of that stuff can we can stop engaging in it as much. It's like yeah, I signed up for this for two years. I'm gonna pay off all my loans. I'm gonna save my nest egg. I'm gonna buy the house. I'm gonna do whatever it is I need to do with this money, which is why I'm signing up for this. And then I'm gonna leave. And then I'm gonna decide that this is enough. Like I don't wanna live like this. Okay. That's for my people who you're not there for the love of the job, you're there for the money. You're there for maybe the experience, the exposure, the networking. That's how I want you to deal with it. For my other people who are there for the love of it, who are the martyrs, are the bleeding hearts or the people that have just chosen something because you're drawn to it. And that is fantastic. And maybe you're really passionate about it, I want you to understand also why you're doing it. What is that love for that job? Get a list going of all of the reasons you want to be there because that's gonna be a list that you're gonna refer back to when things are getting really hard. And when things are not good, like those are the thoughts I want you to like try to redirect. But I want you to think about if you are there long-term, if it's like this is what I wanna be doing. The biggest thing that I think causes so much stress and makes it so toxic for us is how you define your role there. Okay. So I want you to ask yourself what is my role and what is the standard that I'm holding myself to in this role? Okay. So what I mean by that is like if you are a doctor and you are helping sick children let's say. What do you think your obligations or your role as that doctor is? And what is the standard that you are holding yourself to with respect to all of your patients? Because typically it's an impossible standard that you will never meet. What I see most the time when people have toxic work environments and it might be cuz it's a very emotional type of job is that they expect themselves to be perfect. So if I'm a doctor or a nurse or if I'm working as a social worker or whatever it is, what I've defined as success is that I save every single person I come into contact with. I make a complete difference in every single person's life, right? As a doctor like I'm always doing 110%. I'm always, I don't know, like whatever that standard is, we create these perfectionist standards because we care so much, right? Because we believe that this population needs help. And we think we're doing a good thing. We think that having that high standard, right, we've all been taught that like that is a mark of a good employee, a good doctor, a good lawyer, whatever. And it's like a mark of a good person but I want you to understand that it is setting you up for failure. You can have, like people tell me, you know, like I give 110% and I'm always like that's impossible. There's no such thing. We can only give a hundred percent. That's how math works. Right. But when we've been ingrained with this idea that it has to be 110%, think about the message that that gives to us that it's never enough. I always, cause if I ask you like are you giving 110% as a, you know, as a parent, as a spouse, in your own life, at your job, if you really think about it, you'll always come up with the answer of no because there's always more you could do. And if that's the standard you're holding yourself to, you're always gonna feel like you're failing, right? If you have to be perfect in order to show up for these people, if you think that perfection is required, you will let yourself down which means you will let them down, right? Because you will spend your time constantly telling yourself how you're failing at it, constantly telling yourself that you're not doing a good enough job. And then you'll start telling yourself that this job is too hard, right? That this job is impossible that I can't keep up with the standard, but you are setting that standard. And I want you to think about it in this way. Like I always think about this now from my own perspective, like from my own experience. When I was a lawyer and I was a public defender, my role was to represent people before their executions. I represented, I did capital habeas cases. What that means is it's just capital cases, people that were sentenced to death row, we did their federal appeals, which is their last appeal. Okay. So they've already gone through, you know, when you hear like people are on death row, have been on death row for 20 years and they've gone through a myriad of of state appeals usually. And then the federal appeals, the last appeal that the federal government basically wants to make sure that everything was handled properly before they take somebody's life. And so that's where we come in. The clients that I represented had been in prison for 10, 15, 20 years. And we would be kind of the last ditch effort to stop an execution. Now I am very much against the death penalty. I obviously did this work because I felt very passionately about it. And technically it was a life or death situation, right? Like if we lost our appeals, our clients would be executed. Now, in my brain and a lot of people that were doing this kind of work because it's such high stakes and because people's lives were at stake, there is such a heightened level of emotion that was involved. And clearly, I thought my role was to save every single person from the death penalty. Right. And I had defined my role to be that like if I ever failed at that, if we lost our appeals, then I was the failure. And I was the reason that this person was going to lose their lives. And needless to say, that puts an unbearable amount of pressure and guilt on somebody. Right. And when I look back now and I've talked about this a lot, like the level of stress I put on myself, all it did was burn me out. It didn't magically save my clients. It didn't change death penalty laws. Right. It wasn't like I all of a sudden, because I put that level of guilt and shame and um pressure on myself, all of a sudden my appeals were flying through and being accepted. And, you know, these sentences were being overturned. That's not what happened. And when you look at the reality of what well, when I looked back now and I'm like you're set not that you're set up to fail, the way the system works is that by the time they come to federal court, basically like tons of other state courts have already looked at the case and the chance like the percentage of cases that we would actually get reversed, that we would actually be able to win in federal court is minuscule. Like we're talking 1%, right? Like that's the the stats of it. And so when you go into something where the deck is stacked against you and really you are here, what I realize now, when I look back at the job and I realize oh, what my role actually was was to ensure that I truly looked and saw whether every single legal protection was given to my clients, that things were done by the standard of law, that they were actually given good trial attorneys and good state attorneys and that people didn't, you know, there's oftentimes very like malpractice, other things that are going in. My job was to be an advocate for this person and to do it to the best of my ability that I could at the time and to put, you know, as many good faith arguments that I could in front of the courts. And that was it. That's all I could do. Right. And I didn't have any of these tools so I didn't really know how to manage my own brain around this. But I realize now when I had created a standard that was impossible for me to meet, right. I was up against a system that was not going to find in my client's favor most of the time, right. They'd created a system where people believe that the death penalty should be a thing. And they're most likely going to run most people that get through this like system. And like whatever your opinions are on the death penalty, I don't actually care for the purposes of this podcast. I'm just trying to say that like when I created a standard that I could not live up to, of course, I created a lot of stress for myself. And when I look back now and I think about it and I think who was served by that? My clients weren't served by me quitting, by me getting burned out. Right now there's less people that are helping them because I was so upset that I couldn't do more that I was like I can't do this at all. And I see this all the time when I coach people because I see people in the healthcare profession let's say as like another example or let's say a social worker or whatnot. And it's like I have to save every single person that I work with. Like that's the standard. I have to be perfect as a doctor or a nurse or whatnot. I can never make a mistake. And I've heard people say this like I can never make a mistake. And I'm like how's that gonna work out for you? Because there's literally human error. Like it's impossible for you not to make a mistake. So if you've set the standard that you're never allowed to make a mistake because this is a vulnerable population or because the work that you're doing is important. And I don't doubt that it is important, but all you're doing is creating a standard that you won't ever be able to live up to. And when that happens, you will then beat yourself up. You will then tell yourself that you're not good at this. You'll tell yourself you're not cut out for this. You'll tell yourself that it's the job, that it's impossible but it's the standard that's impossible. The job isn't. When we all take a step back and truly understand like what is my job? Right. I was recently coaching a doctor on this because he does very important work like very important for a population that doesn't have this kind of representation. And he's so passionate about it which is fantastic. Right. But his idea of what his standard was was to help every single person. And so he was doing the job of three doctors because they didn't the establishment that he worked at wasn't hiring other people for whatever reason. And so when we talked about this of like okay, you're telling me that you're doing the job of three people and you have a standard that you have to be perfect at it. How's that gonna work? Right. What if we just decided that maybe I can't save a hundred percent of people, maybe I can't even show up a hundred percent of the time cuz that's usually impossible too for people. What if I showed up 70% of the time? Like my 70% of my best, right? And again, before I say this, I'm gonna give a caveat cuz people are gonna be like well I can't just phone it in and I don't want and I'm not saying that I'm not saying that like you have to just like phone it in and not care. What I'm saying is that like if I ha 10 clients or patients or whatever, I may not get to 10. I may not be able to and I can rake myself over the coals and I can feel super guilty and I can beat myself up that I didn't get to all 10 or I can understand that I'm human and I can only get to seven of them. That's all I'm gonna be able to do. And so those other three, I don't know what's gonna happen to them. Maybe the hospital has to send them out to somebody else. Maybe they have to hire someone because they realize hey, I'm not gonna get to these other three. Maybe I put up my boundaries. Can I be okay? Because let me tell you seven outta 10 is better than zero outta 10 when you quit. So many of us leave these jobs because we're so burned out because we couldn't get to every single person. We couldn't change the whole entire system. We couldn't make sure that every person gets the care that they need. And so the reality is like when we start looking like yes, these systems are flawed. Yes. We look work in institutions where there isn't enough funding, where we don't have the resources and that's frustrating. And I can either ruminate over and over and over again about how unfair it is and how much it sucks and how, you know, like I don't have the resources I need to, you know, do whatever or I can decide like okay, so what is my standard with the resources I have? What can I do? Right? What if the standard just became that within the hours that I have, within the capacity that I have, within the funding that I have, I will do my best to, you know, whatever that is, make sure that my clients are represented. I will always try to do the best job that I can. And I will have a lot of compassion and grace for myself that I'm human and I'm gonna mess up and I'm gonna make mistakes. And that's okay too. I want you to understand how different of an experience you can have in the same exact job that you're in when you change the definition of what your role is there, when you change the standard with which you're holding yourself at. And again, that doesn't mean that you don't have to give it whatever you wanna give it. You can give it 110%. You can give it whatever you want. Well, you can't give 110%. We've already discussed that but you know what I mean. But like can you have compassion and grace because you will inevitably slip up. Like what my standard is right now is going to be different than what my standard is when let's say I'm grieving the loss of a parent or when I have a baby or when there is no funding and one of my colleagues leaves and I have their caseload. Like can I start understanding that there is no perfectionist standard that I have to meet? That I always have to be a robot that is able to get to everything, check off every single to-do list, never make a mistake, never have an oversight. Like that is the quickest way for me to get into burnout is to hold myself to that standard. And I know a lot of you are gonna be like well, that's the standard my boss holds me to and that's fine but it's not because the thing is is that yes, of course they want you to do better and they're gonna push you to do better and that's fine. But they also want you to keep working. Right? A lot of times in these jobs, especially ones that are like quote unquote toxic, there is a problem with people leaving. We've all seen this, whether it's in big law or it's in healthcare or it's social workers or it's teachers or it's, whatever it is, there is a problem with people leaving because these are high stress situations. And so the people that you are working with want you to stay. And so if part of you staying is underst-like being human and giving yourself that compassion of being human, you have to get really honest with yourself of like is that gonna be something I'm gonna get fired for? And if it is then may so be it in my mind. I think about that and I think about like if me taking care of my mental health and really what I could give was what was gonna get me fired then I wasn't meant for that job. Then it's better that I find something else. But I promise you, I think for the most part that that's not what happens. For the most part, the people that I see that are in these quote unquote toxic work environments is from a good place. It's from a place of they're so dedicated. They're such overachievers. They are such perfectionists. They want to help so badly. And they think that the change is in like how do I balance more work? Or how do I get more things done? Or how do I wake up earlier? And it's like that none of that is what the answer is. The answer is lowering my perfectionism. The answer is giving myself compassion. The answer is knowing that I'm never gonna get through everything and that's okay. I can still show up and do this job. The answer is changing the definition of that role. And all of this comes down to me changing my own thoughts and mindset about this job. This is a difficult job for sure. No doubt about it, right? It's not a typical nine to five. Fine. How do I wanna show up for this? If I've chosen to do this and I know my why, whether that's because I wanna make money and I'm gonna do it for short term, whether that's because I love it and I wanna do it for the long term, if I know my why, can I determine like what does success mean for me now in this season? How do I wanna define it? And a lot of us want to define it by perfectionist standards because we think that makes us feel better because we want to hold ourselves to that standard. And I just implore you to kind of really think about what standard you're like setting for yourself. Because if you're setting something up where you're constantly going to fail, there's only so much you can deal with of that, right? Failing like that feels like crap. And after a while, you're gonna get sick of failing. So you're gonna be like you know what, I just can't do it. And you're gonna create this story that you weren't cut out for it. When in reality you were just holding yourself to a standard that was never possible to me. So as a recap, the two questions that I want you to ask yourself is why am I doing this work? Why do I wanna do this? For how long? And how do I wanna define my role? And the last thing I'll leave you with, I want you to ask yourself constantly, how can I not add to my distress here? How can I not add to my stress here? Typically, you're gonna be working in a job that already has a lot of stress. So you have to really understand what are my unhelpful thoughts about this job, right? Like we talked about this last episode, a lot of us get really upset about how it's run or the things that I have to do. Like I get a lot of people like I don't like to fill in my time sheet. Okay, well, that's part of the job. So you can be really upset about it or you can just decide like this is part of my job. I have to fill in a time sheet every day. Right? How can I change my thoughts about that? And so I want you to see like where are places where I cannot add to my own stress, where are place unhelpful thoughts about the job where I can be like hey, this is part of the gig. Do I wanna do it or not? And when I'm choosing to do it, can I not give it more brain energy? And then where are things where I really need to like change how I'm looking at it? I need to change how I define it. I need to change how much grace I give myself. I need to change how much compassion I'm giving. I need to change how much rest I have, how much rest I think I'm allowed. Right? A lot of us like don't take vacations cause we think there's nobody else to take on my job and everything is gonna fall apart. But the reality is is like not taking that rest or that vacation is what's causing you to wanna quit, is what's causing you to burn out, right? Like do we want somebody in these roles that is so burned out that they can't actually give the type of care or the type of service that we would want in that role. And so all of these are questions that you have to ponder and all of these are questions that you get to answer for yourself, regardless of what your job answers for you, what your work says you have to do. And all of these come down to your thoughts and beliefs about your job and your role and your standard. They all happen within your head. Isn't like this is the most insane part where it's like so much of our problems can be solved by us changing the way that we think about it instead of having to change the whole job. And if you want help with this, this is exactly the type of work that we're gonna be doing in my new program. This is the type of work that you can come and get coaching on every single week so we can talk about your specific situation and the thoughts that you have that are causing so much distress. And it's the type of work where we can slow down and figure out like how can I like exactly where I'm at? So if you wanna be a part of this new program, go to and sign up to be on the wait list so that you get notified as soon as doors are opening. Alright my friends, I hope this series was helpful. If you have any comments or anything that I didn't cover, please DM me and let me know. I would love to maybe add to it. Otherwise, I will see you guys next week for another episode.

Thank you so much for listening. If you liked this episode, share it with someone else. I promise you know somebody who also hates their job and wants to quit, so why not share the love? And if you want to come follow along for more, come join me on Instagram at LessonsFromAQuitter and make sure you say hi. I'll see you next week for another episode.